Category: Michigan Tech News

Spring Commencement Update

by Registrar’s Office The commencement team has begun planning an exciting celebration for our 2020 and Spring 2021 graduates. Unfortunately, the indoor commencement ceremony has been canceled, and students were recently notified, but that isn’t stopping us from celebrating their successes. In place of the traditional ceremony, graduates will be celebrated in an outdoor event . . .

We Want Your Books and Major Scholarly Works

by University Marketing and Communications If you would like to be highlighted in Michigan Tech’s next Research magazine, send University Marketing and Communications more info via this Google form about your book (or album, performance, or other longform scholarly work in mixed media). Include a link, a cover image, and a way for us to contact you . . .

Michigan Tech Ranked as Best ROI Among Public Schools in Michigan

Michigan Tech was ranked as having the best return on investment (ROI) of any public college in Michigan by In an article published Saturday, “Public College in Every State with the Best ROI,” Stacker listed the public school with the “best bang for the buck,” in each state. Michigan Tech came out on top . . .

Today is #GivingTuesday

 Today (Dec. 1) is #GivingTuesday, a global generosity movement unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities and the world. GivingTuesday was created in 2012 and has grown into a global movement that inspires hundreds of millions of people to give, collaborate, and celebrate generosity. How you can participate at Michigan Tech: . . .

Research Excellence Fund Awards Announced

by Vice President for Research Office The Vice President for Research Office announces the Fall 2020 REF awards. Thanks to the individual REF reviewers and the REF review panelists, as well as the deans and department chairs, for their time spent on this important internal research award process. Research Seed Grants: Sajjad Bigham, Mechanical Engineering-Engineering . . .