Tag: content creation

Artificial Intelligence AI: Social Media Trends in 2024 Series

The MTU Social team knows how difficult it is to keep up with the ever changing landscape of social media. We’re here to help! In this article series we’re going to touch on what is trending and declining in the social media space. We’re also going to answer, “Where are your various audiences in 2024?”, “What social platforms are on the way out?”, and “What kinds of content should I consider spending time to create?”. In this first article we are going to touch on the use of artificial intelligence (AI) for social media content creation, customer support and editing in 2024.

The Future of Social Media: Hootsuite 2024 Trends Report

One of the MTU Social teams’ favorite places to go for updates in the social media space is Hootsuite. Being both a tool for social media managers and a source of reliable and data based social media tips, we can’t say enough good things about the company. Each year Hootsuite does a “Social Media Trends Report” based on data collected from their various surveys throughout the year. For the 2024 Trends Report, they made a fun video recapping their findings. We’re only going to cover the use of artificial intelligence being a trend in 2024 but their report is worth a read. Check out their video below.

Play Social Trends 2024: A Glimpse into the Future video
Preview image for Social Trends 2024: A Glimpse into the Future video

Social Trends 2024: A Glimpse into the Future

Hootsuite’s Youtube video “Social Trends 2024: A Glimpse into the Future”

The Use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)

From an editing, content generation and customer support standpoint, the use of AI has increased exponentially among social media marketers. Although most marketing professionals are excited to adapt with AI, the various audiences they’re marketing to are not without hesitation. According to Hootsuite’s 2024 Social Media Consumer survey, 62% of consumers are less likely to engage with and trust content if they know it was generated by AI. From the MTU social team vantage point, this distrust rings true across our platforms. For the first time ever on MTU social, we have received comments asking if social media captions were generated by AI. Although the captions our audience was commenting on weren’t generated by AI, this distrust has been an interesting concept to observe.

Hootsuite's 2024 Social Media Consumer survey graphic. AI: Social Media Trends in 2024
Hootsuite’s 2024 Social Media Consumer survey graphic. AI: Social Media Trends in 2024

Trust Issues with AI Generated Content

Something else to note on this ever changing content creation journey is that there are varying levels of trust in AI based on age demographic. For example, one of our primary audiences is Gen Z and they are more likely to engage and trust AI content as opposed to Baby Boomers. Since MTU social has a younger age demographic on student centered platforms such as Instagram and TikTok, that allows us more flexibility in experimenting with AI content on those channels.

MTU’s AI Generated Content

On MTU’s social accounts we have posted content using AI and there have been mixed reviews–but the feeling of audience distrust with AI can lurk in the comment section. We generated and disclosed that we used Chat GPT to create a poem about Bridge Fest, and then posted it on Instagram. We then received a comment that said,

“Wow, definitely better than a poem written by a human person with emotions and feelings about the natural beauty of a landmark, or better yet one of your students.”

MTU Instagram Commenter

Ouch, right? But, this comment really does communicate a lot of feelings in a few words. Although we now have AI as a tool in our marketing tool belts, there are mixed feelings on how and when it’s appropriate to use it. It’s important to know how your audiences feel about AI across social platforms when posting content.

Here are some more examples for how MTU Social has used generative AI on social media content with Instagram and TikTok.

A man created with generative AI tool DALL•E stands wearing an orange shirt, pumpkins for hands and is holding a pink broomstick. The social media caption for the image states, "What's spookier than an AI-generated image depicting a 'broomball Halloween costume'? Nothing. There's nothing more spooky than pumpkins for hands."
Instagram post on Michigan Tech’s account. A man created with generative AI tool DALL•E stands wearing an orange shirt, pumpkins for hands and is holding a pink broomstick. The social media caption for the image states, “What’s spookier than an AI-generated image depicting a ‘broomball Halloween costume’? Nothing. There’s nothing more spooky than pumpkins for hands.” AI: Social Media Trends in 2024 Series

Chat GPT, an Affordable Virtual Assistant

Now that we’ve covered a bit of using AI for content creation, we’re going to quickly touch on using AI for strategy and content ideas. We like to think of Chat GPT as a virtual assistant. It can be there to help but will not generate final copy or replace the nuance of writing for Michigan Tech’s brand. Some ways to use Chat GPT as an assistant would be brainstorming content ideas, helping simplify your thoughts, writing first drafts for captions, or suggesting content ideas. Leave the final editing and social media strategy up to humans.

Artificial intelligence is already broadly found across social media platforms in 2024–it’s up to brands to use the tool with intention and ethics. It’s safe to say using AI for social media content is here to stay.

Additional Resources on AI:

Faculty on Social Media: Best Practices for Growing a Following

Graphic that states "Faculty on Social Media: Best Practices for Growing a Following" the image behind the text shows Michigan Tech's campus from above in the summer time. The Portage Canal and Mont Ripley are in the background.
Faculty on Social Media: Best Practices for Growing a Following

Let’s take a quick glimpse at best practices for Michigan Tech faculty to follow when trying to grow a following on social media. These insights are geared toward faculty members using their using personal social media accounts to share research and thought leader content.

Growing Your Following

There are many ways to grow your following on social media platforms but we are going to focus on three digestible tactics– being a genuine follower, engaging with your followers, and sharing content.

1. Be a genuine follower

An important part of growing a following is following other accounts. A good place to start with following other accounts is taking a look at the Michigan Tech Social Media Directory. We have compiled list of active social media accounts that are related to Michigan Tech. For example, if you are a faculty member in the College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, it makes sense for your personal account to give the CFRES social media accounts a follow.

After you’ve assessed which Michigan Tech accounts you want to follow, think about your field of interest. Look for other social media accounts that interest you and that you want to engage with. A popular account that many faculty members follow for the latest news, discoveries, and funding opportunities is the National Science Foundation. Think about the communities you are part of and follow them on social media. Some other ideas for social media accounts to follow could include any local community groups, advisory boards, councils, academic societies, government agencies you are part of. It’s possible that these groups listed have a social media presence– it could be a great fit for you to follow them.

2. Engaging with your followers

Part of creating a presence on social media includes engaging with other accounts. Don’t be afraid to start a conversation and establish connections with your audience. It’s not necessary to engage with everyone, but liking and commenting on others posts is a great way to show your personality and expertise. Engaging with your followers and other users helps to boost your content and expands your profiles reach. The algorithm on most social media platforms rewards engagement (i.e. commenting, liking, sharing content).

3. Sharing Content

When thinking about creating content it helps to take a step back and ask yourself a couple of questions.

1. Who, what, when, where, why?
2. What is one main key takeaway I want my followers to gain from this content?

Once you’ve answered those questions, then think about the type of post it is going to be. Also, take a look at our social media field guide. This is a great place to gather more platform specific information.

Types of Posts:


Sharing news on campus/departmental events along with articles from reliable sources is one way to add value to your following. This is especially key if you are sharing content that is related to your area of expertise. Let’s say a researcher at another institution publishes a paper related to your field. Don’t hesitate to share it, tag the researcher, and add your thoughts or praise as an expert.


Data being communicated and partnered with a compelling narrative is where Michigan Tech faculty can truly shine. If applicable and allowable, share your own insights from data you’ve acquired in research. Share data that other faculty members in your college and at Michigan Tech have gathered. What does the data you are sharing mean? Think about the best way to simplify and communicate your data. Sharing accurate and reliable data from trusted sources adds to your presence as a thought leader and combats the problem of mis information online.

Lighthearted Content:

We’ve all seen the memes about Dogecoin or an adorable kitten. Social media is also a place to have some fun, entertain and even inspire your followers. If most of your content online is related to your area of expertise, that’s okay! If most of your social media content is photos of your dog, that’s okay, too! Think about what you want your accounts to be and how you want to use them. In our experience, adding personality and backstory to a post boosts engagement. It’s okay to share a tasteful and funny meme or a Buzzfeed quiz where you learned which Disney character you are. Just know that your followers want to get to know you. You can be positioned as a thought leader in your field on social media while also being a huge fan of cross country skiing and cat memes.

Opinion Piece:

While this opinion posts can gain a lot of engagement, it can also be risky to share strong and controversial opinions. Tread lightly around sensitive topics and share opinions with evidence to support your thoughts. One thing that MTU social suggests doing on a personal account is placing something like “Opinions are my own” in your profile bio. This way your opinions are separate from the institution you work for. Find an example below.

Twitter account bio for @EAHarter says, "Digital Media Specialist & Social Media autodidact. #HESM @notredame Opinions are my own." Faculty on Social Media Series: Best Practices
Twitter account bio for @EAHarter says, “Digital Media Specialist & Social Media autodidact. #HESM @notredame Opinions are my own.”

Notes for the Road:

Here are a few more pointers to think about related to your social media accounts.

  • Check for spelling, grammatical and factual errors. In this case, do think twice, it’s alright. (Bob Dylan reference anyone?)
  • Before pressing post, take a moment to think. Use your best judgement and think about how you want to be perceived as a professional online.
  • Post, engage and share content frequently but also sustainably. What is sustainable for you when posting online is the most important when trying to grow a following.
  • Identify influencers in your field and study how they engage with their audience and content.
  • Pay attention to your top performing posts and think about why they were successful. Try similar content to what has worked for you in the past while also paying attention to new social media tactics.
  • Reach out to MTU social if you have questions. We love being a helping hand with social media related questions. Email us at social@mtu.edu.

Artificial Intelligence on Social Media in 2023: Takeaways and Observations by the MTU Social Media Team

Image of three snow statues created by Artificial Intelligence DALL·E Mini

Takeaways and Observations from the Social Media Today article, “AI Creation Tools Will Change the Way We Create, Engage and Interact in 2023

It’s official, we’ve made it to the point in human history where Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a main topic of conversation in the marketing space. For better or for worse AI technology, such as DALL·E or Canva’s newest AI image generator to name a couple, are gaining in popularity. Social Media Today‘s article highlights four main topics centered around AI and social media marketing – content creation, image production, AI Tweets, and AI generated 3D models. Don’t be mistaken, we didn’t copy and paste part of the “Back to the Future” script hoping to fool you. Each topic reviewed by Social Media Today brought to the surface some thoughts from the MTU social media team – we’d love to share.

Content Creation & Image Production:

If you haven’t used any AI tools before reading this, I’d recommend checking out the free AI image generator tool DALL·E Mini. It really is incredible how specific you can get with generating an image (peep the header image for this article – it was created with AI image tech). On Michigan Tech’s social media accounts we have played around with using AI image generators for mostly humorous content.

(MTU TikTok AI Image Generator – MTU Instagram AI Image generated post)

AI Copywriting

Continued growth of AI copywriting technology could be an advantage for content creators. More mundane content online could help brands stand out on the copywriting front if they have a dedicated crew of writers.

AI SEO Writing

AI copywriting could be a useful tool for SEO content. Using AI copywriting to help with cutting down on writing time is something that seems to be a bonus for SEO marketers.

“But if SEO is your goal, and you want to cut down on time, then this [Artificial Intelligence] could be an option.”

Andrew Hutchinson, Head of Content and Social Media at Social Media Today

Copyright Concerns

As of now, the copyright remains in the creator’s hands (i.e. the user, who prompted the creation of the AI images or writing). Copyright with AI images does however, seem to be a slippery slope pertaining to artists’ work. Individuals can prompt AI to create a piece of work that looks like it was made by a famous or well known artist. An example of an image prompt for AI would be, “create a painting of a dog eating an ice cream cone in the style of Banksy”.

As AI technology advances and learns more, it may be harder for content writers to stand out. It’ll be interesting to see how usage with AI technology evolves in the social media space. 


Introducing MTU Social Media Admins Group

MTU Social Media Admins is an internal Google Group run by university marketing and communications (UMC) that is dedicated to collaboration, social media education and providing resources for social media managers around Michigan Tech’s campus. 

We are looking for the individuals on campus who run social media accounts pertaining to Michigan Tech including faculty, staff and students. The group will act as a sounding board or place to ask for feedback on social media posts. It will also act as a place for UMC to provide various resources including helpful articles on social media platform updates and best practices.

How to join MTU Social Admins

If you are interested in joining this Google Group please email social@mtu.edu asking to be added. Keep an eye out for an email invite!

How to find MTU Social Admins Once a Member

You won’t need to go far to find the MTU Social Admins Google Group. Look no further than your Gmail. In the sidebar where you find the Gmail Inbox tab, you will see a tab section below the Gmail Inbox Tab called “Spaces” open up that tab by pressing the plus sign to the right. Then look for “MTU Social Media Admins”. Boom, you are in!

Image of where to find MTU Social Media Admins Google Group Chat in Gmail

Run an MTU social media account and need some guidance? Email @social@mtu.edu to get in touch with Michigan Tech’s social media team.

The Magic 7: Your Go-Tos For Social Media Content

There are as many ways to present your owned and earned content on social media as there are shades of blue.

We call it the Cerulean Belt Effect. Content presented on your blog, webpages, in your annual newsletter, at a conference, in an email—anywhere—is not a one-and-done. Present it distinctly, in many shades of the same hue, in many ways. Get it in front of different eyes in different spaces. 

In other words, don’t reinvent the wheel. Repackage, repurpose, and share your content everywhere.

As homage to the time-honored marketing rule of seven, check out seven ways, listed in order of importance, to mine content from what has already been created:

7) Your own blogs and web pages 

6) Michigan Tech YouTube

5) Michigan Tech News and Unscripted 

4) Google Alert (set one for your College, Institute, or Department)

3) Faculty accomplishments, teaching honors, and conferences

2) Flickr (Michigan Tech and other University-related accounts)

1) Student stories

Here’s another take on the Rule of Seven (and rethinking alphabetical lists) from marketing guru Seth Godin and more social media posting resources and more blog goodness from your UMC team.

Keep the social media questions coming to the University Marketing and Communications editorial team at social@mtu.edu. We’ll get to as many as we can as fast as we can. For more tips, check out our social media field guide.

What is Facebook Live?

Up-close image of a person holding their cellphone. On the screen of the phone is the login page for the app Facebook.

Facebook Live allows you to interact with your community by broadcasting video in real time from your phone or computer. Answer questions about campus life, take viewers on a lab tour, or share a special event, like Winter Carnival kickoff.

The ideal duration for a Facebook Live is 20 minutes. Lives are limited to four hours on a mobile device, and eight on other kinds of media set-ups, but unless you’re streaming a webinar or other programming, plan your event to be long enough to get people watching but not so long it bores them.

Why Use Facebook Live

  • Feature events and show spaces, people, or equipment.
  • Reach alumni and student families.
  • Build up your Facebook page.
  • Embed videos on department and project websites.

What Makes This Platform

  • Engage with a real, live audience.
  • Promote early across all your social media.
  • Frame your shot.
  • Do a dress rehearsal.

What Breaks This Platform

  • Bad internet connection.
  • Too long, viewers drop off.
  • Rude comments (enlist a team member to monitor in real time).
  • Be aware of ambient noise in your surroundings.

Pro Tip

Repurpose successful Lives by posting them to your YouTube channel.



Reach out to University Marketing and Communications social media team for help at social@mtu.edu.

Instructions on Facebook Live from Facebook