Graduate student Ketan Patil, MS in Computer Science, will present his final oral examination (defense) on Wednesday, April 3, 2024, from 2:30-3:30 pm in Rekhi 101. The title of Patil’s talk is, “From Technical Resolution to Agile Evolution: A Blended Role at Humane Interface Design Enterprise (HIDE).”
Talk Abstract
This report presents an overview of my tenure at the Humane Interface Design Enterprise (HIDE) as a Technical Consultant and Agile Process Analyst from Spring 2023 to Fall 2023. My experiences as an IT Analyst Intern at Milwaukee Tool and a Data Engineer at UST, combined with a strong focus on user-centric software solutions and technical leadership, have shaped my career path significantly. These roles, alongside my keen interest in Software Engineering and Project Management honed during my time at Milwaukee Tool, have collectively driven my decision to join HIDE. This document aims to articulate the evolution of my professional goals throughout my time there, and the significant personal and professional development I gained. It underscores my skills, knowledge, and contributions to the projects and the software development process at HIDE, reflecting on the impactful experiences that have shaped my growth in the software engineering discipline.