Category: Theatre

Breaksk8 coming to Parade of Nations, Rozsa

The Parade of Nations along with the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts present the high-energy breakdancers-on- wheels that are “Breaksk8” on Saturday, September 17.

In addition to skating in the Parade of Nations, Breakst8 will perform at 7:30 p.m. on the Rozsa Center stage.

BreakSk8 has amazed audiences around the globe with their unique style of entertainment on wheels. Never before has roller skating and break dancing been combined in such an acrobatic, athletic, artistic and precise display of talent. Tickets are on sale now, $10 for adults, $5 for youth and free for Michigan Tech Students with the Experience Tech Fee. You can get tickets by calling 7-2073 or online.

In addition, the Parade of Nations and the Keweenaw Roller Girls roller derby team present an “open skate”  from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 14 at the Houghton County Arena. This “bring your own skates/blades” event is free and open to all ages and levels of experience.

For more information on Breaksk8, visit their website.

Read more on Tech Today, by Bethany Jones

Theatre Auditions Tonight

Tonight is the final night of auditions for the Tech Theatre Company’s first two shows of the season. Auditions are at 7 p.m. in the McArdle Theatre in the Walker Building.

“Silent Sky” by Lauren Gunderson— Roles for one man and four women.

“The Resistable Rise of Aurture Ui.”— Roles for three or more women and 19 or more men.

No preparation or monologues are required to audition. For specific information on each play check out the original Tech Today story.

Theatre Auditions Next Week

VPA_AuditionsMichigan Tech Theatre Company will hold auditions next week for two show to be performed in the Fall Semester.

Auditions for both plays will take place at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Aug. 31 and Thursday Sept. 1, in the McArdle Theatre, second floor of the Walker Building. Call backs will be held as needed.

Silent Sky by Lauren Gunderson:

Both Science and fiction, “Silent Sky” blends the discovery of how to measure the universe with the essence of the discover’s life story. Set against the turmoil of the cry for social justice at the beginning of the 20th century, the chronicle of Henrietta Leavitt counterpoints the power of a passion for work with the desire for love and family. Five parts – four women and one man.

Six Performances, October 13-15 and 20-22. Rehearsals will take place Sunday through Friday evenings. All actors will not be required at all rehearsals. No preparation is required for auditions which will include games and reading from the script.

The Resistable Rise of Arturo Ui” by Bertolt Brecht.

This dark comedy, set in ’30s Chicago, tells the story of a strongman’s rise to the head of the Cauliflower Turst that has many parallels around the world today.

Written as a parable about Hitler’s rise to power, the story applies to any situation in which a charismatic leader exploits the economic fears of the little guy to seize more and more power.

There’s jazz, gun-molls, shady backroom deals and lots of dark laughs.

There are parts for three or more women (up to six possible) and 19 or more men (up to 30 possible … one singing part—baritone preferred). There are also two gender-irrelevant roles.

No monologues required for audition, just come ready to read and dressed for movement. No previous experience required. There will be three performances Nov. 10-12.

Read more at Tech Today, by Visual and Performing Arts

Rozsa Calendars for 2016-17 Season Now Available

The Rozsa Calendars are here. Once again this year there are both full-size wall calendars and the handy pocket/desk calendars that fit neatly in purses, pockets and of course by your phone on your desk.

Pick up one of each or even both at the Rozsa Center or any of the more than 120 local businesses who display and distribute them each year.

Featured this year are eight Rozsa Presenting Series events, more than 27 Visual and Performing Arts events including music, theater and visual arts events and the ever-popular 41 North Film festival.

Season Ticket Packages went on sale Monday with the best discounts available on all the season has to offer. From BreakSk8, to two nights of Russian National Ballet, to Cirque Mechanics: Pedal Punk to “West Side Story,” so many great shows at the Rozsa and all available to you at 20 to 40 percent off single ticket prices if you buy early.

Season tickets are available for a limited time only, so find out more today. Not interested in a Season Ticket Package? Single ticket sales begin Sept. 1.

For more information or to purchase tickets, contact Michigan Tech Ticketing Services at the Central Ticket Office 7- 2073, or go online.

To make it easier for Michigan Tech faculty and staff to get your copies of the calendars, you can request a calendar be delivered directly to your campus mailbox. Click on this link and fill out the google form. We will gladly send a calendar to you via campus mail.

Read more at Tech Today, by Bethany Jones

Rozsa 2016-2017 Season Ticket Packages on sale August 1

What happens when you combine breakdancing with roller skates, circus with bicycle mechanics, culture-clash with dancing and singing and three ballets in two nights? You get the Rozsa Visual and Performing Arts 2016/17 season.

The Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts is the home of visual and performing arts at Michigan Tech. The Rozsa Visual and Performing Arts 2016/17 season is nearly here with season ticket packages going on sale August 1, offering the best discounts available.

From BreakSk8, to two nights of Russian National Ballet, to Cirque Mechanics’ Pedal Punk, to “West Side Story,” there are so many great shows at the Rozsa available at 20 to 40 percent off single ticket prices if you buy early.

Season tickets are available for a limited time only. For more details visit or contact Bethany Jones for more information.

Sneak Peak 2016-2017 Rozsa VPA Season

We have come to the close of another arts season at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts. Thank you to everyone who joined us and made it a success.
So much was new this year from the World Without Ice climate change meditation/film/sound installation exhibit in McArdle Theatre to the cutting-edge new Project Learning Lab experimental art space in the Rozsa gallery b. From the beautiful collaboration of the Minnesota Ballet’s Nutcracker with the Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra, with new discount Family Ticket Packages that brought so many more families out to enjoy a night at the theater, to the wildly interactive adventure “Intergalactic Nemesis: Target Earth” live-action graphic novel. It was a vibrant, thoughtful and above all, enjoyable season.
We are now in the process of gearing up for the 2016-2017 Rozsa Visual and Performing Arts season and here is a taste of what we have in store.

More details and so many more events are coming soon. Hope to see you here next season.

Read more at Tech Today, by Bethany Jones

Tech Theatre Presents Shakespeare’s “The Winter’s Tale”

Winters TaleThe Tech Theatre Company presents “The Winter’s Tale” by William Shakespeare this week.

One of the Bard’s later plays, it is a comedy which also provides intense psychological drama. “The Winter’s Tale” follows the story of two kings, childhood friends Leontes and Polixenes. The plot involves jealous rages, seeming betrayals, accusations of infidelity and Leonte’s refusal to accept his wife’s child as his own. Eventually, love reunites the characters in the end and all are redeemed.

“The Winter’s Tale” will be performed at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, with a 2 p.m. Sunday Matinee at the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts.

Tickets are $15 for adults, $6 for youth and Michigan Tech Students are free with the Experience Tech Fee.

From Tech Today, by VPA.

“The Winter’s Tale” Opens Tonight

The curtain will go up tonight for the Tech Theatre Company’s latest production, “The Winter’s Tale,” in the Rozsa Center for the Performing Arts.

Curtain time is 7:30 p.m. tonigh (April 7, 2016)t, tomorrow (April 8) and Saturday (April 9) with a 2 p.m. Sunday (April 10) matinee.

Published in 1623, “The Winter’s Tale” is one of Shakespeare’s later plays. Considered a comedy, it is also sometimes labeled one of the Bard’s late romances.

Providing both intense psychological drama and comedy, “The Winter’s Tale” leaves audiences with a romantic and happy ending as it follows a story of two kings who are childhood friends. There are violent storms, an insistence to abandon a child and even 16 years pass before love reunites the characters in the end and all are redeemed.

According to Director Roger Held, “The dreary English days twixt November and March are invariably cold, dark and damp. While snowfall is light, the east wind blows very cold and the wind from the south and west brings chilly rain. During the English Renaissance, the lack of central heating encouraged early bed times under multiple covers. Not-sleepy-children may have prompted the development of traditional Winter Tales … stories most often set in the long ago and far away and were cautionary tales, warning against bad behavior. The romantic writers and the Grimm brothers are descendants of this folk tradition that Shakespeare borrowed for [this] play.”

General admission is $15, youth tickets (17 and under) are $6, and Michigan Tech student tickets are free with the Experience Tech fee.

To purchase tickets, call the Central Ticket Office 7-2073, go online or visit Ticketing Operations at the SDC.

Tickets will also be available at the Rozsa box office two hours before each show.

From Tech Today, by Bethany Jones.

Nice People Dancing To Good Country Music: A Fun Romantic Comedy by Tech Theatre

Nice People Dancing to Good Country MusicWhat’s a great idea for a night out with your valentine? Join Tech Theatre as they present “Nice People Dancing to Good Country Music” in the McArdle Theatre on Thursday, February 18 – Saturday, Feb. 20 and Thursday Feb. 25 – Saturday Feb. 27. Show time is 7:30 p.m. each night.

“Nice People Dancing to Good Country Music” is a play by Lee Blessing. A fun, romantic comedy, featuring a country bar-owner, a nun with a funny way of shouting out obscenities at the wrong moment, her aunt and the hilarious, unlikely romance that unfolds. Learn more about the show and get ticket information online.

From Tech Today, by Bethany Jones.

New Assistant Professor Kent Cyr

Kent Cyr joins the Department of Visual and Performing Arts as an assistant professor. Before joining Michigan Tech, Cyr worked as the coordinator of theatre, technical director and an assistant professor at York College. Cyr received his Master’s in Technical Production from Boston University and a bachelor’s from Indiana University.

He has worked on the PRAXIS II Subject Assessment in Theatre for the Educational Testing Service. Since 1991, he has worked in the industry.

Read more at Tech Today.

Minnesota Ballet, Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra, local student dancers to perform “The Nutcracker” Dec. 4, 5 at Rozsa Center

The NutcrackerHOUGHTON — The snowflakes, the beloved Christmas music, the magical tale: Come to the Rozsa Center to experience the timeless Christmas tradition that is The Nutcracker ballet! Minnesota Ballet and Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra (with Joel Neves conducting) will present a fully-staged production, with live orchestra, of Tchaikovsky’s enchanting Nutcracker ballet at 7:30 p.m. Friday and Saturday, Dec. 4 and 5, 2015.

The performance is presented with support by Minnesota Public Radio.

Student dancers from many area schools, including Houghton, Hancock, Baraga, Lake Linden-Hubbell, C-L-K, Michigan Tech, Gogebic CC and others will take the stage to create this magical Christmas fairytale with the Minnesota Ballet and Keweenaw Symphony Orchestra. Tickets are on sale now: $25 for adults, $10 for youth.

Special for The Nutcracker performances only, a $55 “family package” includes two adults and two youth tickets. Additional youth tickets can be added on for $6 each. No charge for Michigan Tech students with a Student ID/ Experience Tech fee. Advance reserved seating is now available. Tickets may be purchased by phone at 487-2073, online, in person at the Central Ticketing Office in the Student Development Complex or at the Rozsa Box Office the evening of the performance.

From Keweenaw Now.