Day: January 17, 2016

Fellowship opportunities for Michigan Tech Graduate Students

The Graduate School has several fellowship opportunities for new and returning students. A complete listing of all awards and fellowships is online.  Several have deadlines in the next few weeks and are highlighted below.

  1. The DeVlieg Foundation provides funding for two summer fellowships for current PhD students. Applications due February 9, 2016.
  2. Doctoral finishing fellowships are available for up to ten PhD students expecting to complete their degree in summer. Applications due February 16, 2016.
  3. PHF Graduate Fellowships are available to PhD students completing health-related research that is aligned with the PHF’s mission. Applications due February 16, 2016.
  4. KCP Future Faculty Fellowships are available to MS and PhD students (new and continuing) who are underrepresented in their fields and intending on a career in higher education (administration or faculty). Applications due March 1, 2016 for full consideration.
  5. Dean’s Fellowships are available to PhD students entering in the summer or fall. Applications due March 15, 2016.

Contact the Graduate School ( with any questions about these opportunities.
