Category: Academics

RedTeam Achieves Breakthrough in NCL Cybersecurity Competition

The 23 members of the Michigan Tech RedTeam achieved a historic breakthrough in the Spring 2021 National Cyber League (NCL) competition. The primary team finished the capture-the-flag (CTF) team competition 3rd Place in the overall ranking (tied for 1st Place in score). More than 900 teams from across the country participated in the CTF. Students . . .

GenCyber Teacher Camp Is July 19-23, 2021

An NSA/NSF GenCyber Cybersecurity Teacher Camp for K-12 teachers will take place at Michigan Tech the week of July 19 – 23, 2021. The residential camp is offered at no cost to all participants. Topics include fundamental security knowledge, cyber hygiene, and other topics such as email phishing, password management, and cyber ethics. Participants will . . .