Candidates for the multiple biomedical and data science faculty position openings in the College of Computing will be visiting campus this semester, including Safa Elkefi.
Candidates for the multiple biomedical and data science faculty position openings in the College of Computing will be visiting campus this semester, including Neerav Kaushal.
The nearly 100 Huskies who graduated with the Michigan Tech College of Computing Class of 2024 at mid-year commencement included cybersecurity major Abby Jurewicz. For her, the milestone is both a personal accomplishment and the continuance of a cherished family tradition. Jurewicz’s parents are both Tech grads. Mom Amy Jurewicz, ’94, earned her bachelor’s in . . .
Guy Hembroff and Jung Yun Bae have been awarded the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems (ICC) Achievement Award, which recognizes ICC members who have made exceptional contributions to the mission of the Institute.
The College of Computing at Michigan Technological University invites applications for multiple tenure track faculty positions in the broad areas of biomedical data science and health informatics. Data Science, in all of its forms, is a major priority for the College, and these positions are critical to that effort. The College currently offers 15 degree . . .
U.S. News & World Report mentioned Michigan Tech on its Online Health Informatics Master’s Degree page. Robert Rollins ’19 ’20 (B.S. Computer Network and System Administration M.S. Health Informatics) was quoted in the degree overview and job outlook sections.