Associate Professor Bo Chen, Department of Computer Science, has been named a Class of 2023 Fellow of the European Alliance for Innovation (EAI). Chen was named a Distinguished EAI member in 2022.
Chen served as the General Chair of the 2023 EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles (SmartSP ’23) and as the General Chair of 2021 EAI International Conference on Applied Cryptography in Computer and Communications (AC3 ’21).
Each year, EAI members are selected for recognition for their achievements in academia as well as their outstanding contributions to the EAI community, playing key roles in EAI conferences, contributing to the publication of new research and the furthering of progress.
This year’s list of EAI Fellows includes 46 academics and research professionals from universities and research institutions from every corner of the world.
EAI is a non-profit organization with the largest open professional society dedicated to advancing careers through community collaboration and fair recognition. With tens of thousands of members from over 170 countries, EAI provides a leading global platform for research collaboration, fair evaluation, and transparent recognition. EAI membership is free.