Category: Research

Tim Havens Receives $120K Award from Signature Research, Inc.

Tim Havens, College of Computing associate dean for research, has been awarded an 18-month, $120,000 grant by Signature Research, Inc. The project, “Machine Learning for Human-Based Visual Detection Metrics,” contributes to an effort to develop a methodology that predicts the impact to human vision due to the existence of atmospheric particles. Havens is also the . . .

Soner Onder and Dave Whalley Investigate Instruction-level Parallelism

From Florida State University News A Florida State University researcher is working to make computer processors execute applications in a more energy-efficient manner with the help of a new $1.2 million grant from the National Science Foundation. “The general goal is to increase performance but to do it in a manner that is more energy efficient . . .

Nominations Open for Bhakta Rath and Michigan Tech Research Awards

by Vice President for Research Office The Vice President for Research Office is accepting nominations for the Bhakta Rath Research Award. The award offers an opportunity to promote and reward excellence in scientific and engineering research in the fields of physical and natural sciences and engineering. For complete submission guidelines, see Bhakta Rath Research Award. The . . .

Call for Proposals: Research Excellence Fund (REF) and Portage Health Foundation Mid-Career

by Vice President for Research Office Research Excellence Fund Proposals Proposals are being solicited for the Research Excellence Fund (REF) program, an internal award of the Office of the Vice President for Research. Proposals are due no later than 4 p.m. on Thursday, March 5 and must be submitted electronically per the guidelines. For additional . . .

Promote Your Innovation with Social Media Workshop on Jan. 15

by Husky Innovate Husky Innovate to host the workshop, Promote Your Innovation with Social Media on Jan. 15. Billions of dollars have been raised worldwide through crowdfunding. Consequently crowdfunding has gained popularity as an alternative way to finance innovations and entrepreneurial efforts. Typically we think of crowdfunding platforms such as Kickstarter, Indiegogo and Rockethub. But . . .

Rekhi Innovation Challenge

The Rekhi Innovation Challenge is a crowdfunding competition to help promote and support student innovation and entrepreneurship through the use of Superior Ideas. Enterprise and Senior Design teams (not industry-sponsored projects) are strongly encouraged to participate in the competition. The competition will run for the month of February and the team that raises the most money . . .