Category: Faculty and Staff

Weihua Zhou, CC, to Present Lecture April 8

by Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics The net virtual graduate Seminar Speaker will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow (April 8) via Zoom. Weihua Zhou (CC) will present “Artificial intelligence for medical image analysis: our approaches. “ Zhou, is an assistant professor of applied computing at Michigan Tech. He has been doing research on medical imaging and informatics . . .

1010 with Jung Bae, Applied Computing, ME-EM

You are invited to spend one-zero-one-zero—that is, ten—minutes with Dr. Jung Yun Bae on Thursday, April 1, from 4:30 to 4:40 p.m. EST. Dr. Bae is an Assistant Professor in the Applied Computing and Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics departments. She will discuss her research, the Applied Computing department, and answer questions. Dr. Bae earned her Ph.D. . . .