Author: College of Engineering

Sue Hill is the Digital Content Manager for the College of Engineering.

Michigan Tech Spring Career Fair is Next Week

Michigan Tech’s 2024 Spring Career Fair Forged by Nucor is this coming week! It will be held Tuesday (Feb. 13) from noon until 5 p.m. at the Student Development Complex.

We are very excited about the many opportunities Career Fair provides our students. Please let us know if you have any questions.

Career Services is hosting multiple prep workshops to prepare students for this event. More details can be found on our website, on Handshake and in emails from Handshake. Registration is open on Handshake as well. Go Huskies!

By Career Services.

Save the Date: Michigan Tech Enterprise Day

Do you know a student who might be interested in learning more about Enterprise at Michigan Tech? Or a student who wants to join an Enterprise, but is not sure which team is right for them? Please take a moment to invite any and all students to Enterprise Day, happening Feb. 20 from 6-8 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom (A&B).

During this time, students will learn more about Enterprise by talking with program staff and students from various Enterprise teams, all in one place. Teams will be spread out across the MUB Ballroom.

Students will be able to visit with the following teams:

Advanced Metalworks • Aerospace • Alternative Energy • Blizzard Baja • Blue Marble Security • BoardSport Technologies • Built World • Clean Snowmobile Challenge • Consumer Product Manufacturing • Formula SAE • Green Campus • H-STEM • Hotforest • Humane Interface Design Enterprise • Husky Game • Innovative Global Solutions • ITOxygen • Multiplanetary Innovation Enterprise (MINE) • Open Source • Robotic Systems • Strategic Education through Naval Systems Experiences (SENSE) • Supermileage Systems • Velovations • Wireless Communication

For more information about each team, please visit our Enterprise Day webpage. Registration is not required for interested students who would like to attend. If students have any questions, please reach out to

By Enterprise Program.

Michigan Tech Scholarships Available

Sons and Daughters Scholarships
A reminder that Michigan Tech Employee Sons and Daughters Scholarship applications, valued at $100 each, are available for the 2024-25 academic year. Applicants must be children of Michigan Tech employees. Applications must be submitted by Feb. 28 and are available online.

LeAnn Becia Family/AFSCME Scholarships
Two $250 LeAnn Becia Family/AFSCME Scholarships are available for 2024-25. Applicants must be the son, daughter or spouse of a current AFSCME Local 1166 member. Applications, which must be submitted by Feb. 28, are available online.

Both scholarships require applicants be full-time Michigan Tech undergraduates in their first four years of study or high school students planning to be enrolled for fall 2024.

For more information, contact the Financial Aid Office at 7-2622 or

By Student Financial Services Center.

Michigan Tech Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Symposium Seeking Judges, Participants

The Pavlis Honors College would like to extend you an invitation to join us as a distinguished judge at the Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Symposium (URSS). Your participation would significantly contribute to the success of our passionate undergraduate researchers. If you would like to serve as a judge for the symposium, please submit our brief form. We appreciate your time and talents!

We encourage undergraduate researchers and scholars from all colleges to participate in the Undergraduate Research and Scholarship Symposium. We are pleased to feature the work of the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellows, The DeVlieg Foundation Fellows and the Copper Shores Community Health Foundation Fellows at this year’s event, and we would also love to feature your students! This year, in addition to the poster sessions, the URSS will also feature a panelist discussion.

The URSS is a great opportunity to highlight the work of our undergraduate students, present posters describing completed or ongoing research and receive feedback from faculty judges. This year’s event will take place March 22, and research submissions are due by 11:59 p.m. next Tuesday (Feb. 6).

Please pass this information to students whom you think would benefit from this opportunity and encourage them to apply! Questions about URSS can be directed to Chris Hohnholt at

By Pavlis Honors College.

Apply for Undergraduate Research Internships at Michigan Tech

Pavlis Honors College (PHC) is accepting applications to the Undergraduate Research Internship Program (URIP) for the 2024-25 academic year. The internship program will run from September 2024 through mid-March 2025 and is open to any undergraduate student on campus with an identified faculty research mentor. Faculty and students who are already working together are welcome to apply.

PHC will provide $960 in funding for the student intern, with the expectation that faculty will provide equivalent matching funds to be dispensed concurrently, resulting in a total of $1,920 paid hourly throughout the internship. Faculty may make use of research funds, IRAD, and startup packages, or consult their chairs, deans or center/institute management to identify the source of their match.

Details regarding the application process can be found on the Pavlis Honors College website. Please share with fellow faculty and students who may be interested.

The deadline to submit applications is 5 p.m. March 22. Faculty must supply a letter of support as part of the application package. If you have questions about the submission process, please email Rob Handler at

The Undergraduate Research Internship Program is made possible with support from PHC and generous donations from the Copper Shores Community Health Foundation and The DeVlieg Foundation.

By Pavlis Honors College.

Save the Date and Register for Michigan Tech Design Expo

Undergraduate students in any college across campus are encouraged to register and take part in Michigan Tech’s Design Expo on April 16.

The annual event showcases the breadth and depth of undergraduate student innovation at Tech, with more than 100 Enterprise, Senior Design, and Capstone projects on display. Many projects are sponsored by industry. A panel of distinguished judges will critique the projects and determine award winners. Teams compete for cash awards totaling nearly $3,500.

Save the Date: Tuesday, April 16
This year’s Design Expo will take place from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. in two campus locations: the Van Pelt and Opie Library first floor and the Memorial Union Building Ballroom. A reception and awards ceremony will follow from 2:30-4:30 p.m. in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. All events are free and open to the public. We hope to see you there!

Student Teams: Register Your Project Now for Design Expo
Registration is open now through March 8. Full information is located on the Design Expo student registration webpage. We encourage teams to register as soon as possible.

Volunteers: Please Sign Up to Judge at Design Expo
Interested in supporting our students as they engage in hands-on, discovery-based learning? Consider serving as a distinguished judge at this year’s Design Expo! Learn more and sign up.

Give Your Presentation an Extra Boost with Design Expo Workshops
Prepare for Design Expo and other term-end presentations the right way — with peer support, pizza and help from dedicated Van Pelt and Opie Library and University staff! Learn how to create compelling videos, visuals and pitches for your projects. All sessions take place in the Library East Reading Room from 2-3 p.m. Note: All are welcome to attend these workshops (regardless of participation in Design Expo).

  • Wednesday, Feb. 21: Explain Your Project to Anybody
    Practice talking about your design in a concise, easy-to-understand way. This will help you solidify content for your video and develop a short elevator pitch that you can share at your booth on the day of Design Expo. Come prepared to talk about your design and answer a few questions about it!
  • Thursday, March 7: Posters, Images & Visualizations
    We’ll cover principles you can use to ensure your posters and the images and data you display in them are readable and appealing, and run through tools you can use to design supporting images. The second half of the session will be devoted to questions and open work time. Pick our brains as you think through how to best share your research.
  • Wednesday, March 20: Video Creating & Editing
    We’ll provide basic info on recording, available tools and tricks to make your production more professional and accessible. The last half of the hour will be devoted to questions and open work time. Handouts and a compilation of resources will be available to take with you!
  • Thursday, April 4: The Finishing Touches
    Refresh on details about how to present your work for Design Expo and other end-of-year presentations. Get last-minute feedback for a winning project and work on the final details of your project and video to the company! Snacks and refreshments will be provided.

By the Enterprise Program | College of Engineering.

Michigan Tech Annual Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition

Husky Innovate invites Michigan Tech innovation and entrepreneurship champions, including faculty, staff, students, alumni and community members, to join us for the Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition.

During Innovation Week, next Wednesday (Jan. 24), we will gather for a pre-event mixer at 5 p.m. and kick off the competition at 5:30 p.m. in the MUB Ballroom A.

Hosted by Husky Innovate collaborators, Pavlis Honors College, the College of Business, and the Office of Innovation and Commercialization, the annual Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition is a legacy event recognizing student entrepreneurial spirit and paying tribute to the late Professor of Practice Bob Mark. Students with innovative ideas pitch their business model to a panel of judges who provide expertise and feedback to help them move forward.

This year’s judges include representatives from the MTEC SmartZone, Northern Michigan University, Michigan Tech’s College of Business and College of Computing, and Michigan Tech Alumni startup founders.

Bob Mark Business Model Pitch Competition prize categories:

  • First Prize: $2,000 — sponsored by Rick and Jo Berquist
  • Second Prize: $1,000
  • Third Prize: $500
  • Honorable Mention: $250
  • Audience Favorite: $250 — sponsored by Dan Green (MTU alum and principal, BlackFin Group)
  • Breakthrough Innovation Award: $1,000 — sponsored by MTEC SmartZone and the Michigan Economic Development Corporation
  • Social Impact Award: $1,000 — sponsored by Gates Professor Elham Asgari (COB)

Student contestants can register to pitch their business model through Friday (Jan. 19).

Virtual attendees may join via Zoom.

By Husky Innovate, Pavlis Honors College.

Michigan Tech CAMS Offering Spring 2024 Statistical Consulting Service

The Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics (CAMS) is pleased to announce the free statistical consulting service provided to the MTU research community for spring 2024. The purpose of this service is to foster collaborations between the members of CAMS and the researchers from other centers/departments/colleges at MTU.

What we do:

  • Help with experimental design (including power analysis and sample size determination).
  • Help with data analysis with appropriate and clean data sets.
  • Provide guidance and suggest statistical methods for data analysis and visualization.
  • Provide guidance on appropriate statistical language for manuscripts.

Consulting will be offered from 4-5 p.m. on the following Tuesdays and Wednesdays of the semester:

January: 16, 17, 23, 2430, 31
February: 6, 713, 14, 20, 21
March: 5, 6, 12, 1319, 20, 26, 27
April: 2, 3, 9, 10, 16, 17

Meetings on dates with links will be conducted via Zoom. All others will be face-to-face meetings held in Fisher 312.

By Jiguang Sun, Center for Applied Mathematics and Statistics.

Michigan Tech Art in Silico 2024 Submissions

A reminder to all: The Art in Silico computational art exhibition is back for its second year, and the submission window is open until March 4!

This exciting event is situated at the intersection of contemporary art and computing. Submissions may take the form of (but are not limited to) digital art, AI art, robotics, video, audio, interactive artworks, coding, performance and/or traditional media. As long as the artwork addresses some aspect of computing — that’s what this show is all about.

Submissions are open for anyone: We encourage submission from community members and Michigan Tech staff/students/faculty alike.

Submit your art at the Art in Silico webpage (details on the schedule will soon be posted on that page as well).

Questions can be directed to

By the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems.

Michigan Tech Wahtera Center Looking for Student Employees for 2024-25

The Wahtera Center for Student Success has opened the application process for our Orientation Executive Staff (OES).

Are you looking for something to do this summer? Do you want to stay in the Houghton area to enjoy the Keweenaw’s summer beauty? Would you like experience planning and executing a large program like Orientation? Are you thinking that you really should be doing an internship this summer, but don’t know what to do or where to go? The experiences that you will have planning OTL Training Week and O-Week will let you do all of these things. It is a great opportunity to have one of the largest student-planned and student-run programs on campus under your belt. We are looking for students who are hardworking, creative and self-motivated, and who are excited to bring our newest Huskies to campus! The application period was extended and will now close Monday (Jan. 15).

If you have something lined up for this summer, but you can be back for Fall Training starting Aug. 10, apply to be an Orientation Team Leader (OTL). We are looking for students from all areas to help lead our incoming class of Huskies! You will need to be on campus Aug. 10-16 for training, Aug. 16-18 to help with Move-In, and Aug. 18-24 for O-Week. We will also have one more meet-and-greet with students in September. Applications will close Jan. 22.

If being part of Orientation is not something you can swing this summer, that is OK — we are looking for individuals who are motivated and organized and have a commitment to help other Huskies find their path to success. We have positions for success coaches, ExSEL peer mentors and success course peer assistants open as well. Applications will close Jan. 22.

All the job descriptions are listed on the Wahtera website. Applications are open through Handshake. Please email if you have any questions.