Innovation and Entrepreneurship at Tech with a Design Thinking Workshop

Did you know there is a whole ecosystem of resources to tap into for your entrepreneurial and innovative ideas here on campus?
GSG is excited to host a cafe style information session about the resources provided by Tech’s innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem today, April 3, 2019, from 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm in the Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC) Room 202. Come learn about how graduate students can get involved in design thinking, Smartzone, Husky innovate and more!
The cafe information session will be followed by a design thinking workshop where you will get a chance to help GSG in a design thinking exercise about “How might [GSG] improve communication of key information to graduate students?” If you are tired of receiving GSG emails, this is YOUR chance to impact how we disseminate information.
Light refreshments will be provided for attendants.  Registration for the event is required, but there is still plenty of space!! Reserve your spot at the following link: