PhD Student Blade Frisch, Computer Science, to Present Dissertation Proposal

PhD student Blade Frisch, Department of Computer Science, will present his dissertation proposal on Monday, May 20, 2024, at 10 am via Zoom online meeting. The title of the proposal is, “Designing Augmentative and Alternative Communication for Social and Community Engagement.”

Frisch is advised by Associate Professor Keith Vertanen, Computer Science.

Join the Zoom meeting.

Proposal Abstract

Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) is a field of research and clinical practice that compensates for a communication impairment. This communication impairment can be caused by a developmental disability, such as Down syndrome or Cerebral Palsy, or an acquired disability, such as ALS or aphasia. AAC can take many forms, from low-tech picture boards to high-tech, software-based communication systems. With the rise of affordable mobile technologies, high-tech AAC has become more accessible to people and the scope of communication desires has grown in kind. This research seeks to develop a new high-tech AAC system design targeting communication in social- and community-based contexts. We will use a mixed-methods approach, starting with an online focus group to gather stories on how people are currently using their AAC systems in these settings, then designing and developing a new AAC system using a community-based, participatory design approach. Finally, we will conduct an intervention with the prototype in a naturalistic setting, measuring performance before and after introducing the new design.