Michigan Tech faculty and students traveled to IEEE’s Frontiers in Education Conference, held Oct. 18-21 in College Station, Texas, and presented a plethora of scholarly work.
- “Learn how to design high-quality qualitative educational research! – A workshop for disciplinary STEM faculty by disciplinary STEM faculty”
Co-facilitated by Michelle Jarvie-Eggart (EF) with John R. Morelock (University of Georgia), Heather Chenette (Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology), Sara Hooshangi (Virginia Tech), Sarah Wilson (University of Kentucky), Iglika Pavlova (University of North Carolina Greensboro) and Rebecca M. Reck (University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign). - “Work-In-Progress: Preliminary Work Introducing Automated Code Critiques in First-Year Engineering MATLAB Programming”
Presented by Laura Albrant (CLS graduate student) with co-authors Pradnya Pendse (CS Ph.D. student), Mary E. Benjamin (CEGE Ph.D. student), Michelle Jarvie-Eggart and Jon Sticklen (both EF), and Laura Brown and Leo C. Ureel II (both CS). - “Work-In-Progress: Python Code Critiquer, A Machine Learning Approach”
Presented by Pradnya Pendse (CS Ph.D. student) with co-authors Laura Albrant (CLS graduate student), Daniel T. Masker (CS Ph.D. student), Laura Brown and Leo C. Ureel II (both CS), and Jon Sticklen and Michelle Jarvie-Eggart (both EF). - “Co-sharing secondary qualitative research data to understand technology adoption in engineering education courses”
Co-presented by Michelle Jarvie-Eggart (EF) and Dominik May (University of Wuppertal, Germany), with co-authors Deborah Moyaki (University of Georgia Ph.D. student), Katrina Carlson (CLS M.S. student) and Landon Smith (University of Georgia undergraduate student). - “Extending the Usability of WebTA with Unified ASTs and Errors”
Presented by Joseph Roy Teahen (CS Ph.D. student) with co-authors Daniel T. Masker (CS Ph.D. student) and Leo C. Ureel II (CS). - “Engaging Novice Programers: A Literature Review of the Effect of Code Critiquers on Programming Self-efficacy”
Presented by Mary E. Benjamin (CEGE graduate student), with co-authors Michelle Jarvie-Eggart and Jon Sticklen (both EF) and Leo C. Ureel II and Laura Brown (both CS). - “The role of peer dialogue as disruptor in critical ethical analysis for computing students”
Presented by Charles Wallace (CS) with co-author Andrew Ciminski (CS graduate student). - “A Replication Study: Validation of the 19-item Short Form for the MUSIC Inventory for Engineering Student Engagement”
Presented by Susan L. Amato-Henderson (CLS emeritus) with Jon Sticklen (EF). - “Beyond Summer Reading: Enabling Covert Student Learning Through a Cross-Campus Connecting Theme”
Presented by Charles Wallace (CS) with co-authors Laura Fiss (PHS), Brett Hamlin (EF), Heather Love (University of Waterloo), Linda Ott (CS) and Steven Walton (SS). - “An Educational Modeling Software Tool That Teaches Computational Thinking Skills Through STEM Classes”
A poster by Dominika Bobik, Pradnya Pendse, Katie H. Ulinski, Trevor X. Petrin, Rhys W. Brockenshire and Leo C. Ureel II (CS).