Summer 2024 GLRC/ICC Rapid Seedling Awards

The Institute of Computing and Cybersystems and the Great Lakes Research Center announced the next round of Rapid Seedling Awards, which aim to promote scalable research by providing seedling funding for preliminary or supplemental projects. This round of recipients will conduct their research over the Summer 2024 semester, beginning in May. See below for information on their individual projects!

Niusen Chen

CAN-FD Assisted DoS Detection and Defense Framework for Connected and Autonomous Vehicles$8,603

Dr. Chen is an Assistant Research Professor in the Computer Science department and is a member of the ICC Cybersecurity Center. Dr. Bo Chen is a Co-PI on this project.

Anna Stuhlmacher

Flexible Operation of Drinking Water Pumps Using Learning-Aided Operations$9,445

Dr. Stuhlmacher is an Assistant Professor in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department and is a member of the ICC Cyber-Physical Systems Center.

Evan Lucas

Great Lakes acoustic waveguide remote sensing; $13,575

Dr. Lucas is a Research Scientist in the Institute of Computing of Cybersystems (ICC).

Erika Vye

Rocks and Roots: Exploring Relationships between Bio- and Geodiversity Keweenaw Shorelines; $12,483

Dr. Vye is a Research Scientist at the Great Lakes Research Center (GLRC).

Congratulations to this round of recipients of Rapid Seedling Awards and we are excited to see the outcomes!

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