Jean Mayo (CS), is the principal investigator on a project that received a $130,001 research and development grant from the National Science Foundation. Ching-Kuang Shene (CS) is a co-principal investigator on the project, “EDU:Collaborative:VACCS-Visualization and Analysis for C Code Security.”
Myounghoon “Philart” Jeon (CLS/CS) received a research grant from Equos Research Co., Ltd (a Japanese automotive research company) in the amount of $35,443. The project is entitled “Intuitive Presentation of In-Vehicle Information via Auditory Displays – Phase 1”. This five month project with Equos brings him to a total of four active research grants.
Min Song (CS) has received a $299,716 grant from the National Science Foundation for a research and development project titled, EAGER: NeTS: Under-Ice Mobile Networking: Exploratory Study of Network Cognition and Mobility Control. This is a two-year project.
Soner Onder (CS) has received a $560,000 research and development grant from the National Science Foundation titled, XPS: FULL: FP: Collaborative Research: Sphinx: Combining Data and Instruction Level Parallelism through Demand Driven Execution of Imperative Programs. This is a four year project.
Charles Wallace (CS) is the principal investigator on a research and development project that has received a $218,735 grant from the National Science Foundation. The title of the project is Agile Communicators: Preparing Students for Communication-Intensive Software Development through Inquiry, Critique and Reflection. Also involved with the project are Leo Ureel (CS) and Shreya Kumar . . .
Leo C. Ureel II was awarded a $35,000 Google CS4HS grant, along with co-PIs Charles Wallace and Linda Ott. The purpose of the grant is to establish a U.P.-wide Community of Practice for K-12 computer teachers. The group will be kicking-off the project with a workshop at Michigan Tech in August.