Assistant Professor Lan “Emily” Zhang, Electrical and Computer Engineering, will present her lecture, “Augmenting Radio Environments for Better Wireless Ecosystems,” on Friday, January 15, 2021, at 3:00 p.m., via online meeting. The lecture is hosted by the Michigan Tech Department of Computer Science. Zhang is a member of the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) research group of . . .
Computer Science graduate student Taylor Morris will present a Master’s Defense on Tuesday, January 5, from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. Presentation Title: “Using Text Mining and Machine Learning Classifiers to Analyze Stack Overflow.” Advisor: Associate Professor Laura Brown, Computer Science Link to the Michigan Tech Events Calendar entry here. Join the Zoom meeting here. (
by Research Development The eighth annual research day event will be held Thursday (Jan. 7). We welcome research faculty from all ranks, research staff, postdocs, and staff who support research to join, learn, and share. The theme for the day is: Research Efficiency; Knowing the right things to optimize your research strategy. All information and . . .
Mobility is an increasingly used word today in conjunction with the advent of automated vehicle technologies, but what else is covered under this term that is often defined as“the ability to move or be moved freely and easily“? Even more importantly, what is happening at Michigan Tech related to Mobility? Dr. Pasi Lautala (CEE) is . . .
Husky Innovate is organizing Innovation Week, a series of innovation themed events the week of January 25 to 29, 2020. Our goal is to provide opportunities for students, faculty and alumni to meet virtually to engage around the topic of innovation. We will host panel discussions, alumni office hours and the Bob Mark Business Model . . .