Tag: Forest Science

Summer 2009 Finishing Fellows Announced

Tech Today

The Graduate School has awarded its Finishing Fellowships for summer 2009.

The following PhD candidates will receive one-time finishing fellowships:

* Carrie J. Andrew (School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science)
* Cameron Hartnell (Social Sciences)
* Emily B. McCarthy (Geological and Mining Engineering and Sciences)
* Bode J. Morin (Social Sciences)
* Alicia A. Thorsen (Computer Science)
* Tongquan Wei (Electrical Engineering)
* Zijun Xu (Biological Sciences)

Application procedures for the School’s fellowship programs and photographs of recent recipients can be found at www.mtu.edu/gradschool/administration/academics/honors-awards/ .

Nominations for the fall finishing fellowships will be accepted until 4 p.m. on Friday, June 26.

If you have any questions, contact Debra Charlesworth at ddc@mtu.edu or Heather Suokas at hlsuokas@mtu.edu .

SFRES Honors Students and Faculty with Awards and Laughs

Tech Today

Submitted by Carrie Richards, SFRES

Guests enjoyed an evening of tributes and humor when students, faculty and staff gathered at the School’s atrium for the annual Forest Jubilee Night. A creative menu featured foods from the forest that ranged from elk meatballs to wild blueberry cobbler.

Dean Peg Gale presented awards to

* Marcella Campione–Outstanding Senior in Forestry

* Laura Kangas–Outstanding Senior in Applied Ecology and Environmental Science

* Daniel Wilber–Outstanding Senior in Wildlife Ecology and Management

* Chris Miller–Outstanding Graduate Student Award

* Nicholas Windmuller–Outstanding Service Award (undergraduate)

* Trevor Hahka–Outstanding Service Award (graduate student)

* Jennifer Kopinski–School Scholar

* Auriel Van Der Laar–Woman of Promise

The students recognized the hard work and dedication of their mentors by presenting awards to

* Associate Professor Robert Froese–Outstanding Teaching Award (faculty)

* Wilfred Previant–Outstanding Teaching Award (graduate student)

* Director of Recruitment and Development Chris Hohnholt–Outstanding Staff member

Some not-so-serious awards were also given with the highlight of the evening going to the “Faculty Member Who Looks Most Like a Pirate.”

* First place–Robert Froese, earning the designation of Captain

* Second place–John Vucetich (his Johnny Depp likeness was noted), earning him the designation of First Mate

* Third place–Mike Hyslop earned a mop for swabbing and the designation of Deckhand

ESC/BRC Research Forum Awards Announced

Published in Tech Today

The Ecosystem Science Center and the Biotechnology Research Center have announced award recipients of the Fifth Annual ESC/BRC Graduate Research Forum, held on Feb. 27.

Two Grand Awards, six Merit Awards and three Honorable Mention Awards were presented.

$500 Grand Prizes

Ecosystem Science Center

Elizabeth Boisvert (SFRES) for “Initiation and Development of Three Lake Superior Coastal Peatlands”; advisor: Assistant Professor Tom Pypker

Biotechnology Research Center

Eric Minner (Biomedical Engineering) for “Hydrogel System Delivers Glutathione and Interleukin-10 to Mitigate Secondary Injury following Spinal Cord Damage”; advisor: Assistant Professor Ryan Gilbert

$100 Merit Prizes

Ecosystem Science Center

Lucas Spaete (SFRES) for “Aspen Biomass Assessment for MI, WI and MN: A GIS and Regression Approach for Quantifying Biomass”; advisor: Associate Professor Ann Maclean

Sarah Stehn (SFRES) for “Altitudinal Gradients of Bryophyte Diversity and Community Assemblage in Southern Appalachian Spruce-Fir Forests”; advisor: Associate Professor Christopher Webster

Biotechnology Research Center

Jared Cregg (Biomedical Engineering) for “The Role of Aligned Fiber Density in Axon Motility”; advisor: Assistant Professor Ryan Gilbert

Jill Jensen (Chemical Engineering) for “Selection for Improved Hybrid Poplar Via Dilute Acid and Enzymatic Hydrolysis Using Mini-Reactors”; advisor: Professor David Shonnard

Dalila Trupiano (SFRES) for “Activation Tagging of A Poplar AP2/ERF Transcription Factor Involved in Lateral Root Formation”; advisor: Associate Professor Victor Busov

Han Bing Wang (Biomedical/Chemical Engineering) for “Axonal Guidance Conduits Containing Aligned, Electrospun Poly-L-Lactic Acid Fibers Direct In Vitro Neurite Outgrowth”; advisors: Assistant Professor Ryan Gilbert (Biomedical Engineering) and Professor Michael Mullins (Chemical Engineering)

Honorable Mentions, Ecosystem Science Center

Chris Miller (SFRES) for “The Economic Feasibility of Aspen as a Coal Co-Firing Component”; advisor: Assistant Professor Robert Froese

Matthew Metz (SFRES) for “Summer Predation Patterns of Yellowstone Gray Wolves”; advisor: Assistant Professor John Vucetich

Max Henschell (SFRES) for “Do the Birds Care? Avian Community Response to Floristic Quality”; advisor: Associate Professor David Flaspohler