Category: News

Interesting stories about and for our students.

Baillods on National Geographic

Professor Emeritus Robert Baillod (CEE) worked alongside his son Brendon during the filming of an episode of the “Explorer” series, “Ghost Ships of the Great Lakes,” which will run Saturday, May 14, from 7 to 8 p.m. on the National Geographic channel.

The teaser reads: “The discovery of a human skull in the depths of Lake Superior begins a story that will take historian and author Brendon Baillod across two Great Lakes and a century of history. It takes him and a team of elite technical divers more than 20 miles off Milwaukee, where they discover the wreck of one of Lake Michigan’s lost queens. It then takes them to the remote waters of Lake Superior where they risk their lives to determine the identity of yet another lost ship. And it takes us into the forgotten life of a brave and stubborn woman who lived, and died, on these wild waters. Whether her presence cursed these lost ships, or a more earthly explanation can be found, the Great Lakes reputation as a graveyard for mariners stands firm.”

Published in Tech Today.

All Those Hoods

Spring Commencement
Family and friends at this Spring Commencement ceremony noticed something interesting: many PhD and MS candidates were receiving their degrees and hoods.

It’s not by chance.

The Graduate School has been showing steady growth and has exceeded targets for enrollment, according to Dean Jackie Huntoon.

“Across campus, faculty and departments are on board with the Strategic Plan, and we are moving forward with increased graduate education and research,” she says.

The differences between Michigan Tech’s graduate education and other universities are myriad and include completion rate: 62 percent of Tech PhD students finish what they start here, compared to 50 percent nationally. Seventy-five percent of Tech’s master’s students also complete their degrees.

“We’ve always been known for hands-on, application-oriented undergraduate education, and the same is true at the grad level: our students are highly employable,” Huntoon says.

She also discusses how graduate students contribute to economic development and economic recovery.

“We don’t just put PhDs in academia,” she says. “We also place them in industry and government positions.” Some 53 percent of PhD graduates end up in industry, versus 41 percent at Tech’s peer high-research institutions.

R&D is also heavily impacted by Tech PhD graduates, says Jacque Smith, director of marketing for the Graduate School. “Our percentage of PhDs employed in research and development is more than double the national average,” he says.

Increases in graduate enrollment have other benefits.

The large number of international students brings diversity to the campus and area, enriching the lives of those who live and work here.

“We compete on a global scale,” Huntoon says. “And these people give us a global environment on campus.”

“So, when you get that first job in Shanghai,” Smith adds, “you’re prepared with cultural knowledge and tolerance. You know more about the world before you get out and work in it.”

Huntoon tells the tale of a recent reception with students from Iran, Iraq and Pakistan.

“It was fascinating to hear their perspectives and think we were having this discussion here in Upper Michigan.”

As for the future, a new master’s program in geospatial engineering is planned for the School of Technology, their first graduate degreee. And a new University Senate policy mixes bachelor’s and master’s course work to shorten the length of time it takes to complete both.

And Huntoon perceives more new areas being explored and boundaries being crossed.

“PhD programs will become increasingly fluid in the future,” she says. “We will still have departments and Schools, but we’ll also have many more cross-disciplinary collaborations that unite faculty from many traditional units in response to needs for cutting-edge research.”

“What we will preserve is our focus on being ready to do things that serve societal needs,” Huntoon adds. “Not hypothetical or made up, but real.”

Like technology transfer and job creation, Smith adds.

In other words, keeping it all relevant, just like Tech has always done.

by Dennis Walikainen, senior editor
Published in Tech Today

Michigan Tech and UP highlighted in Smithsonian Magazine

The May issue of Smithsonian Magazine highlighted many of the wonders contained in the UP of Michigan.  “With Lake Superior to the north, Lake Michigan to the south and Lake Huron to the east, the UP covers 16,542 square miles, or about 28 percent of Michigan’s landmass.”

To read more about the UP, including the Ford Center in Alberta which hosts Michigan Tech’s forestry research center see Smithsonian.

Graduate Student Represents Tech at National Poster Competion

Graduate student Michael Brodeur-Campbell, an IGERT (Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship) trainee, is representing the University in IGERT’s 2011 national poster competition. He is a PhD candidate in chemical engineering.  His poster is titled “Implications of the Renewable Fuels Standard on Upper-Midwest Land Use.”

IGERT is the National Science Foundation’s flagship interdisciplinary training program, educating PhD scientists and engineers by building on the foundations of their disciplinary knowledge with interdisciplinary training.

See Brodeur-Campbell’s poster at IGERT .

Finalists will be announced on Friday, May 6.

Tech Participates in Michigan’s Construction Career Days

Michigan Tech’s University Transportation Center for Materials in Sustainable Transportation Infrastructure (UTC‐MiSTI) and the Center for Technology and Training (CTT) traveled to Lansing last week to participate in Michigan’s Construction Career Days, a workforce development event.

This is the fourth year Michigan’s transportation and construction industry has hosted the event which provides educational and career information. Staff from the CTT served as on-site volunteers providing logistical assistance.

Michigan Tech’s UTC‐MiSTI provides funding to offset the transportation costs for the forty-plus schools bringing more than 2,400 middle and high school students to the event.

Undergraduates, graduate students and staff from the UTC‐MiSTI, the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, the Transportation Institute’s Rail Transportation Program and Admissions interacted with students, teachers and counselors at the University’s informational exhibit.

Photos from this year’s event can be viewed at MiSTI .

Published in Tech Today

New theses and dissertations available in the Library

The Graduate School is pleased to announce new theses and dissertations are now available in the J.R. van Pelt and Opie Library from the following programs:

  • Chemistry
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Engineering Mechanics
  • Forest Science
  • Rhetoric and Technical Communication

Colina Dutta
Master of Science in Chemistry
Co-advisors: Dario J Stacchiola and Gerard T Caneba
Thesis title: Ultrasonic Dispersion of Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes and Cellulose

Yinfei Fu
Doctor of Philosophy in Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Zhi Tian
Dissertation title: Multi-Target Tracking and Localization in Distributed Wireless Sensor Networks

Nicholas Mastricola
Master of Science in Engineering Mechanics
Advisor: Ossama Omar Abdelkhalik
Thesis title: Quantification of Relativistic Perturbation Forces on Spacecraft Trajectories

Sara Robinson
Doctor of Philosophy in Forest Science
Advisor: Peter E Laks
Dissertation title: The Scientific, Artistic, and Practical Implications of Sub-lethal Fungicide Levels in Wood Exposed to Fungi

Cynthia Weber
Doctor of Philosophy in Rhetoric and Technical Communication
Advisor: Jennifer Daryl Slack
Dissertation title: In Defense of a Liberal Education: The Language and Politics of Academic Freedom

Board of Control Approves Budget, Tuition for 2011-12

At a regular meeting last Friday, the Board of Control passed a $160 million general fund budget for fiscal year 2012, which begins July 1, 2011. It includes an increase of 6.95 percent in tuition and mandatory fees. The Board previously increased room and board rates by 2.2 percent for next year.

The general fund is that component of the budget covering most general academic and administrative costs. The total University operating budget, which includes sponsored research, will be $251 million, an increase of $6 million over fiscal year 2011.

The tuition increase meets the Governor’s budget proposal guideline, which lowers a recommended 22 percent decrease in appropriations for state universities to a 15 percent decrease, providing tuition and mandatory fees increases are kept under 7.1 percent.

Michigan Tech’s new budget is based on this expected 15 percent decline in State of Michigan appropriations, from $47.9 million this year to $ 40.7 million next year.

This year billing will be simplified by combining tuition and mandatory fees, which will go up from an average of $13,007 for the 2010-2011 academic year to an average of $13,910.50 in 2011-2012.

“Accounting for inflation, state funding has been rolled back to the level of the late 1960’s, when the University had only 60 percent of today’s enrollment and little research and graduate school activity. Despite severe state funding reductions, Michigan Tech is committed to preserving the core qualities of our educational programs and supporting our outstanding faculty and staff,” said President Glenn Mroz.

Commenting on the appeal of Michigan Tech to students in favorable or difficult economic times, Mroz said, “Our undergraduate students enroll because Michigan Tech offers them advantages they will not find elsewhere. They will be on a first-name basis with professors who care about their development. They will experience hands-on learning, have access to leading-edge equipment and laboratories, and enjoy small class sizes. Students seek these distinctive advantages which will make them stand out in their career pursuits. Despite the state funding cuts, our students clearly value a Michigan Tech education. And, we will stand firm in continuing to provide that unique educational experience.”

Marty Richardson, Board chair, said: “Though the decline in state support is challenging, this budget reflects a continuing focus on what is most important at Michigan Tech. Our vision is to be a world-class technological university and we have not wavered from that. Students, graduates and employers expect and deserve that.”

The budget increases financial aid for students from $26.3 million to $27.3 million. It also includes $3.8 million in spending reductions. Those for administrative units averaged 4 percent, and those for academic units averaged 2 percent.

“The message is clear,” said Steve Hicks, chair of the Board’s Finance and Audit Committee. “We have extended our commitment to increase access to students, and the funding of academics remains our top priority.”

Michigan Tech will continue to implement continuous improvement measures, positioning the University for success in a rapidly changing economic environment, Mroz also told the Board.

Included in the new budget is a pool of funds for promotional increases for faculty, specifically those who will move up in the academic ranks.

The Board re-elected Marty Richardson as its chair and Steve Hicks as vice chair for the coming fiscal year.

In other business, the Board:

  • Approved and saluted the promotion of 7 full professors, 13 associate professors and 3 lecturers.
  • Congratulated the 753 undergraduates and 204 graduate students who received degrees at Spring Commencement.
  • Granted an honorary posthumous Bachelor of Science in Forestry to Stephen Eagal.
  • Passed a resolution of appreciation for Edward Maki for 38 years of service.
  • Approved a proposal for Michigan Tech to offer a Master of Science in Geospatial Technology.
  • Approved renaming the former Blizzard Snowplow building near the airport the Advanced Power Systems Research Center.
  • Changed the name of the Department of Exercise Science, Health, and Physical Education to the Department of Kinesiology and Integrative Physiology.

Published in Tech Today
by Jennifer Donovan, director of public relations

Leader in Industry and Government is Commencement Speaker

Norman Augustine, a leader in both business and government and a powerful advocate for science and engineering education, will address the graduates at Spring Commencement, Saturday, April 30.

The University will honor the achievements of nearly 1,000 graduates, including 753 students receiving undergraduate degrees, 156 master’s degree recipients and 48 PhD graduates.

For more information, visit: commence.

Michigan Tech will provide live and on-demand video/audio streaming of the ceremony. For more information and to test your browser for compatibility, the link is also available on the commencement webpage. Click on “Watch Live,” highlighted in yellow.

Published in Tech Today.