Category: Computer Science

Dr. Soner Onder Receives NSF EAGER Award

Dr. Soner Onder received an NSF Early-concept Grants for Exploratory Research (EAGER) award in the amount of $97,944 in support of his research investigating alternative execution paradigms. The project is titled “EAGER: Combining Data and Instruction Level Parallelism through Demand Driven Execution of Imperative Programs”. Dr. Onder states that demand-driven execution can potentially lead to . . .

Using “Superior” Supercomputer for Advanced Research

Michigan Tech is home to a supercomputer known as “Superior” and this computer is used for a variety of projects by research faculty right here in the Department of Computer Science: Laura Brown, Towards a reliable method for comparing large scale machine learning algorithms Ali Ebnenasir, Computational synthesis of self-stabilizing protocols Chaoli Wang, High-performance parallel . . .