Tag: Outstanding Graduate Student Teaching Award

Accepting Graduate Student Teaching and Outstanding Scholarship Nominations

Nominations for the graduate student teaching award as well as the outstanding scholarship award as described below should be sent to me (nspr@mtu.edu) by
All students you name will be granted the award as long as they meet the guidelines.  A notation of the award will appear in the appropriate commencement program.

The scholarship award is limited to at least one and no more than 1% of enrolled students in the department/school.
For most departments/schools, this means 1 student (3-Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, 3-Electrical & Computer Engineering).  The requirement that students need to be graduating in Fall remains.

The teaching award is limited to at least one and no more than 2.5% of enrolled students in the department/school.
For most departments/schools, this means 1 student (8-Mechanical Engineering-Engineering Mechanics, 7-Electrical & Computer Engineering, 3-Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2-Forest Resources & Environmental Science, 2- Geological & Mining Engineering & Sciences)

Please have one person in your area contact me with the lists of nominee names following whatever decision process works best in your department/school.

For the student teaching award, the list should include the department/school and the nominee’s name,  the Semester and Year, course CRN and teaching evaluation score from Question 20 for all courses which were used in assessing the nominee for the award.  Remember the nominee must have essentially had sole responsibility for instruction for that course.  Students do NOT have to be graduating soon to be eligible for this award.

For the outstanding scholarship award, the list should include the nominee’s name and department/school.  Students should be finishing/graduating Fall 2014.
I realize that predicting who will finish/graduate will not be completely accurate but our intention is to honor as many students as you feel deserve the award, within some general limits.
NOTE –  This is not the same as the “Graduate Student Recognition Award for Exceptional Graduate Student Scholar” awarded by the Graduate Student Government.  That nomination process announcement will reach you separately.

I look forward to receiving the names of your outstanding graduate students.