Day: January 23, 2024

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Spring 2024 Recipient – Abhishek Patil

Abhishek Patil standing in front of mountains
Abhishek Patil, Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics

I am deeply thankful to the Graduate School and the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel for awarding me the Finishing Fellowship. This invaluable support will enable me to fully focus on completing my final research projects and dissertation.

I extend my gratitude to the Intelligent Robotics & System Optimization Lab and the Department of Mechanical Engineering and Engineering Mechanics for providing the essential resources that have greatly contributed to the success of my research. The collaborative and enriching environment has played a pivotal role in shaping the depth and quality of my work.

My research, centered on designing algorithms for the efficient coordination of multiple autonomous robots, is a passion that aligns with the complex challenges of this multidisciplinary field. The Finishing Fellowship presents a unique opportunity to further explore and expand my knowledge and skills in this area.

I want to express my sincere appreciation to my advisors, Dr. Jungyun Bae and Dr. Myuoungkuk Park, whose mentorship has been instrumental in guiding me through my research journey at Michigan Tech. Their support has not only influenced my academic pursuits but has also been a source of inspiration.

As I enter the final stages of my research, I am eager to leverage this opportunity to its fullest potential. I am committed to making meaningful contributions to the field of autonomous robotics, and I am grateful for the encouragement and support that have brought me to this significant juncture in my academic career.

Doctoral Finishing Fellowship – Spring 2024 Recipient – Elizabeth Lehman

Elizabeth Lehman standing in front of a poster presentation at a conference
Elizabeth Lehman – Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors

I have always been fascinated with psychology, particularly the way people think and make decisions. We make judgments about our experiences all the time – from everyday social interactions to big events on the news – so it’s an area that is relevant and potentially very impactful. As a lifelong Yooper, I feel lucky to be getting an amazing education from the Applied Cognitive Science & Human Factors program. It has really highlighted the importance of both basic research and how to apply it effectively to real-world domains.

My dissertation research explores the ways in which people question their theories of events – particularly in ambiguous situations. I believe studying strategies used to question theories can lead to effective methods for changing them. As a social cognition researcher, I combine theoretical perspectives like motivated reasoning and sensemaking in analytical domains to understand how people form theories about events and what causes people to rethink them. I am experimentally testing strategies to promote questioning one’s theory. These strategies can then be used in domains like hiring to mitigate decision-making biases.

I want to give a heartfelt Thank You! to the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel for granting me this award. I want to thank my advisor Dr. Beth Veinott for all of her support with my PhD research and preparing me for an academic career. Her enthusiastic and thorough guidance has been invaluable. Additionally, I thank the ADVANCE Initiative and everyone in the Cognitive & Learning Sciences department for their continued support.