Michigan Tech student Katie Schmidt talks about Copper Country Coders and what it means for the Houghton community at GCEC 2020. View the webpage here. The Copper Country Coders is a program that aims to provide education in Computer Science topics to local middle and high school students. Members of the help to put on . . .
Michigan Tech is one of the top two universities in Michigan and among the best in the country, according to rankings by the website WalletHub, released Monday. When compared to colleges and universities in Michigan, Tech was ranked No. 2. Among the 273 midwest colleges and universities listed, Michigan Tech was rated 30th, up one . . .
ECE Doctoral Defense Tomorrow Computer Engineering doctoral candidate Zhiqiang Zhao will defend at 4 p.m. tomorrow (Oct. 23) via Zoom. The title of his presentation is “High-Performance Spectral Methods for Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits.” Co-advisors are Zhuo Feng (ECE) and Glen Archer (ECE).
Are you thinking about attending graduate school? Are you open to learning about emerging career areas in which you can leverage your undergraduate courses in healthcare or computer science? On Tuesday, October 27, 2020, at 6:00 p.m., via online Zoom meeting, the Health Informatics Master of Science and Accelerated Master’s programs will present a virtual . . .
News provided by Handshake, Oct 12, 2020, 09:00 ET. Read the original article here. Handshake CEO Garrett Lord has been received the Entrepreneur Of The Year® 2020 Northern California Award, as announced October 8, 2020, by Ernst & Young LLP (EY US). Lord is a 2014 alumnus of the Michigan Tech Computer Science B.S. degree program. Handshake has . . .
David Watkins (CEE/SFI) is the principal investigator on a project that has received a $190,764 research and development grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The project is titled “RAPID: COVID-19, Consumption, and Multi-dimensional Analysis of Risk (C-CAR)“. Chelsea Schelly (SS/SFI), Robert Handler (ChE/SFI) and Charles Wallace (CS/SFI) are co-PIs on this one-year project. Extract The . . .