Day: January 21, 2022

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Spring 2022 Recipient – Zhuo He

I started my Ph.D. in 2018 and transferred to the Department of Applied Computing at Michigan Tech in the fall of 2019. I obtained my Bachelor’s degree from Central South University in China. 

At Michigan Tech, I work at the Laboratory of Medical Imaging and Informatics under Dr. Weihua Zhou’s supervision. We focus on the application of improving the treatment outcome of cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) using artificial intelligence, which is a life-saving treatment for patients with failing hearts. Like any therapy, CRT is not suited for all patients, and patient selection is critical to achieving optimal performance. My dissertation work intelligently fuses mechanical dyssynchrony with electrical dyssynchrony to identify the right patient for CRT, thereby significantly improving the outcome of CRT.

I would like to thank the Graduate School, the Department of Applied Computing, and the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel for providing me with the Finishing Fellowship award. This award will allow me to focus on wrapping up my dissertation and preparing for my defense.