Congratulations to College of Computing students Nirmal Raja Karuppiah Loganathan (Data Science MS), Venkata Naga Rithika Ponnuru (Computer Science MS), and Nithish Raja Karuppiah Loganathan (Data Science MS)!
The students’ team, TRISION, took 2nd place at the 21nd NMU Programming Contest, which took place March 23, 2024, at Northern Michigan University, Marquette.
Four teams from Michigan Tech participated in the competition
- The Juggling Club: Matthew Staats, Walker Schumann, Naseem Dhaouadi
- TRISION: Nirmal Raja Karuppiah Loganathan, Venkata Naga Rithika Ponnuru, Nithish Raja Karuppiah Loganathan
- wetbread: Tagore Kosireddy, Kevin Lee, Dylan Kangas
- Maverick: Atharva Joshi, Daniel Masker
Overall Contest Results:
- 1st Place Team: LSSU
- 2nd Place Team: MTU – TRISION
- 3rd Place Team: NMU
- 1st Place Overall: MTU
- 2nd Place Overall: NMU
- 3rd Place Overall: LSSU
Congratulations to all Team TRISION and all MTU participants!