Day: February 13, 2013

Wang, Bowen, Baker, Ma, Zhou, Deane, Kerkove and Ranck at GRC 2013

Graduate students in Materials Science and Engineering will be giving poster and oral presentations at the Graduate Research Colloquium 2013. Their presentations will take place on the second day of the colloquium, February 22, 2013, in the MUB Ballrooms A & B. Presenters, abstracts, and schedules are posted on the Graduate Student Government website.

Day 2 Feb 22 Poster Presentations 10am-12pm
Hui Wang

Day 2 Feb 22 Oral Presentations 1:00pm to 4:20 pm
Patrick Bowen
Hui Wang
Andrew Baker
Fengde Ma
Jie Zhou
Kyle Deane
Marcel Kerkove
Helen Ranck