PayScale, a compensation analysis web site, has announced the top 25 university computer science programs in the country and Michigan Tech placed 18th. In its 2016-2017 College Salary Report, Payscale ranked 171 colleges and universities with computer science programs based on the median early-career and mid-career pay of the schools’ computer science alumni. Tech’s early-career . . .
The Code Ninjas Workshop for middle school girls is from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday in Rheki 112. Interested in virtual reality? Code Ninjas is for girls interested in programming computers, making and playing games,concerned about the environment and you. Participants will learn about bees, learn to program in Processing, learn how their program . . .
HOUGHTON – Teachers are spreading knowledge of computer science into their classrooms. More than 30 teachers are on Michigan Tech’s campus to learn how. A three day workshop is taking place for teachers from all grade levels across the state and surrounding areas. They’re learning the basic understanding of computer science. Including programming and coding. . . .
Linda Ott, Professor of Computer Science and Associate Dean for Special Initiatives in the College of Sciences and Arts, was welcomed as a guest blogger on seeks to bring science, technology, engineering, and math educators a way to connect their ideas to improve STEM education. In The Thrill of Computer Science For All, Ott . . .
The founder of the Houghton Energy Efficiency Team (HEET), Abhi Kantamneni, won the Heart and Hands of the Keweenaw Award for his concern to help his fellow community members understand the aspects of alternative energy. Abhi will be continuing his graduate studies in Guelph, Ontario and will pursue his passion to help others. Please read the . . .
Midwest Energy News covered an in-depth story about recent work published by Richelle Winkler (SS), Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE), Lucia Gauchia (ECE/MEEM) and CS graduate student Abhilash Katamneni about the economic feasibility of residents leaving the grid in the Upper Peninsula using solar-hybrid systems. See the story here. From Tech Today and Midwest Energy News