Ben Mitchell, a PhD student in mechanical engineering, and Wade Aitken-Palmer, a student in the Peace Corps Master’s International program, have been working on the business idea since last year. Mitchell said the inspiration began with his stint in the Peace Corps a couple of years before that.
Link to Facebook page:
Four Michigan Tech students have received graduate research fellowships from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Six other Tech students received honorable mentions in the competition. Nationwide, the NSF awarded 2,000 fellowships and 1,835 honorable mentions.
The 14th Annual Western Upper Peninsula Science Fair AND Science & Engineering Festival was held Tuesday, March 27, 2012 at the Memorial Union Building on Michigan Tech’s campus. Three hundred fifty students in grades 4-8 have entered projects into the Western UP Science Fair.
The Science & Engineering Festival showcased more than two dozen fun, hands-on activities conducted by more than one hundred Michigan Tech and Finlandia University students and local organizations, in the MUB Commons area. The Festival is open to ALL elementary students, accompanied by an adult.
See the results of the judging of projects at the Western U.P. Center Science Fair Website
Jaipur Foot gets an American facelift: There is soon going to be a Michigan version of the celebrated Jaipur Foot, considered to be among the world’s cheapest and most user-friendly artificial limbs. Read more from the Hindu Times
Four graduate students are going to Lansing for Graduate Education Day, Thursday, March 29. Governor Rick Snyder has declared the week of March 26 as Graduate Education Week, and more than 50 students from universities and colleges across the state will meet with legislators at the Capitol Building in Lansing.
Represenmting Michigan Tech and ME-EM, Mark Hopkins, a PhD candidate in mechanical engineering from Charlotte. He will be discussing his work on in-space electric rockets.
‘Horsepower TV’, a Spike TV program about building hot rod engines, showed Michigan Tech research being done testing engines running on E85 fuels.
The episode is posted online at: Horsepower TV
The segment about E85 is at 13 minutes.
The 2012 Society of Automotive Engineers SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge is being held at Michigan Technological University Houghton, Michigan. Links to Photos and Videos of 2012 SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge Action can be found at 2012 SAE Clean Snowmobile Challenge Videos
Dr. Scott A Miers had been selected to receive the 2012 Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award. In the award letter it states “The credentials and standards of excellence in education of this year’s candidates were extremely high and brought about some very keen competition. Your outstanding contributions have distinguished you as one of the top engineering educators.” As a recipient Scott is invited as a guest for the week of the 2012 SAE World Congress which begins on April 24th in Detroit, MI, including the award ceremony on Tuesday of that week, and will be presented with a plaque.