Author: Debra Charlesworth

Chateaubriand Fellowship program

Applications are being accepted for the Chateaubriand Fellowship program offered by the Embassy of France. The program offers 10 months of support for Ph.D. students from U.S. institutions to conduct research in France. There are two programs: one is a STEM fellowship program and the other focuses on Humanities and Social Sciences (HSS). Recipients receive a stipend, health insurance, and funds for roundtrip travel to France. The deadline for the HSS program is December 31, 2011; STEM Fellowship applications are due February 1, 2012. According to the announcement, “Candidates do not have to be US citizens, but French citizens are not eligible to apply. Students must be enrolled in at an American university.”

More information is available at:

2012 NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) is accepting applications for the 2012 NASA Space Technology Research Fellowships which “seeks to sponsor U.S. citizen and permanent resident graduate student researchers who show significant potential to contribute to NASA’s strategic goals and missions.”  The applications must be submitted by institutions of higher education “on behalf of highly qualified individuals pursuing or planning to pursue Master’s (e.g., MS) or Doctoral (e.g., PhD) degrees in relevant space technology disciplines at their respective institutions.”  Applications are due January 11, 2012.  Awards may be up to 4 years in length and the program is contingent upon appropriation of the necessary funds.

More information is available at:

New theses and dissertations available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Applied Ecology
  • Applied Natural Resource Economics
  • Biological Sciences
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil Engineering
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Forest Ecology and Management
  • Forest Science
  • Geophysics
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
  • Physics
  • Rhetoric and Technical Communication

Spring Orientation – January 6th

Spring orientation for new graduate students, and students unable to attend fall orientation is quickly approaching.  Our session will be on January 6, 2012 from 8:30am – 1pm in the Memorial Union Ballroom.

Register now to reserve your seat and help us plan this event.  Registration will close on December 21, 2011 – after that date, student will only be accommodated if space is available.

All graduate students are required to either attend orientation or complete an online training course.  See the linked sites for more information about each program.

Questions about orientation?  Contact Debra Charlesworth in the Graduate School.

Carbon Foam: The Key Ingredient of a Better Battery?

A lighter, greener, cheaper, longer-lasting battery. Who wouldn’t want that?

Tech researchers are working on it. Actually, their design is a twist on what’s called an asymmetric capacitor, a new type of electrical storage device that’s half capacitor, half battery. It may be a marriage made in heaven.

Capacitors store an electrical charge physically and have important advantages: they are lightweight and can be recharged (and discharged) rapidly and almost indefinitely. Plus, they generate very little heat, an important issue for electronic devices. However, they can only make use of about half of their stored charge.

Batteries, on the other hand, store electrical energy chemically and can release it over longer periods at a steady voltage. And they can usually store more energy than a capacitor. But batteries are heavy and take time to charge, and even the best can’t be recharged forever.

Enter asymmetric capacitors, which bring together the best of both worlds. On the capacitor side, energy is stored by electrolyte ions that are physically attracted to the charged surface of a carbon anode. Combined with a battery-style cathode, this design delivers nearly double the energy of a standard capacitor.

Now, Tech researchers have incorporated a novel material on the battery side to make an even better asymmetric capacitor.

Their cathode relies on nickel oxyhydroxide, the same material used in rechargeable nickel-cadmium or nickel-metal hydride batteries. “In most batteries that contain nickel oxyhydroxide, metallic nickel serves as a mechanical support and a current collector,” said chemistry professor Bahne Cornilsen, who has studied nickel electrodes for a number of years, initially with NASA support. A few years ago, the team had a chance to experiment with something different: Cornilsen suggested replacing the nickel with carbon foam.

Carbon foam has advantages over nickel. “It’s lighter and cheaper, so we thought maybe we could use it as a scaffold, filling its holes with nickel oxyhydroxide,” said Tony Rogers, associate professor of chemical engineering.

Carbon foam has a lot of holes to fill. “The carbon foam we are using has 72 percent porosity,” Rogers said. “That means 72 percent of its volume is empty space, so there’s plenty of room for the nickel oxyhydroxide. The carbon foam could also be made of renewable biomass, and that’s attractive.”

But how many times can you recharge their novel asymmetric capacitor? Nobody knows; so far, they haven’t been able to wear it out. “We’ve achieved over 127,000 cycles,” Rogers said.

Other asymmetric capacitors have similar numbers, but none have the carbon-foam edge that could make them even more desirable to consumers.

“Being lighter would give it a real advantage in handheld power tools and consumer electronics,” said Rogers. Hybrid electric vehicles are another potential market, since an asymmetric capacitor can charge and discharge more rapidly than a normal battery, making it useful for regenerative braking.

The group has applied for a patent on its new technology. Chemical engineering professor Michael Mullins is also a member of the research team. Graduate students contributing to the project are PhD graduate Matthew Chye and PhD student Wen Nee Yeo of the chemical engineering department and MS student Padmanaban Sasthan Kuttipillai and PhD student Jinjin Wang of the chemistry department.

The research is funded by the US Department of Energy, the Michigan Universities Commercialization Initiative, the Michigan Tech Research Excellence Fund and the Michigan Space Grant Consortium.

by Marcia Goodrich, senior writer
Published in Tech Today

Flu Shots Available on Campus

Flu shots are available for faculty, staff, and students.  Bring proof of Aetna insurance to obtain the shot as a benefit, or if not covered by Aetna, the cost is $25 per shot, payable at the time of service.

Anyone under the age of 18 cannot be vaccinated without parental permission.

Here is the schedule:

  • Monday, Oct. 24, 4 to 7 p.m., Memorial Union Commons Area
  • Thursday, Oct. 27, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., Memorial Union Peninsula Room A
  • Wednesday, Nov. 2, 11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Memorial Union Ballroom (in conjunction with How the Health Are You Wellness Fair)
  • Thursday, Nov. 3, 3 to 6 p.m., Memorial Union Commons Area

For more information, contact Benefits at .

Hands, Minds–and Trees–Across the Sea

The forests of North America are different from those in Finland and Sweden, and the management of these forest resources differs historically and culturally. But environmental and forest resources issues are no respecters of national borders and global solutions are needed in today’s global economy. So Michigan Tech’s ATLANTIS program at the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science (SFRES) is preparing graduate students on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean to tackle the world’s forest resources challenges.

ATLANTIS (Actions for Transatlantic Links and Academic Networks for Training and Integrated Studies) is an educational program jointly funded by the US Department of Education and the European Union. Only 16 such grants were awarded in 2008. Michigan Tech’s partner universities are North Carolina State, the University of Helsinki in Finland and the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Graduate students from each university spend up to a year at a foreign partner university, as well as up to a year at their home institution, earning dual master of science degrees from both their home and host universities. The program provides for faculty exchanges as well. So far 10 Michigan Tech faculty have spent time at the Swedish or Finnish universities to establish new collaborations, and a total of 24 graduate students will earn their degrees through this program.

An Estonian Student Comes to Tech

Tõnis Tõnisson, 25, is one of the ATLANTIS graduate students. An Estonian, he was studying in a cooperative program between the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the Swedish University of Life Sciences when he heard about the ATLANTIS program.

Tõnisson’s father works in forestry, and he wants to work in forest management. More than 50 percent of his native Estonia is covered with forests. “I grew up in the forest,” he explains, “and I wanted to study abroad.”

The fact that Michigan Tech courses are taught in English was no stumbling block for Tõnisson. He has studied English for 11 years, and the courses at the Swedish University of Life Sciences were taught in English. However, “I never had to speak English before. People here speak so fast, and they use more vocabulary than I know. But everybody has been really understanding and helpful.”

Another challenge was the high academic standards at Michigan Tech. “It is very different here,” Tõnisson says. “The university’s expectations of the students are much higher. I think I am learning much more here.”

Students here also have a lot more freedom than students in Estonia or Sweden, says Tõnisson. “And I am surprised at how open the people are here. They are much more talkative and friendly.”

Living on his own in Houghton, the Estonian student plunged right into campus life, playing soccer with international students over the summer and joining a bowling league.

Tõnisson spent a semester in Sweden and one in Finland before coming to Tech in January 2011. He is doing his graduate work with Kathy Halvorsen, a professor who holds a joint appointment in the Department of Social Sciences and the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science. He will finish his dual master’s degree program in December and return to Estonia to complete another master’s degree for which he is already enrolled.

A Michigan Tech Student Goes to Scandinavia

Kassidy Yatso, a graduate student who also earned her Bachelor of Science in Applied Ecology and Environmental Science at Tech, spent one ATLANTIS semester at the University of Helsinki and the second semester at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. She is back on campus now, completing her master’s degree work.

Yatso learned some surprising things while she was in Scandinavia, which she shared with the Tech community through a blog. (See Abroad.) For example, “No one in Sweden stands in line,” she discovered. “You push a button, and a paper slip comes out with a queue number. A large board shows which number they are serving, so you can guesstimate when to return for service.”

She also found that Swedish postage stamps, at 12 krona–approximately $1.85–are the most expensive stamps in the world. But the Swedish postal service is much more efficient and reliable than the one in Finland, the American student says.

Yatso’s academic experiences don’t reflect Tonisson’s impression that graduate school is more demanding in the US than it is in Scandinavia. In her April 17 blog, she describes a week that included a thesis defense; three demanding assignments for an intensive, two-week silviculture course; and an all-day field trip to Snogeholm to study multiple forest management techniques and current landscape architecture trends.

She still found time and energy to hear some live music by an all-girl Swedish band at a club in Malmo. “I was absolutely blown away,” she blogged. “They are now one of my favorite bands.”

No More Funding for ATLANTIS

The ATLANTIS program, a victim of federal budget cuts, won’t be funding any new programs, although Tech has already received the funds to complete its project. But Michigan Tech is going to try to find a way to continue the joint degree program with the Scandinavian universities.

“The European-American perspective provides invaluable benefit–a global perspective–to our students and the students from overseas,” says Chandrashekhar Joshi, professor of plant molecular genetics in SFRES. Joshi, who was graduate program director for SFRES when Michigan Tech applied for funding for the transatlantic master’s program, heads ATLANTIS at Tech.

“On return from abroad, the students’ vision has changed,” he says. “They become more outgoing. They transform into leaders. They seek more interactions with others. They act like global citizens.”

Yatso enthusiastically agrees. “The ATLANTIS program changed my life,” she says, “by giving me an opportunity to learn about science, culture and myself–while earning two master of science degrees. I have learned invaluable life lessons, skills and vocabulary along the way as well. The people I have met through ATLANTIS will forever be in my life and heart.”

Joshi points out that the dual degrees that the students earn are another benefit “of tremendous value in today’s job market.”

Since ATLANTIS began in 2008 in SFRES, two other international dual-degree programs funded by the same agencies have been established at Michigan Tech. One is in rail transportation; the other is in volcanology.

by Jennifer Donovan, director, public relations
Published in Tech Today

New theses and dissertations available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Civil Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering
  • Environmental Engineering Science
  • Industrial Archaeology
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics
  • Rhetoric and Technical Communication

Nominations open to attend the 62nd Meeting of Nobel Laureates

Nominations are now closed for students to attend the 62nd Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, July 1 to July 6, 2012.

To be eligible, a student:

  • Must have completed by June 2012 at least two years of doctoral study
  • Must be studying physics or a related discipline
  • Must not plan to complete a dissertation prior to December 31, 2012
  • Must be a US citizen
  • Must be a full-time graduate student
  • Must be participating in a research project
  • Must be nominated by the student’s advisor

Advisors may nominate a student by submitting the following items to Debra Charlesworth no later than 4pm on November 4, 2012:

  • One page resume of the student
  • One page statement by the student on why participation in the meeting is important for the student’s graduate education
  • One page letter of reference by the student’s mentor

ORAU will select students based on the following criteria.  Students must:

  • Show a genuine interest in science and research
  • Show a strong commitment to their principal field of studies and to interdisciplinary work
  • Have a strong letter of recommendation
  • Be in the top of their class
  • Show excellent academic accomplishments
  • Have produced some very good research work.

Michigan Tech may forward two nominations to ORAU for consideration.   Learn more about the meeting online.

2012-2013 IAF Fellowship Deadline Announcement

2012-2013 APPLICATION DEADLINE: January 17 th , 2012

IAF Fellowships support dissertation research in Latin America and the Caribbean undertaken by students who have advanced to PhD candidacy in a university in the United States. Fellows must be US citizens or citizens of the independent Latin American countries. Proficiency in the language(s) appropriate to the research proposal is required.

Awards are based on both development and scholarly criteria. Proposals should offer a practical orientation to field-based information on the following topics:

  • Organizations promoting grassroots development among the poor;
  • the financial sustainability and independence of such organizations;
  • trends affecting historically excluded groups such as African descendants, indigenous peoples, women and others;
  • transnational development;
  • the role of corporate social responsibility in grassroots development;
  • the impact of globalization on grassroots development;
  • the impact of grassroots development activities on the quality of life of the poor.

The Fellowship includes:

  • round-trip international transportation to the research site;
  • a research allowance of up to $3,000;
  • a monthly stipend of $1,500 for up to 12 months;
  • emergency health insurance;
  • expenses related to required attendance at a mid-year conference.

For more information on this exceptional grant opportunity, including application instructions and additional information on the deadline, visit . For more information on the IAF, visit .