Washington Monthly Rates Michigan Tech Among Top 100

Michigan Tech has been named one of the top 100 universities in the nation by Washington Monthly magazine. The publication ranked Michigan Tech 63rd overall and 4th in the country for encouraging students to give service to their country through its ROTC programs.

Tech placed third of only 5 Michigan universities ranked in the top 100. The other Michigan rankings were: University of Michigan, 13th, Michigan State, 34th, Western Michigan, 90th, and Wayne State University, 95th.

The magazine says its ratings differ significantly from other national publications’ rankings. According to its website, “the Washington Monthly rates schools based on what they are doing for their students and the country–on whether they’re improving social mobility, producing research and promoting public service.”

The rankings are further defined by contribution to the public good in three broad categories: social mobility (recruiting and graduating low-income students); research (producing cutting-edge scholarship and PhDs); and service (encouraging students to give something back to their country).

“We are particularly gratified by our excellent showing in this ranking because the criteria align so closely with our University’s strategic plan and goals,” said President Glenn Mroz. “Recruiting and graduating disadvantaged students in spite of declining state support, conducting cutting-edge research, growing our Graduate School and encouraging students to give back are at the heart of the Michigan Tech philosophy.”

In a news release announcing the rankings, Washington Monthly explained its criteria: “The main flaw in most college rankings is that they tend to measure how prestigious institutions are rather than how effectively they serve their students.”

by Dennis Walikainen, senior editor
Published in Tech Today