From Keweenaw Report, published April 3, 2024.
For a second year, Michigan Tech University will combine art with technology over four days. The Institute of Computing and Cybersystems’ Art in Silico computational exhibition explores the intersection where creativity and computing collide. During the exhibition, the institute has partnered with the Copper Country Community Arts Center to host artwork and a reception tomorrow evening.
“From weaving that is informed by a computation. So we have a submission from a mathematician, Dr. Robert Schneider, that combines number theory with weaving. And then we also have student submissions that use generative AI techniques together with other methods to produce fine arts. It’s just a really exciting exhibition. We have about 20 pieces that you can view at the CCCAC, and we hope you come down to see them.” – Tim Havens, Director of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems, Michigan Technological University
Before meeting some of the artists and viewing tech’s more artsy side. Tonight Art in Silico invites Keynote Speaker Chantel Rodier from the University of Ottawa. Her presentation will explore the recent rise of generative AI breaking art and programming barriers.
“And she works at that confluence of computing and art. She has a background in both computer science and math and then fine arts training after that. And so she’s a resident artist at the University of Ottawa in the College of Engineering. And so her whole goal is to teach engineers, mathematicians, and scientists how to use artistic thinking to better their design process.” – Tim Havens, Director of the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems, Michigan Technological University
The Art in Silico Keynote will begin at 5 pm this evening inside the Great Lakes Research Center Room 202. A remote keynote with Ryan Stec will explore how Generative AI enables artistic individuals to explore the world of programming. The Art in Silico exhibition opening reception tomorrow evening will begin at 4:30 pm, with the main reception beginning at 5:30 pm. Those interested in learning more about the art in silico exhibition can find more details here.