During Q3 of FY24 (Jan-Mar 2024), the Institute of Computing and Cybersystems welcomed two recent MTU PhD graduates as new members! Dr. Dylan Gaines will join the Human-Centered Computing Center, while Dr. Niusen Chen is a new addition to the Cybersecurity Center. Both young faculty are embroiled in cutting edge research at Michigan Tech and have hit the ground running with their research.
Dylan Gaines – Human Centered Computing
Research Interests:
- Human-Computer Interaction (HCI)
- Natural Language Processing
- Accessible Computing
- Ambiguous Text Input
- Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCI)
Niusen Chen – Cybersecurity
Research Interests:
- Embedded system security
- Storage security
- Connected and autonomous vehicle security
Both Dr. Gaines and Dr. Chen received their PhD’s in December 2023 and joined the College of Computing as Research Assistant Professors shortly thereafter. Since 2019, Niusen and Dylan have already been a part of 27 research publications! (retrieved via Google Scholar).