Tag: Fellowship

Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship nominations open

The Department of Energy National Nuclear Security Administration Stewardship Science Graduate Fellowship (DOW NNSA SSGF) program is currently soliciting for applications.  It is open to students pursuing a PhD in areas of stewardship science, such as properties of materials under extreme conditions and hydrodynamics, nuclear science, or high energy density physics.  The fellowship includes a 12-week research experience at either Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Los Alamos National Laboratory or Sandia National Laboratories.


  • $36,000 yearly stipend
  • Payment of all tuition and fees
  • $1,000 yearly academic allowance
  • Yearly conferences
  • 12-week research practicum
  • Renewable up to four years

Apply online at www.krellinst.org/ssgf – applications are due January 18, 2012.

Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program

The civilian sector of the Department of Defense (DoD) is now accepting applications from master’s level graduate students for the Presidential Management Fellows (PMF) program

The PMF is a two year internship program open to graduate students in their final year of study that will allow them great experience and the opportunity to become a full-time employee of the federal government upon completion of the fellowship. The application is open only to those graduate students in their final year of study and the fellowship begins after graduating.

The deadline for applications is September 25th and for nominations is September 30th!

More information about the application process, including: eligibility, timeline and the selection process is available on their official website, www.pmf.gov.  If you have any questions regarding the application process please contact Rhea-Ann Moses at rhea-ann.moses@cpms.osd.mil

Contact Information:

Rhea-Ann L Moses
Michigan Technological University STAR Representative
Recruitment Assistance Division
Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service
Phone: (703) 501 – 9673

Prestigious Scholarships Workshops/Informational Meetings Announced

A series of workshops and informational sessions for prestigious scholarships are free and open to students and faculty. Here are the details:

  • Who am I? Writing about yourself on essays.
    5 to 6 p.m., today, Sept. 20, Fisher 125
    Bring your resume.
  • The Fulbright Scholarship
    3 to 4 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 22, Fisher 132
    US citizens and permanent residents only.
  • Writing the Essays
    7 to 9 p.m., Thursday, Sept. 29, Fisher 101
    Either bring one you’re working on or sample questions will be provided. Bring paper and pencil/pen.
  • Reference Letters
    Noon to 1 p.m., Wednesday, Oct 12, ME-EM 405

For more information, contact Associate Professor Mary Durfee (SS) at 487-2112, or at mhdurfee@mtu.edu .

Published in Tech Today.

Federal Funding General Information Session

Michigan Tech students have an impressive success rate at being awarded some of our nation’s most prestigious and competitive graduate fellowships.

Michigan Tech’s Sponsored Program Enhancement office will host a general information session on  federal funding opportunities.

When: Wednesday April 20th at 6:00 in Fisher Room 131

Please join us if you are interested in finding out how you can fund your graduate education (@ Michigan Tech or at another university) through fellowships/scholarships offered by the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Department of Defense, NASA, and EPA.

Who should attend: Current juniors, seniors, and graduate students who have a competitive GPA, some research experience, and are a US citizen, US national, or permanent resident alien.

Please contact Jodi Lehman (jglehman@mtu.edu) with any questions.

Tech Students Receive NSF Awards for Grad Study, Research

The National Science Foundation has selected three Michigan Tech students and a recent graduate to receive highly competitive awards that support their research and graduate study. Another student, now at Northern Michigan University, will use his award to pursue an advanced degree at Michigan Tech.

Master’s student Chris DeDene and recent graduate David Schaeffer have received NSF Graduate Research Fellowships. DeDene will pursue a PhD in Civil Engineering at Michigan Tech. Schaeffer will continue work on his PhD in Psychology at the University of Georgia.

Fellowship recipient Erich Petushek is completing his master’s at Northern Michigan University and will be coming to Tech, where he expects to pursue a doctorate degree in Applied Cognitive Science and Human Factors focusing on Biomechanics.

Graduate Research Fellowships support students in NSF-supported STEM disciplines who are pursuing research-based degrees. Each fellow receives a three-year annual stipend of $30,000, a $10,500 cost-of-education allowance and access to the TeraGrid supercomputer network. The NSF selected 2,000 fellows from more than 12,000 applicants.

An additional 2,064 applicants received honorable mentions. Among them are Tech students Eric Peterson, a physics PhD student; Eric Wesseldyke, an environmental engineering PhD student; mechanical engineering student Andrew Tulgestke; and Jonathan Ebel, a master’s student in biological sciences. Anieri Morales of the University of Puerto Rico, who plans to pursue a graduate degree at Michigan Tech, also received an honorable mention.

Tech students Erin Thomas and John Lyons, who are earning PhD degrees in mathematical sciences and geophysics, respectively, were selected to participate in NSF’s East Asia and Pacific Summer Institutes. The institutes place US graduate students in research labs throughout East Asia and the Pacific, to help students initiate scientific relationships that will lead to future international collaborations. The awards include airfare, lodging, living expenses and a $5,000 stipend.

Thomas will be conduct research in Beijing, while Lyons will travel to Japan.

To learn more about federal funding opportunities for graduate students, attend an information session at 6 p.m., Wednesday, April 20, in Fisher 131. Faculty, advisors, undergraduates and graduate students are encouraged to attend. For more information, contact Jodi Lehman at 487-2875 or at jglehman@mtu.edu.

Published in Tech Today.

DOE Announces New Scholarships

The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced two new postgraduate fellowship programs in clean energy technologies. DOE says the purpose of the fellowships is to “attract the country’s best and brightest scientific minds to work on advanced clean energy technologies.”

One is a postdoctoral fellowship program that will fund up to 20 fellows nationwide for two years. Selected fellows will be encouraged to pursue innovative, independent new projects that could include working with local community organizations, providing expertise to start-up companies or pursuing grant funding for new work. Applications are due by June 30, and the fellowships will begin this fall. For more information, see www.energy.gov/education/postdoctoral_fellowships/.

The second program, the SunShot Initiative Fellowships, will select recent Master’s or PhD graduates who want to focus on critical technology innovations that can help reduce the total cost of solar energy systems by about 75 percent, making them cost-competitive with other forms of energy without subsidies by the end of the decade. SunShot is a collaborative national energy initiative. Applications for the SunShot Initiative Fellowships Program will be accepted on a rolling basis. For more information, see www.energy.gov/education/stp_fellowships.html.

Published in Tech Today.

Lunch and Learn: “Graduate Fellowship Opportunities at the National Institutes of Health”

In collaboration with Associate Professor Tammy Donahue (ME-EM) and Chair Jason Carter (Exercise Science), Sponsored Programs will host a Lunch and Learn on the NIH Individual Graduate Fellowship Opportunity–Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award NRSA.

The session is scheduled from noon to 1 p.m., Tuesday, March 15, in Memorial Union Ballroom A-1.

Graduate students and faculty will learn who should apply, what is involved in preparing an application, specific tips for writing a successful NRSA and an inside perspective on the criteria which reviewers use to evaluate applications.

This session will focus on an explanation of the different NRSA funding mechanisms, an understanding of the role of institutes in funding decisions, and how to determine if NIH is a good fit for interested applicants, or if NSF or others are better

Specific proposal development tips will be given on the four main proposal components: candidate qualifications, training plan, mentor statement and research plan.

To register for the event, see lunch and learn.

For more information, contact Jodi Lehman at 487-2875 or jglehman@mtu.edu.

Published in Tech Today.

Scholarship Opportunity for Engineering Juniors, Seniors and Grad Applicants

Michigan Tech has been awarded NSF scholarships in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. For the next four years, the program will award scholarships to junior and senior engineering students, as well as first-year engineering graduate students.

Faculty and staff are asked to alert students about this opportunity.

The purpose of the undergraduate scholarships is to improve the retention of upper-division engineering students who have financial need and other risk factors that make it difficult to complete their undergraduate degree.

The purpose of the graduate scholarships is to improve the recruitment of women and minorities to graduate school in engineering.

At the undergraduate level, the program will award 35 scholarships per year in amounts of $1,000 to $5,000.

At the graduate level, the program will award five scholarships per year at $8,000.

The program also features mentoring and professional development opportunities. For more information and applications, see http://www.doe.mtu.edu/sseed/ .

For questions, contact Michele Miller at 487-3025 mhmiller@mtu.edu .

Nominations for Dean’s Fellowships Open

Nominations for the Dean’s Fellowship are now open. Nominations are due no later than March 1st by 4pm.

These fellowships are available to assist with the recruitment of highly talented applicants to Michigan Tech’s PhD programs. The Dean’s Fellowship is intended to contribute to the development of a diverse academic community, which includes future faculty and others who will be leaders throughout their professional careers.

Dean’s Fellowships provide partial support for the recipient’s first year in a PhD program. The support includes a stipend of $2,000 per academic-year semester (fall and spring) as well as full summer support (stipend plus minimum full-time tuition and fees).

Please see our web page for complete details on eligibility and the nomination procedure.  Direct any questions about the program to Debra Charlesworth.

Summer 2011 Finishing Fellowship Nominations Open

Nominations for summer Finishing Fellowships are now open. Applications must be submitted to the Graduate School no later than 4pm on February 24th.

Students are eligible if all of the following criteria are met:

  1. Must be a PhD student.
  2. Must expect to finish in summer.
  3. Must have submitted no more than one previous request for funding.
  4. Must be eligible for Research Only Mode in the summer session.

Previous recipients of a Finishing Fellowship are not eligible.

Please see our application page for details on the application procedure. Please direct any questions you have about the application or review process to Debra Charlesworth.