Call for Papers: SmartSP 2024 Conference

The Second EAI International Conference on Security and Privacy in Cyber-Physical Systems and Smart Vehicles (SmartSP 2024) invites researchers and developers from academia, industry, and government to submit papers. The conference takes place November 7-8, 2024, in New Orleans, LA.

The conference focuses on theoretical analysis, vulnerability discovery, novel system architecture construction and design, emerging applications, experimental studies, and social impacts of CPS and SV. Both review/survey papers and technical papers are encouraged. SmartSP 2024 also welcomes short papers that summarize speculative breakthroughs, work-in-progress, industry-featured projects, open problems, new application challenges, visionary ideas, and preliminary studies. The full paper deadline is July 15, 2024. Find more details here and on the flyer below..

Associate Professor Bo Chen, Computer Science, serves on the steering committee for the conference.