Tag: Cybersecurity

Kay Oliver, Academic Advisor

Kay Oliver is the academic advisor for all College of Computing graduate-level majors, as well as the undergraduate majors in the Applied Computing department (CNSA, EET, Cybersecurity, Mechatronics). Chances are good that you’ve met Kay. Here’s a bit of background about her education and career. Oliver has an M.A. in educational technology from Michigan State . . .

College of Computing Invites Applications for Two Open Faculty Positions

Are you interested in a faculty position with the new Michigan Tech College of Computing? Do you know someone who is? Michigan Technological University’s College of Computing invites applications for two (2) assistant, associate, or full professor positions to start in August 2021. Areas of particular interest include cybersecurity, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and data science; . . .

Research Excellence Fund Awards Announced

by Vice President for Research Office The Vice President for Research Office announces the Fall 2020 REF awards. Thanks to the individual REF reviewers and the REF review panelists, as well as the deans and department chairs, for their time spent on this important internal research award process. Research Seed Grants: Sajjad Bigham, Mechanical Engineering-Engineering . . .