Student News Briefs – Friday, April 12, 2013

Khana Khazana -Thai Cuisine

A collaboration of Michigan Tech International Students and Michigan Tech Dining Services is bringing you a fine international lunch at the Memorial Union Food Court on Friday, April 12 from 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM.


Outdoor Adventure Program Hosts a Gear Swap

The Outdoor Adventure Program is accepting gear at their location until 3:00 PM, April 19. Call 906-487-2290 for more information.


To: All Michigan Tech Registered Student Organizations

The SDC open reservation period for the 2013/2014 academic year begins today. SDC facilities may be reserved two hours before or after hours during the regular academic year for registered student organizations. During breaks and summer semester, the SDC follows the posted building hours. Reservations for SDC facilities can be requested at left banner Facility Reservation Form. Remember, due to the large demand for space, reservations may be limited to one 2-hour slot per week per organization. Locker rooms still close at the normal building hours. SDC hours are posted at

Please remember to inform all non-students who participate with student organizations that they are required to purchase a SDC daily pass or membership.

Feel free to contact Lois Sedar ( at 487-2578 if you have any questions.


Special Community Program Spring Events Announced

Yoga for Athletic Conditioning

Sunday, April 14, 2:00-4:00pm, SDC Studio

A beginning yoga workshop for athletes to enhance performance, increase flexibility, balance the body, improve strength and learn to focus. Click here for program details.

$15 per participant ($10 for Michigan Tech students)

Pay at the door. No pre-registration required.

ZUMBA Fitness Party

Sunday, May 5, 12:30-2:00pm, SDC Studio

Learn the favorites and join the fun at our Cinco de Mayo Zumba Party. A fun event for beginners and Zumba addicts alike! Click here for program details.

$10 per participant

Online registration available here or by calling the SDC Ticket Office at 487-2073.

Lifeguard Training Class

May 10, 11, 17 & 18, SDC Pool

American Red Cross course includes lifeguard and CPR certification as well as training materials. All participants must be 15 years of age or older and be able to swim a combination of front crawl and breaststroke for 500 yards without stopping. Click here for program details.

$250 per participant

Online registration available here or by calling the SDC Ticket Office at 487-2073.

For more information on Michigan Tech Community Programs, please visit us online at, email us at, or call 487-2975. Summer 2013 information will be released soon – new classes have been added and current favorites will still be available!


LeaderShape On-site Coordinator Applications Available

LeaderShape 2014 On-site Coordinator applications are now available at Student Activities, MUB 112 or the Outdoor Adventure Program, 207 East St. across the highway from the Library. Please return all application materials hard copy to the Outdoor Adventure Program.

For more information please visit the website at or contact Whitney Boroski at


Broomball Referee Supervisor Applications Available

Broomball Referee Supervisor applications for the 2013 – 2014 season are now available on the Broomball website until Wednesday, April 17 at 4:00 PM.

Please consider applying to take a more active role within Broomball and to help continue the Broomball tradition at Michigan Tech. Applications are due to the Broomball Office in the ground floor of Wadsworth Hall no later than Wednesday, April 17. Interviews will follow shortly after.


Intramural-Recreational Sports Service Updates

Upcoming Individual/Dual Sports
Tennis Doubles; entry deadline 4/15 @ 5PM; competition on 4/19 and 4/20
Sand Volleyball Two’s; entry deadline 4/15 @ 5PM; competition on 4/19 and 4/20

Please call 487-3556 for more information.


Enter to Win a Semester of Tuition

The Michigan Tech Honors Institute is pleased to announce the Bosch-Honors Institute Scholarship Raffle, offering a scholarship for one semester of tuition at Michigan Tech or one of two $250 gift cards to the University Bookstore. This raffle raises funds for undergraduate research at Michigan Tech by funding the Undergraduate Research Expo and Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowships.

Tickets are $15 each and can be purchased online starting April 15 and will continue until 5:00 PM on September 4, 2013. The winner of the scholarship and gift cards will be drawn at K-Day at McLain State Park on September 6, 2013 at 3:00 PM. Ticket holders need not be present to win. More information can be found at:

Please direct any questions about the raffle to

State of Michigan Raffle License Number: R21027



Student News Briefs – Friday, April 5, 2013

Khana Khazana -Chinese Cuisine

A collaboration of Michigan Tech International Students and Michigan Tech Dining Services is bringing you a fine international lunch at the Memorial Union Food Court on Friday, April 5 from 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM.


Intramural-Recreational Sports Service Updates

Upcoming Individual/Dual Sports
Badminton Singles; entry deadline 4/5 @ Noon; competition 4/5 @ 6PM
Badminton Doubles; entry deadline 4/5 @ 3PM; competition 4/6 @ 10AM

Upcoming Officials’ Meetings/Clinics

Soccer; 4/8 @ 6:15PM, SDC-237

Upcoming Team Sports

Soccer; 4/8 @ 6PM, SDC-237; entry deadline 4/11 @ Noon

Please call 487-3556 for more information.

Lutheran Campus Ministry Programs

The Luthran Campus Ministry invites you to their evening programs held on Wednesdays from 6:00 – 8:00 PM at the Good Sheperd Lutheran Church. Dinner served at 6:00 PM with the program to follow at 7:00 PM.
April 3: The Church in Tanzania with Rene Johnson & Rev. Bob Langseth
April 10: Post-colonialism in Africa with Ramon Fonkoue (MTU)
April 17: Mission work in Africa and its relationship to development with Kari Henquinet (MTU)
April 24: Earth Day [April 22] with Hugh Gorman (MTU): The Story of N: The Nitrogen cycle in creation
May 1: International Labor Day/ Guest Speaker Kristiina Vanhala on why a Christian is a Union Steward
May 8: [May 5 is Orthodox Easter] Discussion on Orthodox Faith and Icons with Father Innokenty from Saints Sergius and Herman in Atlantic Mine
May 15: Mother’s Day / Global Population Issues: Seriously?!  Go forth and multiply???

For more information please contact Bucky Beach at


MTU’s Relay for Life

MTU’s Relay for Life event will start today, Friday, April 5, at 6:00 PM and go until Saturday, April 6 at 6:00 AM.
Come out to support the American Cancer Society and Relay for Life of MTU and enjoy a bunch of great activities including the Rock Climbing wall, Gun Range, and many other activities to keep you entertained and having fun.  There will be free food and drinks and many opportunities to win prizes and gift certificates from around town.
Stay the whole night or come for a few hours, leave, and come back, it is up to you.  It is free to get in and we will always have something fun going on.
Contact Andrew Shaw ( for any questions or for more details about the event.

Film Board Showing Django: Unchanged

This week Film Board is showing Django: Unchanged in Fisher 135. It will be shown Friday, April 5 and Saturday, April 6 at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 PM. Tickets are $3 each with a Tech ID and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.

If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Sandra Custer


The Concert Dance Association at Michigan Tech Looking for New Student Members

There will be an organizational meeting of The Concert Dance Association at Michigan Tech on Friday, April 12 at 5:30 PM in Walker 210.  The Concert Dance Association is a new student organization forming at Michigan Tech and is open to any student or community member who is interested in concert dance (modern, jazz, ballet, tap, ethnic, etc.).  Dance experience is helpful but not necessary.

Please contact Coleen for more information.



Casino Night

Join in the fun on Saturday, April 6 from 6:00 – 10:00 PM in the MUB Ballroom.  Games, light snacks, prizes, and more! Join us in a night of fun and education! Casino attire preferred. Sponsored by Wellness and MUB Board and supported by IRHC.
For more information please contact David Shull at

NOSOTROS Salsa Lessons

Join NOSOTROS for their last Latin event of the semester on April 5 from 8:00-11:00 PM in MUB Ballroom A. Free to the public and no partner needed.

For more information please contact Mayra Sanchez Gonzalez at


Class Tribute Program

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS GRADUATING IN MAY 2013: The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more special by participating in the Class Tribute Program.  It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special in the printed commencement program.

Just go to for program and participation details.  The deadline for  tributes is Monday, April 8, 2013.  For questions, contact Paula Nutini at 487-3609 or



Student News Briefs – Friday, March 29, 2013

Khana Khazana – South Korean Cuisine

A collaboration of Michigan Tech International Students and Michigan Tech Dining Services is bringing you a fine international lunch at the Memorial Union Food Court on Friday, March 29 from 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM.


Final HuskyLEAD Session – Recruiting and Retaining Active Members

Participants attending this session will learn that membership is more than just recruiting people to join their organization. Instead it’s about retention and purpose. This session will focus on the purpose of the organization, marketing, branding, and membership development.

Begins at 6:00 PM in the MUB Peninsula Room. This will be the last HuskyLEAD of the Spring semester.


Lecture- Gender in Negotiation: Lessons for Men and Women

The School of Business and Economics and the Department of Learning and Cognitive Sciences are pleased to invite you to a Visiting Women and Minority Lecturer/Scholar Lecture.  Alice Stuhlmacher, PhD, Professor of Psychology at DePaul University will present in the MUB, Alumni Lounge on Wednesday, April 3 at 1:00 PM.

This Lecture is Open to All Faculty, Staff, and Students with reception to follow at 1:45 PM.

Please contact co-hosts Sonia Goltz ( and Edward Cokely ( for questions/comments.


Movie Showing- Passion of the Christ

Inter-Christian Council is hosting a free movie showing of Passion of the Christ on March 31 at 6:00 PM in Fisher 135.

For more information please contact Kendra Poszywak


Mind Trekkers Needs Volunteers

Mind Trekkers will be hosting two large scale road shows, and they are in need of many volunteers! Mind Trekkers is an organization that goes on the road to bring exciting, fun, hands-on science demonstrations to kids in places like Green Bay, WI, Oak Ridge, TN, and even Washington DC! Coming up, the Trekkers are headed to Illinois and Wisconsin — please consider helping out!

The first event is on Friday, April 12 at the College of Lake County (Grayslake IL). The Trekkers will leave Houghton on Thursday, April 11 at noon and return by 11:30 PM on Friday. Volunteers will get 18 recorded service hours, enjoy Key Line Cove water park, make new friends, and inspire kids to be excited about science, technology, engineering, and math! They are in need of a total of 50 volunteers, and there are plenty of spots open.

Just one week later, the Trekkers are headed to Green Bay and Appleton for a massive science and engineering extravaganza! There will be three days of Trekking — April 18, 19, and 20 — and the team will leave Houghton the Wednesday before. Everyone will drive back after the close of the event on the 20. Perks for this huge road show include: 34 volunteer service hours, a local waterpark offering us discounted admission, networking (we will be having a corporate dinner), shopping, and becoming part of the Mind Trekkers team.

If you are interested in volunteering for either/both of these events, please email Kim ( the following information:

Preferred name, Gender, Email, Phone number, Dietary restrictions, Hometown, Major, Shirt size

Everyone — all years, all ages, all majors, and all outreach experience levels — are encouraged to participate! Mind Trekkers provides training and demonstration information. Travel, lodging, and food stipends are provided on all Mind Trekkers trips.  Sign up with a friend!  Feel free to email Kim ( with any questions or concerns.



Empowered by Information – Library Video & Writing Contest

The Van Pelt & Opie Library wants to hear stories about your successful library research! Did the perfect research article that a librarian helped you find in a library database make all the difference in your poster presentation?  Did you impress your supervisor by tracking down an industry standard for a project at your internship? Are your friends envious of those great historical photos a library staff member in the Archives helped you find for your dorm room?

The library invites all current Michigan Tech students to submit a video OR written piece showing us the awesome ways you have thrived using the library’s information sources (e.g. journal articles, patents, standards, librarians, books) and win a cash prize!

Video Entries: 1st place – $300, 2nd place – $200, 3rd place – $100

Written Entries: 1st place – $200, 2nd place – $125, 3rd place – $75

Entries must be received by 11:59 PM, Sunday, April 21, 2013. Winners will be announced and contacted on Monday, April 29, 2013.  Want to submit a video entry but don’t have a video camera?  The Library has video cameras available for checkout at the Library & IT Service Center.  See full contest details at:

Questions? Contact us at


Korean-Thai Dinner & Performances

The Korean and Thai student associations are united to present their delicious exotic foods and performances to MTU students and faculties in the MUB Commons on Friday, April 5, from 6:00-9:00 PM. This is the first event that two associations cooperate to help people experience two different cultures at a time. Two most popular Asian foods with high quality will be prepared for both non-vegetarian and vegetarian. Two distinguished traditional dances, K-pop dance, and Thai boxing performances will entertain you. Furthermore, all guests can join to experience Korean and Thai traditional game and have chances to win a prize before and after performances in game booths! We guarantee everyone will learn about the two countries and have lots of fun together. Tickets are available in the MUB and Wads ($9.00 for students, $12.00 for faculty and the general public, and children under 8 are FREE).

Sponsored by USG.  For more information please contact chungjay@mtu,


Earth Week Events for Saturday March 30:

Fishing Club Outing
7-11AM, meet in lot 14 by in front of DHH
Come and enjoy what the local waters have to offer with the fishing club at Michigan Tech.  Club gear will be provided, first come first served.  Instruction provided if needed.  What we target species wise will be weather dependent.  RSVP or any questions

IEEE Recycle Your Computer!
10AM-5PM (drop in!), EERC 809
Come drop off unwanted electronics and/or make a project out of recycling electronics!  All levels invited, no experience necessary!
Some ideas include:
Computer power supply to bench power supply
Audio port to headphone splitter
Decoration with LEDs
USB monitors turned into USB hubs
USB ports to put onto computer power supplies

Cesar Chavez Day of Service: Seed Planting with Society of Hispanic Professional Engineers
11AM-1PM, MUB Circle (MUB Commons in case of bad weather)
Come plant seeds to grow into a beautiful student garden at the MUB bus stop! Service groups and individuals welcome. Snacks and tee shirts provided by the CDI.

Green Comedy: Jeff Wozer
9PM, DHH Ballroom
Come early to get a free plant courtesy of Botany Club and stay late to enjoy the outdoor and environmental comedy of Colorado’s Jeff Wozer!  There will be cake (and veggies too)!  The event is co-sponsored by Late Night Entertainment and Students for Environmental Sustainability (see attached poster).


NOSOTROS Salsa Lessons

Join NOSOTROS for their last Latin event of the semester on April 5 from 8:00-11:00 PM in MUB Ballroom A. Free to the public and no partner needed.

For more information please contact Mayra Sanchez Gonzalez at


Film Board is showing The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

This week Film Board is showing The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, March 29 and Saturday, March 30 at 5:30, 8:30, and 11:30 PM. Tickets are $3 each with a Tech ID and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. If you come to an 11:30 show Friday or Saturday you will have a chance to win a blue ray/DVD combo of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey.

If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Sandra Custer


Intramural-Recreational Sports Service has the following updates:

Upcoming Individual/Dual Sports:
Badminton Singles; entry deadline 4/5 @ Noon; competition 4/5 @ 6PM
Badminton Doubles; entry deadline 4/5 @ 3PM; competition 4/6 @ 10AM

Please call 487-3556 for more information.


Casino Night

Join in the fun on Saturday, April 6 from 6:00 – 10:00 PM in the MUB Ballroom.  Games, light snacks, prizes, and more! Join us in a night of fun and education! Casino attire preferred. Sponsored by Wellness and MUB Board and supported by IRHC.
For more information please contact David Shull at



Class Tribute Program

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS GRADUATING IN MAY 2013: The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more special by participating in the Class Tribute Program.  It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special in the printed commencement program.

Just go to for program and participation details.  The deadline for  tributes is Monday, April 8, 2013.  For questions, contact Paula Nutini at 487-3609 or



Student News Briefs – Friday, March 22, 2013



Colors Fly for Annual Pride Week

Michigan Tech’s 15th annual Pride Week is March 18-23. Events as diverse as the community they celebrate are planned. They range from a film to a conversation with a sexologist, a speaker who will talk about being black and gay in America, swing and salsa dance lessons, and the 13th annual Drag Show.

All events are free (unless otherwise noted), and all are open to the public.

For the full schedule of events, see

For more information about Pride Week, contact Renee Wells,, 487-2920.


TEDx Houghton

TEDx Houghton will now be streamed live as a webcast! It can be viewed at at 10:00 AM on March 23.

If you missed out on tickets to the event, you are also in luck. There will be two Live Stream Viewing Parties on the Michigan Tech Campus! Food is included and tickets are free! Pick up your ticket in front of any dining hall at 11:00 AM on Thursday or at Noon at the Outdoor Adventure Program (207 East St. Houghton)! There will be 100 tickets handed out in the residence halls and 100 tickets handed out at the OAP. Tickets are first come, first serve!


Film Board Movie – The Last Stand

This week Film Board is showing The Last Stand in Fisher 135 this weekend.  It will be shown on Friday, March 22 and Saturday, March 23 at 6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 pm.  Tickets are $3 each and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents.
Movie blurb: “The leader of a drug cartel busts out of a courthouse and speeds to the Mexican border, where the only thing in his path is a sheriff and his inexperienced staff.”


African Night 2013

The African Students Organization invites you to African Night 2013 on Saturday, March 23, from 7:00 PM to 10:00 PM in the MUB Ballroom. Tickets are $8.00 for students and $12.00 for faculty and the general public.

As part of the festivities, two professional artists will be gracing African Night this year.  Senegalese Kora Player Youssoupha Sidibe, who has played live with popular neo-soul artist India Arie; and Ghanaian Fashion Designer, Jennifer Akese, based in Chicago who will be directing a professional fashion show with Michigan Tech students as the models. The evening also includes dinner prepared by ASO members, Rwandan and West African dances, and a sparkling and hilarious 1990 Ghanaian play authored by Efua T. Sutherland that adapts the conventions of Akan-storytelling.

Tickets are available online at, in the MUB commons, at CDI, and at the SDC central ticket office.
Sponsors: USG, GSG, EE, ME, FE, CE, CDI, Student Affairs, & Student Life


Earth Week 2013

Get ready for Michigan Tech Earth Week 2013, March 24-30!  Students for Environmental Sustainability has partnered with groups all over campus to promote environmental awareness during this special week with over 15 events this year!  Highlights include Bike to School Day on Wednesday, March 27, and you can win a prize just for riding your bike to campus, and Green Comedian Jeff Wozer at the DHH Ballroom Saturday, March 30 at 9:00 PM.   Please visit for more information on all of the events.  This event has many generous sponsors including the Parents Fund of the Michigan Tech Fund.


TiViTz Tournament Needs Volunteers

If you are looking for an opportunity to help out in the community, please consider the following two events hosted by the Center for Pre-College Outreach.  We are in need of a few more volunteers.  The first one is on Monday, March 25 in the Wood Gym of the SDC.  Our annual TiViTz tournament brings 4th-7th graders to campus to play a tournament of the math game TiViTz.  We need 6 more people willing to help with scorekeeping and generally making sure the event runs smoothly.  The tournament runs from 9:00 AM – 12:30 PM and you can come for whatever amount of time you are able.  Lunch is provided!

The very next day, Tuesday, March 26, is Get WISE — Get Women in Science and Engineering.  Get WISE hosts about 200 7th and 8th grade girls for several engineering challenges like making little airplanes that stay in the air as long as possible or bridges that hold the most weight.  It’s a great event!  Get WISE runs from 9:00 AM – 1:30 PM in the Wood Gym and you can come for whatever amount of time you are able.  We are looking for 1 0r more volunteers.  Lunch is included at this one, too!  There will also be a training session on the Monday evening beforehand.

To sign up for either or both of these events, just fill out this form.  For more information contact Liz Fujita at


Seeking Claire M. Donovan Award Nominations

Do you know someone who should be recognized for his or her outstanding service contributions to Michigan Tech?  Blue Key Honor Society is seeking nominations for the 2013 Clair M. Donovan Award, recognizing a member of the faculty, staff, or student body for one or more of the following:  their service to Michigan Tech, especially in non-academic activities; their contribution to the public image of Michigan Tech; and/or, their continuing interest in the development of the University.  The deadline for submitting applications is Wednesday, March 27 at 5:00 PM in the Blue Key Office, MUB 106 or via email to  Nomination forms are available in the Blue Key office or at this link:

If you have questions please call 487-2818 or email

Intramurals Updates

Intramural-Recreational Sports Service has the following updates:

Dodgeball Tournament (Managers’ Meeting held prior to 1st game) Entry Deadline:  Thursday, March 21 @ 5:00 PM

Swim Meet March 25 @ 3:00 PM Entry Deadline;  Competition starts 3/26 @ 5PM

Please visit or call 487-3556 for more information.


Class Tribute Program

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS GRADUATING IN MAY 2013: The Michigan Tech Student Foundation (MTSF) and the Student Philanthropy Council invite you to make your upcoming commencement day even more special by participating in the Class Tribute Program.  It’s an opportunity for you to recognize someone special in the printed commencement program. 

Just go to  for program and participation details.  The deadline for  tributes is Monday, April 8, 2013.  For questions, contact Paula Nutini at 487-3609 or


Youth Programs Summer Employment Opportunities

Michigan Tech Youth Programs is seeking qualified adventurous people to co-lead a week long exploration this summer with Summer Youth’s Outdoor Explorations. These paid positions involve helping instructors teach Middle and High School students about ecology, ecosystems, and how people interact with nature and wilderness. 
Courses that need instructors are:
(July 14-20)
  • Backpack Isle Royale (High School)
  • Ecology & the Environment (Middle School)
(July 21-27)
  • Backpack the Porkies (High School)
  • Aquatic Ecology (Middle School)
(July 28 – August 3)
  • Wolf Ecology (Middle School)
  • Backpack the Porkies (Middle School)

Certifications such as Wilderness First Responder, Lifeguard, and Bloodborne Pathogens are paid bonuses.  For more information or to apply, contact Tom Maynard, Outdoor Programs Coordintor, by email at, or by phone, 906-487-1448.

Mind Trekkers Looking for Volunteers
Mind Trekkers needs your help! 
We have an event coming up that still needs volunteers! 
Event: College of Lake County Science & Engineering Festival (Grayslake, IL)
Date: Friday, April 12, 2013. Event runs from 8:30am-12:00pm. 

Depart Houghton: Thursday, April 11, 2013 @ noon
Arrive back to Houghton: Friday, April 12, 2013 @ 11:30pm

Perks: Water Park (link: ), making new friends, inspiring people, and 18 service hours to add to your resume!  If you are interested in volunteering, please email Kim,, the following information: 
Preferred Name: 
Phone #:
Dietary Needs: 
Shirt Size:
Feel free to encourage your friends to come on this trip as well. If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to text Kim at 989-335-3774 or email at

Admissions Office Hiring Summer Student Staff

It’s that time of year where the admissions office starts planning for
summer staff and we are in need of student telecounselors and campus
tour guides. Both of these positions are great leadership
opportunities for students!

Calling takes place Monday through Thursday from 3:00 to 6:00 p.m. in
the Administration Building. You must work a minimum of two (2) 3-hour
shifts each week.

Campus tours are offered Monday through Friday with tours from
8:00-10:00 a.m., 10:00-1:00 p.m., and 2:00-4:00 p.m.

Both positions are paid and training is provided.

To apply, you must be an undergraduate student who has completed at
least two semesters at Michigan Tech and have an overall GPA of 2.5 or
higher. If you want to make a difference for prospective Michigan Tech
students, stop by the admissions office or email for an
application. Applications must be submitted by April 12.


Multiliteracies Center Student Employment Opportunities

The Multiliteracies Center is hiring undergraduate student coaches to begin working Fall 2013.  We look for coaches from diverse majors and backgrounds, and we do NOT require applicants to be experts in writing.  Surprised? Don’t be.  The job is much different than you think.
Those students who have worked in the center often describe it as “one of the most important pieces of my academic career at Michigan Tech.” The skills gained as a coach in the Multiliteracies Center are required by future employers, yet the academic curriculum doesn’t always develop those skills. Coaches have an advantage when they go on the job market.
There will be an informal pizza and information session on Tuesday, March 26 at 6:00 PM in Walker 107.
Applications are available in the center (Walker 107) or online ( Applications are due by Wednesday, March 27.
Contact Kirsti Arko with any questions.






Student News Briefs – Friday, March 8, 2013

Khana Khazana – Indian Cuisine

A collaboration of Michigan Tech International Students and Michigan Tech Dining Services is bringing you a fine international lunch at the Memorial Union Food Court on Friday, March 8 from 11:00AM – 1:30PM.


New Student Organization, Parenting and Pregnant

Parenting and Pregnant Husky Network is a new/registered student organization at Michigan Tech . We are looking for student/parents attending Michigan Tech. We would love to meet you! Our next meeting will be March 26, 2013 at the MTU preschool located in Daniel Heights at 6:00 PM. Bring your child/dren. If you have any questions, email


Michigan Tech Recreation has Options for You

Looking for low-impact activities or high-impact recreational opportunities? Our Community Programs provide regularly scheduled fitness and recreational opportunities. Get active this spring – Michigan Tech Recreation has the options for you!

Please open document for more information on Dollar Days Promo Week and Spring Session 2 Programming. Recreational Opportunities

For more information please contact Jada Gullstrand at


Film Showing – The Strange Disappearance of the Bees

The film “The Strange Disappearance of the Bees” will be shown in The Forestry Atrium & G002 on Thursday, March 14 from 7:00 – 8:30 PM.  Suggested donation of $3.00.

About the Film:
Across the globe, the disturbing mass death  of bees has more than just beekeepers worried…at least one-third of the world’s food relies on bee pollination.

The film is sponsored in part by MTU’s Center for Water & Society and students are more than welcome to attend this free film with refreshments and discussion with Melissa Hronkin, Apiarist & Proprietor of
Algomah Acres Honey Farm near Mass City, MI.


Michigan Tech League of Legends Tournament

The Michigan Tech League of Legends Club will be holding their 2nd Annual Tournament in conjunction with the Campus Cafe on March 23, 2013.  Registration closes on Monday, March 18. There will be other activities besides the game so stop on by!

For more information, visit our club Facebook page or the registration site



Last day to Nominate for Presidents, Vice Presidents, and Percy Julian Awards

Please be sure to submit your nominations for the Presidents Award for Leadership, Vice Presidents Award for Service, and the Percy Julian Award.  Nominations close at 5:00 PM today, Friday, March 8.  Nominees have until March 22 to submit their essay and resume to

Please go to to get your nomination in before the deadline.  All other awards are to be submitted by March 22 at noon.

For more information please call Student Activities at 906-487-1963 or email


Student Employment Opportunity

The Multiliteracies Center is hiring undergraduate student coaches to begin working Fall 2013. We look for coaches from diverse majors and backgrounds, and we do NOT require applicants to be experts in writing. Surprised? Don’t be. The job is much different than you think.
Those students who have worked in the center often describe it as “one of the most important pieces of my academic career at Michigan Tech.” The skills gained as a coach in the Multiliteracies Center are required by future employers, yet the academic curriculum doesn’t always develop those skills. Coaches have an advantage when they go on the job market.
There will be an informal pizza and information session on Tuesday, March 26 at 6:00 PM in Walker 107.
Applications are available in the center (Walker 107) or online ( Applications are due by Wednesday, March 27.
Contact Kirsti Arko with any questions.

Tickets Still Available to Chicago

If you know of anyone (yourself included) who is interested, the International Programs and Services Office still has a few seats left on our bus to Chicago.  Round-trip tickets are just $75.  Why drive when you can sleep for seven hours? The bus leaves Saturday, March 9th and returns on Tuesday, March 12th.

To get your bus ticket, each passenger must print, complete and sign the waiver and return to IPS:  Passengers under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian sign the waiver form.

Tickets are non-refundable and may be purchased at the IPS Office.

The bus will be dropping students off at a convenient downtown location. Specific hotel and travel information will be provided at the time of bus ticket purchase.Please see use Barkboard if you wish to find a roommate to share housing costs.

Seats are limited and tickets are first-come, first-served so purchase your ticket before they are gone!

There is a lot to do and see in Chicago! Visit:
If you have any questions, please contact IPS at 906-487-2160 or

Student News Briefs – Friday, March 1, 2013

Khana Khazana – Chinese Cuisine

A collaboration of Michigan Tech International Students and Michigan Tech Dining Services is bringing you a fine international lunch at the Memorial Union Food Court on Friday, February 15 from 11:00AM – 1:30PM.


Learn Social Dance

Wellness and the social dance club is hosing a Social Dance workshop on March 7 from 6-7:00 pm in the DHH ballroom.  This workshop is open to anybody that is interested in dance, all levels are welcome.  Come and get some exercise and learn some awesome dance moves just in time for Spring Break!

For more information contact Wellness at
Wellness is located on the second floor of the Outdoor Adventure Program Building and is open to all students Monday-Friday, Noon-4:00 PM.


HuskyLEAD Session – How to Maximize Involvement Link

The next HuskyLEAD session will be held on March 5 in MUB Ballroom B at 6:00 PM.  Participants attending this session will take a closer look at Involvement Ling and learn additional ways to navigate it and make the most of its features in order to better serve their organization.

For more information please contact Student Activities at


Geocaching  Series with Outdoor Adventure Program

Sign up for a fun adventure of geocaching in the Keweenaw on Saturday, March 2 from 10:00 AM – 1:00 PM.  Various locations to be decided apon by participants $10 includes transportation, GPS, and snowshoes, if needed.  Sign up at the OAP Rental Center at 207 East St. by Friday March 1 or call 906-487-2290 for more information.


Call for volunteers for Family Fun Day

Family Fun Day held on Saturday, March 10, is an event sponsored by the Staff Council, the SDC, and the Memorial Union.  There is free access to the SDC, Gates Tennis Center and the MUB’s Bowling and Billiards rooms,  a free lunch, and prize drawings for registered participants.

Volunteers are needed for a variety of activities:

(1) Prize/Raffle table, from  10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
– 10 AM to Noon
– Noon to 2 PM
– 2 PM to 4 PM

(2) Registration table, from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.
– 10 AM to Noon
– Noon to 2 PM

(3) Skaters to supervise the ice arena from 1 to 2:50 PM

(4) Concessions: 10:45 AM to 2:00 PM
–   2 volunteers per hour for coffee/pop stand
–  2 volunteers per hour for ice cream stand

The prize table involves putting out give-aways and drawing names for prizes.  The registration desk is checking off people’s names as they come in, hand out ID bracelets,  and answering questions.  The skaters make sure everything is going well on the ice.

If you are interested or have questions, please feel free to contact Allyson Jabusch at


Welcome to Copper Dog 2013

The CopperDog 150 is a pro-class sled dog race that brings together the community like no other event in the Upper Peninsula.  A three day festival kicked of by an amazing night-time downtown start in Calumet on March 1, the CopperDog 150 offers everyone at Michigan Tech serous fun and adventure as a spectator or as a volunteer.  With music, food, art, and 400 sled dogs shooting off into the night.

For a full schedule of events click here Copper Dog 150 Schedule or visit the website at


The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Seeking Input

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) seeks input for its annual Distinguished Teaching Awards, which recognize outstanding contribution to the instructional mission of the University.Based on over 51,000 student rating of instruction forms, eleven finalists have been identified for the 2013 awards. The selection committee is soliciting comments from students, staff, faculty, and alumni to aid in its deliberation process.

The finalists for the two awards include:
Associate Professor / Professor Category

Professor Andrew Burton (School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science)
Associate Professor Guy Hembroff (School of Technology)
Professor Bruce Mork (Electrical and Computer Engineering)
Associate Professor Nilufer Onder (Computer Science)
Associate Professor Christopher Plummer (Visual and Performing Arts)

Assistant Professor / Lecturer / Professor of Practice Category

Assistant Professor Jared Anderson (Visual and Performing Arts)
Assistant Professor Frank Christiana (Aerospace Studies)
Professor of Practice Karyn Fay (Biological Sciences)
Assistant Professor Scott Miers (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics)
Assistant Professor Kazuya Tajiri (Mechanical Engineering – Engineering Mechanics)
Assistant Professor Thomas Werner (Biological Sciences)

Comments on the nominees are due by Saturday, March 30, 2013 and should be sent to CTL at

The process for determining the Distinguished Teaching Award recipients from this list of finalists also involves the additional surveying of their classes.  The selection committee makes the final determination of the award recipients.  The recipients of the 2013 Distinguished Teaching Award will be formally announced in May 2013.

For more information, contact Nancy Seely at 487-2046 or .


Film Board showing Rise of the Guardians in 3D

This week Film Board is showing Rise of the Guardians in 3D in Fisher 135. It will be shown on Friday, March 1 and Saturday, March 2 at
6:00, 8:30, and 11:00 PM. The movie will be shown in 3D  so please remember your Tech IDs to check out our glasses. Tickets are $3 with a
Tech ID and concessions range from 25 cents to 75 cents. If you have any questions, please contact Film Board’s Publicity Chair, Sandra Custer


The Bra Show

The Bra Show is one of the largest and most exciting service projects put on by the Society of Intellectual Sisters. It will be held on Friday, March 1 from 7:00 – 9:00 PM in the Forestry Atrium.

It is their goal to increase awareness and to support those who are or have suffered from breast cancer. This year’s theme of “Seven Wonders of the World”, exhibits a fashion show, where outrageous, decorated bras are modeled by male volunteers. It is a joyous occasion for celebrating women’s health and to raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) to combat breast cancer.  This years speaker, Cindy Barrett, is a Breast Cancer Survivor.

For more information please contact Ashli Fueri at


Intramural-Recreational Sports Service Updates:

Reminder of upcoming Team Sports Managers’ Meetings SDC Room 237:
Volleyball 2/27 @ 6:00 PM Entry deadline is 3/6 @ 5:00PM

Reminder of upcoming Individual/Team Sports:
Billiards Tournament 3/1 @ Noon (entry deadline) competition is 3/2 @ 10:00 AM

Please visit or call 487-3556 for more information.


Bible Lecture Series

Join Campus Hope each night, Monday, March 18 – Saturday, March 23, for a  series of lectures in Fisher Hall.

The Evidence is a series of lectures designed to provide a rational basis for faith while not ignoring the existential issues surrounding each subject. It is often believed that people of faith tend to be uneducated or uninformed, therefore leaving them easily persuaded by shoddy evidence. However, this lecture series will argue that faith rests upon evidence, not demonstration, in addition to pointing to the evidence itself.

Speaker Sebastien Braxton is an inspiring international evangelist who has a passion for soul-winning on secular campuses. He is the assistant director of training for CAMPUS (Center for Adventist Ministry to Public University Students).

If you have any questions or need a ride, please contact:


Nominations Being Taken for Clair M Donovan Award

Do you know someone who should be recognized for his or her outstanding service contributions to Michigan Tech?  Blue Key Honor Society is seeking nominations for the 2013 Clair M. Donovan Award, recognizing a member of the faculty, staff, or student body for one or more of the following: their service to Michigan Tech, especially in non-academic activities; their contribution to the public image of Michigan Tech; and/or, their continuing interest in the development of the University.  The deadline for submitting applications is Wednesday, March 27, at 5:00 PM in the Blue Key Office, MUB 106 or via email to Nomination forms are available in the Blue Key office or at this link:

Student Employment Opportunity

The Multiliteracies Center is hiring undergraduate student coaches to begin working Fall 2013. We look for coaches from diverse majors and backgrounds, and we do NOT require applicants to be experts in writing. Surprised? Don’t be. The job is much different than you think.
Those students who have worked in the center often describe it as “one of the most important pieces of my academic career at Michigan Tech.” The skills gained as a coach in the Multiliteracies Center are required by future employers, yet the academic curriculum doesn’t always develop those skills. Coaches have an advantage when they go on the job market.
There will be an informal pizza and information session on Tuesday, March 26 at 6:00 PM in Walker 107.

Applications are available in the center (Walker 107) or online ( Applications are due by Wednesday, March 27.
Contact Kirsti Arko with any questions.


The Math Learning Center is Hiring

The Math Learning Center is looking for individuals who would like to help their fellow students improve their math skills. We hire all majors, but you must plan to have completed Calc III by next fall. You must also complete Linear Algebra and Differential Equations. The application is available at the following link:

Please return the completed application to the Math Learning Center in Fisher Hall room 234 by 3:00 PM, Friday, March 8.


19th Annual Student Leadership Awards Deadline Approaching

Be sure to make your nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs Award for Service as they close on Friday, March 8 at 5:00 PM.  Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards need to be submitted by Noon on Friday, March 22, 2013.

The nomination process is simple and actually, quite easy. All awards and information about each can be found on the web at . Once you find the award, simply click on the award header/description and submit the nomination.

Please take a minute to nominate a student or colleague today. Each nomination will enter you into a drawing for one of four $50 gift certificates from the Campus Bookstore.

If you have any questions concerning the awards, please contact Karma Maynard at 487-1963 or



Student News Brief – Friday, February 22, 2013

Khana Khazana – Around the World

Khana Khazana will celebrate its third anniversary with foods from five countries at its weekly international lunch. The meal will feature dishes from Cameroon, China, India, Korea and Thailand.

A collaboration of Michigan Tech International Students and Michigan Tech Dining Services is bringing you a fine international lunch at the Memorial Union Food Court on Friday, February 15 from 11:00AM – 1:30PM.


HuskyLEAD Session – Dealing with Difficult People

The next HuskyLEAD Session will be held on Tuesday, February 26 in the MUB Ballroom B at 6:00 PM.  Participants attending this session will learn how to identify and approach members and leaders who may be putting their own interests over their organizations needs and values.
For more information please contact Student Activities at or call 906-487-1963.


Meditation Basics Workshop

The Wellness program invites you to a meditation workshop to be held in MUB Alumni Lounge from 6:00-7:00 PM on Friday, February 22nd.  There is no cost for this workshop. Feel free to bring a pillow or blanket to sit on.

For more information contact Wellness at or call 906-487-2560


American Red Cross Blood Drive

A collaboration with Student Activities and Order of Omega, the American Red Cross will be collecting blood on a walk-in basis or appointment. Appointments can be made by calling 487-1963 Monday, February 25 prior to the drive or by coming in person the day of and signing up for a time that fits your schedule.

For more information please visit the website at


International Programs Offering a Spring Break Trip to Chicago

Not sure what to do during spring break? Join International Programs and Services (IPS) for a fun trip to Chicago, Illinois, March 9-12 (3 night stay). Round trip bus tickets can be purchased next Monday, February 25, 2013.

Cost per ticket is only $75 per seat. Limit two tickets per person. To get your bus ticket, each passenger must print, complete and sign the waiver and return to IPS:  Passengers under 18 years of age must have a parent or legal guardian sign the waiver form.

Tickets are non-refundable and may be purchased at the IPS Office.

The bus will be dropping students off at a convenient downtown location. Specific hotel and travel information will be provided at the time of bus ticket purchase.  Please use Barkboard if you wish to find a roommate to share housing costs.

Seats are limited and tickets are first-come, first-served so purchase your ticket before they are gone!

There is a lot to do and see in Chicago! Visit:
If you have any questions, please contact IPS at 906-487-2160 or



Theta Chi Epsilon Hosting  Spa Night Rush

Join Theta Chi Epsilon for a night of mani’s, pedi’s and facials on Friday March 1 from 6:00-7:00 PM.  Rides will be leaving Wads lobby 15 minutes prior to the event.
For more information contact Jannah Brandt at


Relay for Life Fundraiser – 2013 Mr. MTU

Mr. MTU is a male pageant competition sponsored by Theta Chi Epsilon to help raise money for the American Cancer Society’s Relay for Life.  Applications for nominees will be due March 8 with a $10 fee and photo.
Please contact to sign up or for more information.

Engineers Without Borders Benefit Concert

Come out and support Engineers Without Borders at the Orpheum Theater on March 2 from 8:00-11:00 PM. Bands include Barnstormers, Ripley St. Fire Department, Jonathan Soper, and Gratiot Lake Road.  There is a $7.00 cover charge.

Also the next general meeting will be held on Thursday, February 28 from 7:00-8:00 PM in Dillman 320, Bolivia Team meeting to be held on Wednesday, February 29 at 5:30 PM in Dow 873, and the Guatemala Team meeting on Wednesday, February 29, at 7:00 PM in Dow 873.

For more information please contact Autumn Storteboom at



19th Annual Student Leadership Awards Now Open for Nominations

At Michigan Tech we are blessed with students that are crazy smart.  As faculty and staff we partner with these students to inspire community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability, and tenacity. Now is the time to recognize these students for their commitment, enthusiasm, and leadership. On behalf of the University, Student Affairs is seeking nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership, Vice President for Student Affairs Service Award, and various other student leadership awards. The recipient of each award will be honored at the spring student leadership awards which will be held on Friday, April 19, 2013.

The nomination process is simple and actually, quite easy. All awards and information about each can be found on the web at . Once you find the award, simply click on the award header/description and submit the nomination.

Nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs Award for Service need to be submitted by Friday, March 8, 2013, at 5:00 p.m.  Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards need to be submitted by Noon on Friday, March 22, 2013.

Please take a minute to nominate a student or colleague today. Each nomination will enter you into a drawing for one of four $50 gift certificates from the Campus Bookstore.

If you have any questions concerning the awards, please contact Karma Maynard at 487-1963 or


ADA Challenge – Bowl for Kids

Bowl for Kids is a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters. The challenge is for another college team to raise more money than the ADAs, and the team who raises the most money will receive a $100 gift certificate to an eatery of their choice! Each team gets to bowl for 2 hours and is entered into a drawing for $100 worth of gift certificates! Its a great way to help out in the community and to win some really cool prizes! Take the Challenge!

The event takes place on March 2, 2013 and you will be assigned a time to bowl when you register.

For more information please contact Haley Florinki at



Student News Briefs – Friday, February 15, 2013

Khana Khazana – Thai Cuisine

A collaboration of Michigan Tech International Students and Michigan Tech Dining Services is bringing you a fine international lunch at the Memorial Union Food Court on Friday, February 15 from 11:00AM – 1:30PM.


Alternative Spring Break

There is still time to sign up for Alternative Spring Break trips for March 9-16,2013! This year students are headed to Utah for skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing at Powder Mountain and Snowbasin. $850 includes transportation, food, ski passes, and lodging.  Arkansas and Missouri for climbing, paddling, hiking, and a wild animal safari. $600 includes transportation, food, and passes and permits for all activities.  Arkansas for paddling on Buffalo National River and Mulberry River.  $450 includes transportation, group gear, food, and shuttles on the rivers. Moab, Utah for biking. $680 includes transportation, food, lodging, and bike rentals.

PE0210 class credit is available for Track A of Spring 2013 for service performed during an ASB trip. A fee of $200 will be billed for 0.5 credit hours.

For more information please contact the Outdoor Adventure Program at 906-487-2290.


Tutors Needed at Jeffers High School

Jeffers High School is looking for MTU students who are interested in tutoring 9 -12th grade student. We are requesting a time commitment of one hour each week between the hours of 8:30 – 3:30 Monday through Thursday. We will work the tutoring time around your MTU schedule. A $4.00 gas reimbursement will be provided for each time.

If you are interested, please contact Trish Sherman, Jeffers High School Guidance Counselor, at 482-0580 ext. 2131. Thank You!


Community Service Opportunity

If you are looking for a community service opportunity and/or for something fun to do, the Michigan Tech Preschool would like to invite your organization to participate in our upcoming, ‘Cabin Fever Carnival’ event as event volunteers.  This event is open to the entire community – including all ages up to high school and college students and adults.  What we are doing is a carnival-type event where we will have multiple games for children to play, eat, and have fun.

The event will take place at the MUB Ballroom on Saturday, February 23 from 8:00 AM – 3:00 PM.

Volunteers needed mainly to supervise the different areas and to make sure the participants stay safe. If you are interested please contact Rhys Edwards by February 18 with a list of names and/or a number of volunteers your organization can commit to.  There is a need for 30-40 volunteers for each event shift and about 10 each for set-up and tear-down.

Michigan Tech Preschool is a non-profit parent cooperative preschool that has been serving the local community and its children for over 50 years.  We hope you will choose to work with us to continue our tradition of affordable early childhood education.


Speaker for Black History Month, Ms. Stefanie Brown

The Center for Diversity and Inclusion and the Black Student Association announce the featured speaker for Black History Month, Ms. Stefanie Brown James. Who has dedicated her life to empowering people to organize and advocate for justice and equality in their communities. Most recently Ms. Brown has served as the National African American Vote Director for the 2012 Obama for America Campaign and as the National Director of the NAACP Youth & College Division representing 23,000 youth under the age of 25 around the country. Her presentation titled “We Are Who We’ve Been Waiting For!” will inspire youth to stand up and continue the fight for freedom and justice in this world. The event will take place on February 14, 2013 from 4:00-5:00 PM at the Rozsa Art Gallery. This event is free and open to the public.

For more information contact the Center for Diversity and Inclusion at 906-487-2920 or e-mail Kellie Raffaelli at


Student Leadership Awards 2013 Now Open for Nominations

At Michigan Tech we are blessed with students that are crazy smart.  As faculty and staff we partner with these students to inspire community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability, and tenacity. Now is the time to recognize these students for their commitment, enthusiasm, and leadership. On behalf of the University, Student Affairs is seeking nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership, Vice President for Student Affairs Service Award, and various other student leadership awards. The recipient of each award will be honored at the spring student leadership awards which will be held on Friday, April 19, 2013.

The nomination process is simple and actually, quite easy. All awards and information about each can be found on the web at . Once you find the award, simply click on the award header/description and submit the nomination.

Nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs Award for Service need to be submitted by Friday, March 8, 2013, at 5:00 p.m.  Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards need to be submitted by Noon on Friday, March 22, 2013.

Please take a minute to nominate a student or colleague today. Each nomination will enter you into a drawing for one of four $50 gift certificates from the Campus Bookstore.

If you have any questions concerning the awards, please contact Karma Maynard at 487-1963 or


ADA Challenge – Bowl for Kids

Bowl for Kids is a fundraiser for Big Brothers Big Sisters. The challenge is for another college team to raise more money than the ADAs, and the team who raises the most money will receive a $100 gift certificate to an eatery of their choice! Each team gets to bowl for 2 hours and is entered into a drawing for $100 worth of gift certificates! Its a great way to help out in the community and to win some really cool prizes! Take the Challenge!

The event takes place on March 2, 2013 and you will be assigned a time to bowl when you register.

For more information please contact Haley Florinki at



One-time funds Available for a Student Organization

Staff members from Michigan Tech’s Office of Development have been raising funds in 2012 through their “Jeans Friday Program.” On any given Friday, for a donation of $2, staff could wear jeans to work that day.  They raised $833 in 2012 that they now would like to give to a registered student organization here at Tech.  They are accepting funding requests until February 15.  At that time they will evaluate the requests and make a decision on granting the funds.  Students can submit a request form by filling out the following PDF form and submitting it electronically to pjnutini@mtu.eduJeans Friday funding request
For any questions, contact Paula Nutini at 487-3609 or

Annual Bra Show – Models Needed

The Society of Intellectual Sisters are looking for designers and male models for the 9th Annual Bra Show!  The Bra Show brings breast cancer awareness to the community at large. Modeling the bras helps display the work of the designers and it also helps raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Would you like to design a bra for the show? Come to the Bra Show workshops February 13 from 7:00-9:00 PM in Fisher 101 and February 21 from 7:00-9:00PM in Fisher 125. All supplies will be provided free of charge and you do not need to attend both workshops.

For more information or to sign up for modeling email


8th Annual Railroad Night

Please join Railroad Engineering and Activities Club in their 8th Annual Railroad Night event to be held at the Shelden Grill (7th Floor Magnusen Hotel) on TUesday, February 19 from 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM.
First 50 people interested in joining REAC get FREE admission. Otherwise, admission is $3.00.  Your ticket enters you for a chance to win raffle prizes. First Prize- Kindle Fire, Second Prize- iPod Shuffle, and other door prizes.
You can still buy tickets on campus at the MEEM on Friday, February 15 from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM or at the door the night of the event.

For more information contact Antonio Passariello



Student News Briefs – Friday, February 8, 2013

Bigfoot Snowshoe Event

IT’S HERE…the Annual Bigfoot Snowshoe  event. Even if you haven’t pre-registered you can still come! Late registration at the Michigan Tech ball field entrance begins at 8:30 AM. The cost at the door is $15 for students & children and  $18 for adults. Participants receive a long sleeve shirt and are eligible for prizes. Snowshoes are provided.

For more information contact the Outdoor Adventure Progam at 487-2290.


Student Leadership Awards 2013 Now Open for Nominations

At Michigan Tech we are blessed with students that are crazy smart.  As faculty and staff we partner with these students to inspire community, scholarship, possibilities, accountability, and tenacity. Now is the time to recognize these students for their commitment, enthusiasm, and leadership. On behalf of the University, Student Affairs is seeking nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership, Vice President for Student Affairs Service Award, and various other student leadership awards. The recipient of each award will be honored at the spring student leadership awards which will be held on Friday, April 19, 2013.

The nomination process is simple and actually, quite easy. All awards and information about each can be found on the web at . Once you find the award, simply click on the award header/description and submit the nomination.

Nominations for the President’s Award for Leadership and the Vice President for Student Affairs Award for Service need to be submitted by Friday, March 8, 2013, at 5:00 p.m.  Nominations for all other Student Leadership Awards need to be submitted by Noon on Friday, March 22, 2013.

Please take a minute to nominate a student or colleague today. Each nomination will enter you into a drawing for one of four $50 gift certificates from the Campus Bookstore.

If you have any questions concerning the awards, please contact Karma Maynard at 487-1963 or


HuskyLEAD Session – Balancing Time, Classes, and Your Organization

The next HuskyLEAD session will be held on February 12, in MUB Ballroom B at 6:00 PM.   Participants attending this session will learn techniques to help them examine their priorities.  Leaders will be able to identify and prioritize their commitments while learning more about various time and stress management techniques.

For more information please contact Student Activities at 487-1963 or


2013 Study Abroad MEME Contest

What comes to mind when you think about studying abroad? Share your thoughts with MEME for your chance to win a fabulous prize (and bragging rights!) Prizes are as follows:

Grand Prize: $1,000 USAC Scholarship
Second Prize: $350 Study Abroad Program Fee Scholarship
Third Prize: $165 Passport Application Fee Scholarship
Honorable Mention: Huskies Studying Abroad T-Shirt

Complete list of official rules and entry form:  Rules and Form

To enter, please submit your entry form and MEME as a PDF to by February 22, 2013, 11:59 PM.


Student Persistence Survey

As students at Michigan Tech, we are interested in improving student
persistence.  We are gathering information on why you stay or leave a
particular major, and who had a role in your decisions.
We’d appreciate you completing the survey at:

It will take approximately 15 minutes and you will remain anonymous.
Please complete the survey by Friday,February 15.


Reminder of upcoming Officials’ Meetings and Clinics

Floor Hockey, 2/13@ 6:30PM; Multi-Purpose Gym Courts 3 & 4
Innertube Water Polo, 2/13 @ 9:00 PM; SDC Pool

Reminder of upcoming Team Sports Managers’ Meetings SDC Room 237:
Innertube Water Polo, 2/12 @ 6PM; Entry Deadline 2/14 @ 5:00 PM
Floor Hockey, 2/12 @ 6:15PM; Entry Deadline 2/14 @ 5:00 PM
Soccer-Tennis, 2/12 @ 6:30PM; Entry Deadline 2/18 @ 5:00 PM

**Wrestling has been canceled due to lack of mats**

Please visit or call 487-3556 for more information.


Chinese New Year Celebration

The Michigan Teach Chinese Students and Scholars Association (CSSA) is proud to present 2013 Chinese Night celebrating our tradition with feast and performance.  There will be a big New Year’s Eve dinner on Friday, February 15 at the MUB from 5:00 PM to 7:00 PM with seven delicious Chinese dishes such as Beef Tomato, Mushroom Chicken, Potato with Ribs and much more.

For tickets information, please visit Tickets also available at the SDC box office.  Tickets, including dinner & show, will be $15 for the public, $12 for students, $6 for children (under 13), and FREE for CSSA members.

For more information please contact Han Cheng at



Student News Briefs – Friday, February 1, 2013

Khana Khazana – South Korean Cuisine

A collaboration of Michigan Tech International Students and Michigan Tech Dining Services is bringing you a fine international lunch at the Memorial Union Food Court, Friday, February1 from 11:00 AM – 1:30 PM.


The Bigfoot Snowshoe event is in its sixteenth year in 2013 and has been a staple event of the Spring Semester at Michigan Tech.  Courses of approximately 2k, 4k, and 6k are marked and staffed by the OAP student staff.  For a nominal registration fee, you get a great long sleeved t-shirt, access to the marked trails for the day, and a chance to win some great prizes!  Held in conjunction with Winter Carnival, this event promotes healthy and active lifestyles year round!

When:Saturday, February 9 at 8:30 AM
Where: Softball field trailhead
Register: Fill out the online form or at the Softball field trail head on the day of the event

Payment & Registration
Please write payment to Michigan Tech and send registration to:

Michigan Tech University
Attention: Whitney Boroski
O’Connor House
207 East St.
Houghton, MI 49931


Flag Team (FLAG CORPS)

Looking for students interested in joining a student organized flag team.  Involvement would include choreographed flag routines with a team, forming new friendships, marching in parades and with the pep band during sporting events, designing flags and flagging outfits with the team, and representing Michigan Tech.

For more information please contact Taija Hahka at  Meetings are TBA.


Keweenaw Pride holding a fundraiser at the Library Restaurant

Keweenaw Pride will be holding a fundraiser at the Library Restaurant and Brew Pub next Friday, February 1 from 6:00 PM-12:00 AM or later to raise money for travel expenses so that they may attend their annual regional conference, located this year in Lansing, Michigan. Simply go to the restaurant, and at some point during your stay, mention that you are there for Keweenaw Pride, or KP, and they will donate 25% of your bill to the organization. Go enjoy awesome food while helping LGBT students develop as leaders and learn new skills to implement into current programming on Michigan Tech’s campus.

For more information please contact Brett Campbell at


Annual Bra Show – Models Needed

The Society of Intellectual Sisters are looking for designers and male models for the 9th Annual Bra Show!  The Bra Show brings breast cancer awareness to the community at large. Modeling the bras helps display the work of the designers and it also helps raise funds for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Would you like to design a bra for the show? Come to the Bra Show workshops February 13 from 7:00-9:00 PM in Fisher 101 and February 21 from 7:00-9:00PM in Fisher 125. All supplies will be provided free of charge and you do not need to attend both workshops.

For more information or to sign up for modeling email


Cabin Fever Carnival hosted by Michigan Tech Preschool – Looking for Volunteers

The event will take place at the MUB Ballroom on Saturday, February 23.  We need volunteers mainly to supervise the games, help with the snack bar/bake sale, sell carnival game tickets, distribute prizes, etc. Last year’s event was very successful and we are excited about this year’s event.  A large part of our success was a great group of volunteers last year and we hope the campus community can help the Preschool again this year.

If your organization can participate, please contact Rhys Edwards at by February18th with a list of names and/or a number of volunteers your organization can commit to one or more shifts.  Michigan Tech Preschool is a non-profit parent cooperative preschool that has been serving the local community and its children for over 50 years.  We hope you will choose to work with us to continue our tradition of affordable early childhood education.

Event Summary

Michigan Tech Preschool Cabin Fever Carnival Saturday, February 23, Memorial Union Building – Ballroom from 10:00 AM – 1:00PM

Set-Up Shift: 8:00am – 10:00am

Event 1st shift: 9:45am – 11:45am

Event 2nd shift: 11:45am – 1:45 pm

Tear-Down Shift: 1:00pm – 3:00pm


Intramural-Recreational Sports Service has the following updates:

Reminder of Upcoming Individual/Dual Sports Entry Deadlines:
Table Tennis Singles, Friday, 2/1 @ Noon (competition begins 2/1 @ 6:00PM)
Table Tennis Doubles, Friday 2/1 @ 3:00PM (competition begins 2/2 @ 10:00AM)

Please visit or call 487-3556 for more information.


Come Dance with the Michigan Tech Hip Hop Dance Club

You are invited to come dance with the Hip Hop Dance Club every Saturday from 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM at the SDC Dance Room (2nd Floor).  Hip Hop Dance Club is now open to students at no cost.

The mission of the Club is to unite people who have a common interest and provide an athletic and recreational activity to students, faculty, and staff as an integral part of campus life as well as develop members understanding and creativity in modern dance styles.

Please contact for more information.


Michigan Tech Hosting the NCAA Regionals for Nordic Skiing

Volunteers needed for Saturday and Sunday, February 23 and 24 for various activities such as collecting bibs at the finish line, dealing with chips at the
start and finish, and serving as back-up timers. We may also need a couple of people each morning to help set up the stadium.  If you are interested, you could volunteer for a shift or for an entire day.

Shifts would look approximately like this:
Saturday, February 23
9:30 – 11:30 am
11:30 am – 1:30 pm
Sunday, February 24
9:00 AM – 11:30 AM
11:00 AM -1:30 PM

Stadium work will begin each day at 7 am and should be finished by 9:00 AM.  If you want to volunteer for the full day, just plan for both shifts.

If you are interested, please email Dean Woodbeck at or call 906-482-5014


Flu Shots Available

Flu Shots still available at Portage Health in all three locations (SDC, Fast Care, Main Office in Hancock)!  All shots are $25 and insurance is accepted.  Please call the main Portage Health location at (906)-483-1000 or go to for more information on locations and appointments.  Supplies are very limited!  Look for Flu clinics next year during the months of October and November on campus.  Brought to you by Portage Health.
