Day: September 10, 2010

2011 Nordic Research Opportunity

The 2011 Nordic Research Opportunity is now available as a Supplemental Award, for NSF Graduate Research Fellows.  The NSF, the Research Council of Norway (RCN), the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation (TEKES), the Academy of Finland, the Danish National Research Foundation and the Swedish Research Council will support on a competitive basis research visits of 2-12 months or 3-12 months (country-specific) in Norway, Finland, Denmark and Sweden (new this year).  This international research opportunity is intended to enrich the Graduate Research Fellows? experience through cooperative activities with leading Nordic scientists and institutions, thus enabling them to develop early-career collaborations with international research partners. Results of the research collaboration are expected to expand opportunities for innovation and add an international dimension to Fellow research projects. Interested NSF Graduate Research Fellows who have completed at least one year of graduate study and who are studying at U.S. institutions are encouraged to contact potential Nordic host institutions for detailed information on current research activities at that site.  Please read the announcement (Dear Colleague Letter) on the NSF Website at: (also available as a link on the GRFP page,  The 2011 Supplement Request Deadline is January 14, 2011.  Announcement of supplement awards will be made in early April, 2011.

If you have any questions, please contact Jodi Lehman (

Michigan Tech Names 2010 Sports Hall of Fame Class

by Wes Frahm, director of athletic communications and marketing

Michigan Tech will induct seven new members into its Sports Hall of Fame during induction ceremonies scheduled for Friday, Oct. 1.

The induction class of 2010 includes former hockey player Russ Becker, former men’s basketball and tennis player David Cvengros, former football coach Jim Kapp, former football player Walter Kyes, former volleyball player Rhonda Pruitt (Lockhart), former hockey player Jamie Ram and former men’s basketball player Matt Trombley.

The seven inductees will join the 179 members already in the Michigan Tech Sports Hall of Fame, which was started in 1985.

Below is a brief biography of Russ Becker, an alumnus of the Graduate School.

Russ Becker

Becker played defense for the hockey team from 1984-88. He played in 83 career games. The Virginia, Minn., native was part of a fourth-place team in the WCHA as a senior with a 19-15-1 record. After graduating with a degree in civil engineering, Becker remained with the hockey program as a graduate assistant coach and gained a master’s in civil engineering. Since leaving the University, he has remained heavily involved in Tech hockey. His contributions to Michigan Tech have been significant, and his gift in 2004 allowed Tech to purchase a hockey treadmill. Becker made another pledge in 2009 to aid in other improvements to the Student Ice Arena. Becker resides in St. Paul, Minn., and serves as president and CEO of APi Group, Inc.

More details about the other inductees can be found in Tech Today:

    Excerpt from Tech Today.

    Michigan Tech Enrollment Exceeds Expectations

    by Jennifer Donovan, director of public relations

    The University enrollment has topped projected numbers for the fall semester. Data reported to the state last night show that the public research university’s enrollment totaled 6,957, including 5,716 undergraduates and 1,241 graduate students.

    Last fall, Michigan Tech’s total enrollment was 7,132, including 1,189 graduate students.

    “We planned for total enrollment this fall of 6,900 and we exceeded that goal,” said Michigan Tech President Glenn D. Mroz. “We’re particularly pleased that emphasis on graduate enrollment continues to raise graduate student numbers to their highest level ever at Michigan Tech.”

    Since 2007, Michigan Tech has intentionally been working to increase its proportion of graduate students, from 13 percent to 18 percent of the student body.

    “The main factors affecting our expected undergraduate enrollment this year included an unusually large graduating class last year and the discontinuation of the Michigan Promise Grant,” Mroz said.

    Les Cook, vice president for student affairs, agreed. “We know students and their families are struggling with increased costs, and in particular, the loss of the Michigan Promise Grant,” he said. “We saw the effect on our students last year, and we made up the difference in financial aid, essentially keeping the promise. We’re working with students one-on-one this year to make up the Promise Grant where needed, but we are simply not able to do that for everyone. That, I’m sure, has affected some students’ decisions about their university enrollment.”

    Another factor in undergraduate enrollment may be an increase in tuition, based on an expected drop in state support, but “we have promised our Michigan resident students that if the state comes through with more money than we anticipated in our budget, we will provide a rebate on a portion of tuition,” Mroz said.

    The diversity of the student body at Michigan Tech, including minorities and international students, increased to 20 percent. “Despite a sluggish economy, which tends to affect lower-income and minority students disproportionately, our numbers are up,” said Mroz. “I think that’s a testament to the intensive efforts we make to expose students from different backgrounds to Tech and to encourage them to seriously consider the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) degree programs that are in high demand in the job market.” He mentioned University initiatives such as summer youth programs that recruit urban high school students, particularly in the Detroit area, and increases in financial aid.

    Female enrollment also rose, from 25 to 26 percent.

    The enrollment report showed that Tech’s average ACT score has risen more than one entire point, from 25.1 to 26.1, since 2005. With ACT scores ranging from 1 to 36, moving up a whole point reflects a significant increase in numbers of high-scoring entering students. Michigan’s average ACT score statewide this year was 19.7, and the national average was 21.

    “The average ACT score is significant because a higher score indicates that Michigan Tech is attracting more high-achieving students and a broader array of students,” said Vice President Cook. The ACT score is also an important factor in US News rankings of colleges and universities.

    “The increase in our average ACT score shows that smart students are drawn to other smart students,” added John Lehman, assistant vice president for enrollment.

    The English ACT score of first-year students entering Michigan Tech has shown the most significant change over the years, rising from 23.7 in 2005 to 25.1 this year. Lehman attributed the rise to increasing numbers of students in the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science and the College of Sciences and Arts. “People are recognizing us for our strong programs in addition to engineering,” he said.

    Published in Tech Today.