Category: News

Michigan Tech’s NSBE Student Chapter Will Reach 1850 Grade 7-12 Students (Virtually!)

Subject: National Society of Black Engineers Michigan Tech’s NSBE Student Chapter Will Reach 1850 Gr. 7-12 Students (Virtually!) in Detroit during 10th Annual Alternative Spring Break Eleven members of Michigan Technological University’s student chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE) Pre-College Initiative (PCI) will present to EVERY middle & high school science class . . .

Cooperative Eco-driving Automation Improves Energy Efficiency, Safety on City Streets

by Kelley Christensen, University Marketing and Communications Connected and automated vehicles, which can interact vehicle to vehicle (V2V) and between vehicles and roadway infrastructure like traffic signals and stop signs (V2I), promise to save energy and improve safety. In a new study published in Transportation Research Part B, Kuilin Zhang (CEE/CS) along with Shuaidong Zhao ’18, now . . .

Spring Commencement Update

by Registrar’s Office The commencement team has begun planning an exciting celebration for our 2020 and Spring 2021 graduates. Unfortunately, the indoor commencement ceremony has been canceled, and students were recently notified, but that isn’t stopping us from celebrating their successes. In place of the traditional ceremony, graduates will be celebrated in an outdoor event . . .

2021 Design Expo Continues As Virtual Event

by Pavlis Honors College The 21st Design Expo will continue virtually, but with a twist! Combining lessons learned from our first successful Virtual Design Expo and the desire to engage student teams synchronously, the Design Expo committee is excited to invite the Michigan Tech community, program friends and sponsors to register for this year’s Design Expo held . . .