Category: Applied Computing

ICC Announces Computing Education Center

The Institute of Computing and Cybersystems has announced the addition of a new research center, the Computing Education Center. Professor Yu Cai, Applied Computing, is director of the new center. “The Computing Education Center promotes research and learning activities related to computing education,” says Cai. “It is bringing together researchers and practitioners to foster collaborations . . .

Weihua Zhou Receives PHF Seed Grant

The Michigan Tech Vice President for Research office has announced the Spring 2020 Research Excellence Fund (REF) awards. Among the recipients is Assistant Professor Weihua Zhou, Applied Computing/Health Informatics, who received a Portage Health Foundation Research Seed Grant. Zhou’s areas of expertise include image processing and computer vision, machine learning, medical image analysis, health informatics, . . .

Sergeyev, Students Earn ASEE Conference Awards

Professor Aleksandr Segeyev, Applied Computing, and a group of Michigan Tech students presented two papers at the 2020 American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Gulf-Southwest Annual conference, which was conducted online April 23-24, 2020. Both papers received conference awards. The Faculty Paper Award “Pioneering Approach for Offering the Convergence MS Degree in Mechatronics and Associate . . .