Day: January 9, 2025

Finishing Fellowship- Spring 2025- Junyao Yang

Junyao Yang, PhD in Computer Science

I began my academic journey at Michigan Technological University in the fall of 2016, starting with majors in Computer Engineering and Mathematics. Over the years of my undergraduate studies, I found myself increasingly drawn to the area of computer systems optimization. My first experience with computer science research came in 2019 under the guidance of Professor Zhenlin Wang, focusing on LRU cache modeling. This pivotal experience deepened my interest in computer memory systems and ultimately led me to pursue a Ph.D. in Computer Science in fall of 2021, continuing under the mentorship of Professor Wang. My research focuses on the modeling and optimization of software caching systems, motivated by the challenges posed by diverse and variable software caching workloads and the critical need for efficient use of memory to reduce resource costs. The optimization involves developing dynamic cache configuration strategies that adapt in real-time to these changing workloads, thereby improving resource allocation across caching clusters to minimize waste and maximize system performance.、

I am honored to receive the Finishing Fellowship and would like to extend my sincere gratitude to the Graduate School and the Graduate Dean Awards Advisory Panel. I also want to thank my advisor, Prof. Zhenlin Wang, for his invaluable guidance and support throughout my graduate studies. 

Finishing Fellowship- Spring 2025- Kendall Belopavlovich

Kendall Belopavlovich, PhD in Rhetoric, Theory and Culture

I’ve been a Husky since 2014, when I started at Michigan Tech as an undecided undergraduate major. Upon finding my way in my first year to the Communication, Culture, and Media program I knew I found a place where I truly fit in. Since then, I’ve been interested in research and was told by several of my faculty mentors that I’d be a good fit for graduate school. I’m so grateful to those folks for introducing me to the idea, because that’s exactly what I wanted! I started my Rhetoric, Theory, and Culture degree in 2020 and have been honored to do the work I’m passionate about.

My dissertation, ““The Animated Frontier: Fluctuations of Power Across Time and Space in Flows of U.S. and Japanese Animated Media“, is a critique of the historical and contemporary relationship between the U.S., Japan, and their marginalized Others through the lens of animation. In addition to this project, I’ve been able to publish several journal articles and book chapters on various critiques of animation, related to queer studies and Indigenous studies. I currently serve as the Indigenous Studies area chair for the Midwest Popular Culture Association conference. I have also had the privilege of working with folks in the CFRES college on projects related to sustainability ethics. In all of the work I’ve done thus far in my degree, I’m grateful for the support, guidance, and mentorship I’ve received from countless people.

I especially want to thank my advisor, Stefka Hristova. Without her support, encouragement, and kindness, I don’t think I’d be able to finish this work. In addition, I’d like to thank my committee, my cohort, and my research partners for their motivation, guidance, and collaboration. Finally, I’d like to thank the Graduate School for their generous fellowship, and for believing in my work. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to finish my degree!