Day: May 1, 2014

2014 Engineering Fundamentals Design Presentations & PACE Contest

The 2014 Engineering Fundamentals Design Presentations were held on April 23. Over 50 student teams presented their projects in three classrooms; each team consists of three to four students. The eight finalist teams presented to judges from the PACE Partners for the Advancement of Collaborative Engineering Education Competition on April 24.

Photos of the winning teams and finalists are in the Photo Gallery, followed by photos of some of the other fifty teams.

PACE judges selected first place, second place, etc. presentations.

Design Expo 2014

The Design Expo highlights hands-on, discovery-based learning at Michigan Tech. More than 600 students in Enterprise and Senior Design teams showcase their work and compete for awards. A panel of judges, made up of corporate representatives and Michigan Tech staff and faculty members, critique the projects. Many of them are sponsored by industry, which allows students to gain valuable experience through competition at the Expo, as well as direct exposure to real industrial problems. The fourteenth annual Expo is a combined effort of the College of Engineering and the Institute for Leadership and Innovation. The event was held in the J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library Third Floor exhibit area on Thursday April 17, 2014.