As with every type of organization, Michigan Technological University (also known as “Tech,” “MTU,” and “Michigan Tech”) has a unique language and associated acronyms. The following are some definitions to help you learn Michigan Tech’s unique language.
- Admin: Administration Building
- audit: Taking a course without credit or grade
- by ARR or by arrangement: Student is able to set the time of the class or appointment
- co-curricular: A physical activity course, such as skiing or swimming
- co-op: Professional activity supervised by an experienced professional in a job that places a high degree of responsibility on the student
- co-req or Co-requisite: A course that MUST be taken in combination with the given course
- CRN: Course Registration Number
- degree audit: Form to fill out that lists all the classes to complete a given degree
- DHH: Douglass Houghton Hall, the smallest residence hall
- diff EQ: Differential equations course
- EERC (pronounced “erk”or “E-E-R-C”): Electrical Energy Resources Center
- Gates: The tennis center located near the SDC
- GPA: Grade Point Average
- GRE: Graduate Record Examination taken as a senior for acceptance to graduate school
- HASS (pronounced “hass”): Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences courses that count toward General Education requirements
- Heights: Daniell Heights Apartments
- internship: Summer job within engineering or another given field
- late drop: Dropping a course after the drop date because of extenuating circumstances
- McNair: Residence hall on the east end of campus
- ME-EM (pronounced “meem” or “M-E-E-M”): R.L. Smith Mechanical Engineering–Engineering Mechanics Building
- MUB: The Memorial Union Building
- pass/fail: A grading option for assessing student performance in a course. Taking a course where the grade is not calculated into the GPA and credits may only be counted toward free elective credits in the degree requirements
- PE or Professional Engineer: Licensed engineer that can offer his/her services to the public
- pre-req or prerequisite: A course that MUST be taken prior to taking the given course
- pre-req (C) or concurrent prerequisite: A prerequisite course that MAY be taken during the same semester (concurrently) as the course for which it is a prerequisite
- SDC: Student Development Complex; athletic and recreational facility for use by all students
- special topics course: A class format that allows for special title and focus, which may be different from section to section and from semester to semester
- TBD or To Be Determined: Time offer of a class that will be scheduled around all registered students’
- Union: Memorial Union Building
- USG: Undergraduate Student Government
- Wads: Wadsworth Hall, the largest residence hall
- Walker: The Walker Arts and Humanities Center