Category: Announcements

Items that are time sensitive and require action

Lunch and Learn: Taking Sleep to Heart

Jason Carter, chair of the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology, will present a lunch and learn titled “Taking Sleep to Heart” on Tuesday, Feb. 11, from 12 to 1 p.m., in Admin 404.

Sleep is the third pillar of health. Some studies indicate 70 percent of adolescents are sleep deprived. Other studies draw connections to asthma, diabetes, and increasing chances for strokes and heart attacks. It is also known that alcohol use negatively impacts sleep apnea.

Forum on University Finances and Budget Process

The University Senate, Staff Council, Graduate Student Government, and Undergraduate Student Government is hosting a forum on “University Finances and Budget Preparation/Planning Process” on Friday, Jan. 31 from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. in Dow 642.

David Reed, VP for research, will give a short presentation on:
1) The current University financial situation at the mid-point of FY14
2) Where we are in the FY15 budget preparation/planning process

Questions, comments and input are encouraged from faculty, staff and students either in person or passed along in writing.  Anyone wishing to send questions or comments can email them to:  Wendy Davis or to Brian Barkdoll

All faculty, staff and students are encouraged to attend this informative session.  The forum will be recorded and available for viewing on the Senate website sometime after the event for those who are unable to attend in person.

Published in Tech Today

GSG Lunch-n-Learn: How to be a Great Graduate Student

GSG’s first Lunch ‘n’ Learn of 2014 will be held January 27th from  12-1pm in MUB Ballroom A. This lunch-n-learn will focus on how to be a great graduate student and what you can do to get the most out of your graduate education at Michigan Tech. Presenters will include professors from five departments across Michigan Tech. This is a great opportunity for first and second year graduate students to gain valuable insight into what matters most in the graduate education process. The format of this Lunch-n-Learn will be a panel discussion; an open discussion where you can ask your own questions.

RSVP is NOT required.

Where: MUB Ballroom A

When: Monday, January 27th

Time : 12:00PM -1:00PM

A light MUB catered lunch will be provided for both vegetarians and non-vegetarians.

Library presenting a series of EndNote workshops

The J. Robert Van Pelt and John and Ruanne Opie Library presents a series of EndNote workshops.

EndNote is citation management software which allows anyone to easily collect, organize, and use their research references.  Learn how EndNote can save you hours of time in your library research and document preparation process.

Seating for these workshops is limited and registration is required.  To register please visit: our EndNote LibGuide

Seminar: Submitting your Dissertation, Thesis, or Report

Students planning on finishing a dissertation, thesis, or report in spring 2014 or summer 2014 are invited a seminar designed to help students understand the submission process and answer questions about it. Faculty and staff who assist students with submissions are also welcome to attend.

  • When: January 23, 2014 at 4:05 – 4:55 pm
  • Who: Students defending in the spring or summer; faculty and staff who assist students with submission
  • Where: Please register online for the event and receive the location. The seminar will be available online as well as on campus.

Once you register, you will receive a confirmation with the location and a reminder of the date and time, or information on how to join us online.

If you are unable to join us, this seminar will be taped and available online after the event.

Information on submitting, formatting, and more can be found online for dissertations and theses or reports.

Nominations open for MAGS Excellence in Teaching Awards

Nominations are now open for the Midwestern Association of Graduate Schools (MAGS) Excellence in Teaching Awards.  Michigan Tech may nominate one student at the MS and PhD level.  Nominations are due to Debra Charlesworth no later than 4pm, January 14, 2014.

Eligible students

  • will have been enrolled at Michigan Tech during the 2013 calendar year and have a teaching appointment
  • will have earned the Michigan Tech Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award
  • will have an excellent teaching portfolio and student evaluations

See the application page for complete details on what is required for a nomination.

2014 Nominations open for The DeVlieg Foundation Fellowships

Nominations are now open for the DeVlieg Foundation Fellowships.

All graduate programs may nominate one eligible PhD student per program.  There will be two recipients – each will receive a stipend for summer 2014 plus support for one credit of tuition.  Eligible students will meet all of the following criteria:

  1. Must be a graduate student in one of the fields supported by the DeVlieg Foundation:
    1. Engineering or a closely related field, OR
    2. Wildlife/biology (2014 Summer Research Award in Biology/Wildlife/Natural Resources)
  2. Must be a US citizen or permanent resident.
  3. Must be enrolled in a PhD program.
  4. Must be nominated by student’s graduate program.  Each PhD program may nominate one student.

Nominations are due no later than 4pm on January 29, 2014 to the Graduate School. Please address to the attention of Debra Charlesworth.

Please see our web page for details on the application procedure and materials needed.  Each program may determine its own internal selection procedure.

Please contact Debra Charlesworth with any questions.

GRE offered at Michigan Tech on February 8, 2014

The GRE will be offered at Michigan Tech on February 8, 2014.  The test will be given in paper-based format.  The Graduate School has set up a web site with more information, including a link to the registration form.

Please notify your students of this opportunity to take the GRE on campus. This is a great opportunity to encourage some promising undergraduates to pursue a graduate education.

Students who are planning to take the GRE should visit the website for the GRE which provides a large amount of information, including materials to aid in preparation.  Links to specific types of information are provided on the Graduate School website so that is the best place for students to start their preparation.

Note that the registration forms are due to the GRE people on or before January 3.

Silicon Valley Trip 2014–The Experience of a Lifetime

Each spring 15 students travel from Michigan Tech to the world hub of start-ups and entrepreneurs–Silicon Valley.  This eye-opening experience focuses on immersing students in real companies, with real players, and the current challenges they face.

The trip to Silicon Valley takes place during Spring Break (March 8-14).  Visits with entrepreneurs, inventors, managers and companies including Brocade, Cisco and Google will provide students with a first-hand understanding of technology built enterprises that are revolutionizing global business.

Brocade is once again sponsoring the trip bringing the cost to $300 per person including airfare, hotel accommodations with breakfast each morning and transportation throughout the duration of the trip.

This trip is open to all Michigan Tech students.  Please pass the information along. Student participation is based on a two-minute interview on “Why you want to work and live in Silicon Valley.”  If students are interested in participating, please have them email Karen Foltz at They will be assigned interview times starting at 4 p.m., on Dec. 5.

Published in Tech Today.