by Electrical and Computer Engineering Electrical Engineering Master’s candidate Chinmay Kondekar (advisor: Aleksandr Sergeyev), will present his master’s defense at 11 a.m. Tuesday (April 13) via Zoom. The title of his presentation is “Integration of Robotic and Electro-Pneumatic Systems Using Advanced Control and Communication Schemes.”
by Graduate Student Government This year’s Graduate Research Colloquium organized by the Graduate Student Government was hosted virtually due to COVID restrictions. There were in total 48 presentations — 17 poster presenters and 31 oral presenters. Poster presentations took place in a pre-recorded video style and the oral sessions were hosted live via Zoom. You . . .
by Major Daniel F. Gwosch, Professor of Military Science Are you interested in a DoD career in Cyber Security after Michigan Tech? Join the Arctic Warrior Cadets and learn about DoD Cyber from a panel of subject matter experts. The presentation will be held at 1 p.m. tomorrow (April 9) via Zoom. Presenting are: Colonel Silas . . .
by Office of the Vice President for Research Join us at noon today (April 8) for a special session of the VPR Research Series as we “Meet MTRI.” This event will introduce the team at the Michigan Tech Research Institute and explore opportunities for others in our research community to collaborate with them.
by Karen S. Johnson, Communications Director, College of Computing The Challenge Four Michigan Tech graduate students recently took 6th place in the U.S. Navy’s Artificial Intelligence (AI) Tracks at Sea Challenge, receiving a $6,000 prize. The Challenge solicited software solutions to automatically generate georeferenced tracks of maritime vessel traffic based on data recorded from a . . .
by Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics The net virtual graduate Seminar Speaker will be held at 4 p.m. tomorrow (April 8) via Zoom. Weihua Zhou (CC) will present “Artificial intelligence for medical image analysis: our approaches. “ Zhou, is an assistant professor of applied computing at Michigan Tech. He has been doing research on medical imaging and informatics . . .