Fulbright Ambassador, Dr. Charles Wallace (CS), will offer a workshop and discuss his experience as a Fulbright Scholar. This presentation will be held Monday, November 17th at 6:00 pm in Fisher 131 as part of International Education Week.
World Usability Day (WUD) is an annual event highlighting the importance of humans as participants in technology. In a world where basic infrastructures (including health, education and finance) depend on rapidly changing technologies, World Usability Day organizers call for ways to serve people first. We are taking the spirit of WUD to the Upper Peninsula . . .
Abhilash Kantamneni, a Computer Science Ph.D. candidate, presented research on solar energy in the Upper Peninsula at the Solar Powering Michigan conference. See the complete Michigan Land Use Institute article here. Also, see the October 2, 2014 Keweenaw Now article about Abhilash Kantamneni’s community presentation at the Keweenaw Research Center. Kantamneni was also featured in . . .
Laura Brown and Zhenlin Wang (CS) have received $91,451 of $299,993 from the National Science Foundation for the first year of a three-year research and development project titled “CSR: Small: Collaborative Research: Adaptive Memory Resource Management in a Data Center-A Transfer Learning Approach.”
The Department of Computer Science is offering local students free, hands-on instruction in the basics of computer programming and computer science. Starting Sept. 13, Copper Country Programmers meets from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturdays during the academic year at the Van Pelt and Opie Library. Computer Science faculty and students will teach the . . .
Science and technology are transforming the way we live, and Tim Ward is working to make sure this transformation reaches everyone. Tim is the first student to pursue the Peace Corps Masters International (PCMI) in Computer Science at Michigan Tech, working in the remote Pacific nation of Vanuatu. Students in the program take courses on . . .