SACNAS Travel Grants and Abstracts

Attending the 2012 SACNAS National Conference in Seattle, Washington from October 11-14 is another way for you to expose yourself to incredible resources and the validating and inspiring environment of SACNAS where you have the unique opportunity to engage with science, culture, and community.

The deadline  to apply for a travel scholarship and/or submit an abstract is April 26th.  For more information about the national conference visit the SACNAS website.

Undergraduate and graduate students have the opportunity to present their research to a national audience of peers and professionals while practicing their presentation skills in a supportive and nurturing environment.

For more information visit: Student & Postdoc Research Presentations

Travel Scholarships
SACNAS offers travel scholarship awards for students to attend the National Conference.  The award includes round-trip airfare to/from Seattle, Washington and lodging through the conference dates.

For further details visit: Travel Scholarships

NOTE: Abstract submissions and travel scholarship applications are independent of each other. If you are interested in submitting only a travel scholarship you do not need to submit an abstract and vice versa.