Peace Corps Volunteers Talk about Their Experiences

Graduate students Patricia Butler and Michelle Cisz (both of SFRES) will be at the Portage Lake District Library from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, June 28, to present their experiences as Peace Corps volunteers.

Butler was a volunteer in Armenia, and Cisz volunteered in Paraguay. Both participated in Tech’s Peace Corps Master’s International Program that allows students to earn a master’s degree while serving in the Peace Corps. Professor Blair Orr (SFRES), is one of program coordinators, and has volunteered in Lesotho.

Slides of Armenia, Paraguay, and Lesotho will be shown. The presenters will describe their experiences in the countries where they volunteered, discuss the projects they worked on and read or tell a folk tale from each country. There will also be displays of items or photos from the countries they visited. Orr will also talk about the Peace Corps in general and provide information on how to join.

This presentation is a part of the Library’s Summer Reading Program, “Reading Takes You Around the World.”

Library programs are free to the public. For more information, contact Chris Alquist at 482-4570, or visit Library.

Published in Tech Today.

2 responses to “Peace Corps Volunteers Talk about Their Experiences

  1. Thank you for your comment! We will pass along this comment to the original authors of the article, as we extracted this from our Tech Today publication and want to make sure our entire staff is aware of this.

  2. “Peace Corps Veterans” is not a phrase used within the Peace Corps community. Those of us who have had the joy of finishing Peace Corps service are referred to as “Returned Peace Corps Volunteers”, a phrase which suggests that one never stops being a volunteer but rather finds a new way to serve within the US.

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