The Rapid Seeding Awards offered by Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) and Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC) are continuing for another year. For this round, beginning in Spring of 2024, the ICC/GLRC is committing another $100,000 in rapid research grants for projects conducted in the Spring, Summer, and Fall semesters of 2024.
The intent of this opportunity is to provide faculty and research staff funds for idea development and data collection that will quickly enable large externally sponsored funding requests.
Proposals will be accepted from Michigan Tech tenured, tenure-track, and research faculty; and research scientists and engineers. Any individual researcher is eligible to receive up to one award per calendar year as a Principal Investigator (PI).
Applications are due on November 1 (for Spring award), March 1 (for Summer award), and July 1 (for Fall award). Awards will be announced within 1 month of the funding cycle deadline. Projects should have a duration of one semester with request amounts not to exceed $10,000.
Awardees must be an affiliated member of the GLRC and/or ICC and are expected to assign a Center/Institute of the GLRC or ICC to any subsequent proposals and awards generated using the data developed/enabled with the rapid seedling funding.
The application form, additional information, and instructions can be found in the Member Resources section of the GLRC Institute webpage and on the ICC website. Questions will be addressed by emailing glrc-icc-admin-l@mtu.edu.