Visiting scholar Theresa Alafita (MSE) and Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) coauthored “Standardization Key to Cutting Solar Funding Costs in the Asset Securitization Report,” March 28.
In the News
Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) was interviewed for Renewable Energy World in an article “Unlocking Solar Energy’s Value as an Asset Class.”
2014 NSF EPSCoR Summer Research Internships in Renewable Energy at the University of Iowa
Metallurgical Internship Opportunity
Steel Dynamics Inc.
My name is Kara Simonoff, HR Generalist for Steel Dynamics, Inc. and in charge of recruiting for our Summer Internship Program. We are having a hard time filling our Metallurgical internship opportunity and I was wondering if you could please let your students know about the position – please see attached job description. Students can email their resume directly to me or if you have any outstanding students to refer, that would be great.
Sophomores (rising Juniors) welcome to apply. Freshmen (rising sophomores) may also want to inquire.
Kara Simonoff
Human Resources Generalist
Steel Dynamics, Inc.
7575 W Jefferson Blvd., Fort Wayne, Indiana, 46804
direct: 260.969.3535 l main: 260.969.3500
Central Washington University Physics and Astronomy REU program
Passionate on Parallel Research Experience for Undergraduates
University of Illinois
Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) at Louisiana State University (LSU)
CCT REU: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences
Louisiana Alliance for Simulation-Guided Materials Application (LA-SiGMA)
LA-SiGMA REU: Interdisciplinary Research Experiences in Materials Science
Physics Department at the University of Illinois REU
NASA Summer Internships – Society of Physics Students
SPS Internships
Specific Positions
Portland State University’s Research Experience for Undergraduates Program
DAAD RISE (Research Internships in Science and Engineering)
Deadline January 31, 2014
Summer REU at University of South Florida, Tampa
Summer Youth Programs Information Sessions
Summer Youth Programs is excited to announce two information sessions for prospective staff members. The sessions will be held on Jan. 15, in MUB Ballroom A2 and Jan. 16, in MUB Ballroom B from 7 to 9 p.m. Please see the event listing on HuskyJobs for more information.
From Tech Today.
Summer Youth Programs
International Research Experience for Undergraduates
2013 NanoJapan Participants
RISEUP: Research Internships for a Sustainable Environment with Undergraduate Participation
Wayne State University
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Summer Research Program
2013-2014 Technical Seminar Series
Employment Opportunities
Nanotechnology Research Experience for Undergraduates (N-REU) Program
Research Experience for Undergraduates, Summer 2014, Ohio Wesleyan University
Leiden/Huygens PhD Prize Fellowships
IHME Post-Bachelor Fellowship Program
Meeting Global Health’s Greatest Challenges Through Education and Innovation
RISE – Research Internships in Science and Engineering
German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
Idaho State University REU
University of Notre Dame – ND REU
University of Vermont
Summer REU Program on Complex Materials
2014 NASA Student Airborne Research Program (SARP)
Student, Alumni and Faculty Research Opportunities at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) – Oak Ridge, TN
ORNL Higher Education Research Experiences (HERE)
ORNL Nuclear Engineering Science Laboratory Synthesis Programs (NESLS)
University of Nebraska-Lincoln Summer Research Program
RISEUP: Research Internships for a Sustainable Environment with Undergraduate Participation
Environmental Internships at Wayne State University
Summer Undergraduate Research Experience in Physics at the University of Michigan (REU)
The SURF (Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship) application process is starting! If you want to do research here at Michigan Tech over the summer, this is your chance.
See for more information, including example proposals.
(Those are here: )
I will be conducting two proposal writing workshops for students. The first will be Wednesday, Dec. 4, starting at 6 pm in Fisher 125.
Dr. Cantrell
SURF Coordinator
NSF REU site for Polymer Science and Polymer Engineering at The University of Akron
Yale CRISP REU program
The Department of Energy (DOE) Scholars Program is now accepting applications for Summer 2014.
STEM Internships at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL)
Please visit and click on your academic level to learn more about educational programs at Oak Ridge National Laboratory. Complete your profile in the Talent and Opportunity System (TOppS) system and then apply to one or all of the program postings. Applications must be submitted visa the TOppS system. See the programs web sites for suggested deadline dates.
APPLY NOW – DEADLINE IS JANUARY 10 – Summer 2014 Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory
U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) 2014 HS-STEM Summer Internships
Application deadline: January 6, 2014
Caltech is excited to announce two summer research opportunities
available to continuing undergraduate students. Questions about these
programs can be directed to Carol Casey at or (626)
The MURF program aims to increase the participation of underrepresented
students (such as African American, Hispanic, and Native American;
females who are underrepresented in their discipline; or
first-generation college students) in science and engineering Ph.D. or
M.D./Ph.D. programs and to make Caltech’s programs more visible to
students not traditionally exposed to Caltech.
Eligibility: Students must be current sophomores through non-graduating
seniors and must be U.S. citizens or U.S. permanent residents. A minimum
GPA of 3.2 is required.
Competitive applicants will have completed sophomore-level courses in
desired research field, have demonstrated through academic and/or
co-curricular activities a passion for research, and can articulate how
their research interests align with Caltech’s research areas. The most
competitive applicants will have prior research experience.
Support: MURF students will receive a $6000 award for the ten-week
program. An additional $500 housing and travel supplement will be
Application: Online applications are due January 8, 2014.
For more information, visit
Caltech’s Amgen Scholars Program is geared towards students in biology,
chemistry, and biotechnology fields. Some of these fields include
biology, biochemistry, bioengineering, chemical and biomolecular
engineering, and chemistry.
Eligibility: Students must be current sophomores through non-graduating
seniors, must be attending a four-year university, and must be U.S.
citizens or U.S. permanent residents. A minimum GPA of 3.2 is required.
Support: Amgen Scholars will receive a $5500 award, round-trip air
transportation, a generous housing allowance, and a food allowance.
Application: Online applications are due February 14, 2014.
For more information, please visit
Edward Laitila (MSE) has received $4,000 for a nineteen-month long research project “Research and Engineering Apprenticeship Program at Michigan Tech,” from the Academy of Applied Science.
Graduate Seminar
Friday, April 4, 2014
3:00 pm, U113 M&M
The Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering present
Dr. Jan-Marten Seitz
Institut für Werkstoffkunde
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Garbsen, Germany
Development and Characterization of Magnesium-Neodymium Alloys for Biomedical Applications
The Office of Science / Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists WDTS), is pleased to announce that it is accepting applications to its 2014 Fall Term Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) program, with all required application materials, including recommendations, due by 5:00 PM ET on May 30, 2014. The SULI program encourages undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers by providing research experiences at Department of Energy (DOE) laboratories, where selected students participate as interns appointed at participating host labs. They perform research, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers, on projects supporting the DOE mission.
Further information, including program eligibility, requirements, host lab participation, and access to the online application system are found at:
with inquiries or questions made using:
The SULI program is sponsored and managed by the DOE Office of Science’s, Office of Workforce Development for Teachers and Scientists (WDTS) in collaboration with the DOE laboratories. The Department of Energy’s Office of Science is the single largest supporter of basic research in the physical sciences in the United States, and is working to address some of the most pressing challenges of our time.

You’ve Probably Never Heard Of A Yooper, But Here’s Why You’ll Wish You Were One
The term “yooper,” a native or resident of the Upper Peninsula of Michigan, will be added to the upcoming edition of the Merriam-Webster dictionary, according to the Escanaba Daily Press, and not a second too soon. It’s all because of one man who spent more than a decade making the case for the term when he realize he couldn’t use it as an official word during a Scrabble game.
While hunting is common, yoopers are some of the most dedicated nature lovers. From large-scale recycling programs to experimental indoor aquaponic gardening, companies and academics are looking at new ways to promote sustainability and improve the environment.
Open-source 3D printed parts often stronger than proprietary versions
A common criticism of home 3D printers is that whilst they can easily replicate any number of shapes and objects, and print parts that look identical to plastic prints from professional 3D printers, they can only print flimsy plastic trinkets. Are RepRap prints as strong as professional 3D printed parts using the same polymers?
“We were curious too. Our prints seemed strong, but we wanted to engineer robust scientific equipment and tools for the developing world, so we needed solid trustworthy numbers.” said Joshua Pearce, an associate professor of Materials Science & Engineering and Electrical & Computer Engineering and Michigan Technological University.
Michigan Tech Study Suggests Some RepRap 3D Prints Are As Strong as Commercial 3D Printers
If you thought that plastic parts produced from your average RepRap desktop 3D printer were in any way weaker than those made with commercial 3D printers, you may be proven wrong. The research lab of Dr. Joshua Pearce at Michigan Technological University has once again put out a study in favour of low-cost 3D printing. After already establishing that such devices could create affordable open source lab equipment for universities, as well as save consumers $300 to $2,000 a year with the printing of common household items, Pearce’s lab has tried to demonstrate that low-cost 3D printers can print ABS and PLA parts with the same strength as those made with commercial printers.
Read more at 3D Printing Industry.
In Print
Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) co-authored a paper “Photovoltaic system performance enhancement with non-tracking planar concentrators: Experimental results and BDRF based modelling,” published by the IEEE.
Graduate student Brennan Tymrak (ME), alumna Megan Kreiger (MSE) and Pearce (MSE/ECE) published Mechanical properties of components fabricated with open-source 3-D printers under realistic environmental conditions in the journal Materials and Design.
Pearce (MSE/ECE) also published Open source 3D printing allows you to print your own cheaper health devices in Conversation.
From Tech Today.
In the News
Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) was interviewed in the Forbes/Wolfe Emerging Tech Report, Feb 2014 on Modeling and Open Source World for 3D Printing.
From Tech Today.
On the Road
Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) presented an invited talk on Open Source 3D Printing at Stacking Layers: A symposium on 3D printing technologies and applications in Tallahassee, Florida, recently.

From Tech Today.
3D printing with metal at Michigan Technological University
3D printing has become a useful tool, but so far has been limited in the materials it can use. Michigan Tech researchers are now developing a way to print 3D objects using metal.
View the YouTube Video, by Michigan Tech.
In the News
Research completed by graduate student Brennan Tymrak (ME), alumna Megan Kreiger (MSE) and Pearce (MSE/ECE) was highlighted by 3D Printing Industry in“Michigan Tech Study Suggests Some RepRap 3D Prints Are As Strong as Commercial 3D Printers.”
The life cycle analysis research of distributed recycling by alumnae Megan Kreiger (MSE) and Meredith Mulder (MSE), current MSE student Allie Glover, and Pearce (MSE/ECE) was covered extensively by the media including CNN/Money, Yahoo News and Ars Technica.
From Tech Today.
Michigan Tech Study Suggests Some RepRap 3D Prints Are As Strong as Commercial 3D Printers
If you thought that plastic parts produced from your average RepRap desktop 3D printer were in any way weaker than those made with commercial 3D printers, you may be proven wrong. The research lab of Dr. Joshua Pearce at Michigan Technological University has once again put out a study in favour of low-cost 3D printing.
There’s still a great deal of research ahead of the team, to further elucidate the properties of objects printed with low-cost 3D printers, such as the effects of chemical post-processing on the strength of a print. Pearce explains, “This study only looked at the tensile strength in the plane of the print bed, next we need to expand this study to look at interlayer adhesion.”
Read more at 3D Printing Industry, by Michael Molitch-Hou.

In the News
CBS Detroit and its Technology Report published an article about Associate Professor Joshua Pearce’s (MSE) work using recycled milk jugs for 3D printing material. See CBS Detroit.
From Tech Today.
In the News
Research completed by graduate student Brennan Tymrak (ME), alumna Megan Kreiger (MSE) and Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) was highlighted in the EE Times article“Measuring Open Source Hardware 3D-Printed Material Strength.”
Pearce was also interviewed about how 3D printing is environmentally green on Living on Earth–PRI’s Environmental News Magazine.
Professor Paul Sanders (MSE) and Pearce were interviewed on ABC10.
From Tech Today.
3-D Printing is Green
CURWOOD: Back before the industrial revolution, if you needed some thing, you or someone else would make it by hand. Then along came the production line and big machines that could mass produce items quickly and cheaply. And now we are headed back to future with so-called 3D printing, where a fairly small machine can make just about any metal or plastic object simply by following precise instructions from a computer. A team at Michigan Technological University has studied the possible environmental and the financial benefits of 3D printing. Joshua Pearce led the research and explains the surprising results.
Read the transcript or listen to the audio stream/download at Living on Earth, with Steve Curwood and Joshua Pearce.
Michigan Tech creates 3-D printer
“What our group has done hear at Michigan Tech is radically pushed the cost of 3-D printers down. So commercial 3-D printers that could do plastic used to cost $20,000. Now with the Open Source project, that cost has come under $1,000 and the ones we are building with our students cost under $500,” Materials Science and Engineering Associate Professor Dr. Joshua Pearce said.
Assistant Professor Paul Sanders said when he heard about 3-D printing with plastic, he questioned if it could be done with metal.
“This is essentially welding but it’s different because instead of joining two big pieces of metal, we’re making everything out of the weld wire itself,” he said.
Read more and watch the video at ABC 10, WBUP | WBKP.
In the News
Pearce was also interviewed by 3D Printing Industry in the article “3D Printing Plastic — Distributed Recycling and Distributing the Benefits.”
Michigan Tech’s 3D-printing program was highlighted in The Conversation article“Researchers can be ‘digital blacksmiths’ with 3D printers.”
America Makes – Michigan Tech Low Cost 3D Metal Printer
America Makes is the National Additive Manufacturing Innovation Institute. They focused on 3D metal printing initiatives at Michigan Tech in the new video “America Makes Moment.” Several people from Michigan Tech were interviewed, including President Glenn Mroz, Associate Professor Joshua Pearce, and Mark Bonefant, Instructor of CAD & Woodworking, Calumet High School. Featured were several students, instructors, and researchers, including Assistant Professor Paul Sanders.

Joshua Pearce (MSE/ECE) is quoted in Germany’s Technology Review in an article about solar water purification.
The interview concerns the SODIS method–solar water disinfection–which relies on the ultraviolet and infrared rays of the sun to disinfect by killing pathogens that contaminate water.
Friday, March 28, 2014
12:00 pm – 1:00 pm
Room 610, M&M Building
Alloys: Identification, Production, and a Steel Mill Application
David H. Gelwicks
Michigan Tech Class of 1982, BS Metallurgical Engineering
President – Chief Executive Officer
Hickman, Williams & Company
Plymouth, MI