Study Abroad Program

Check out this information for study abroad opportunities in Mexico or Canada.

Some funding is available!!  This program wil have its final offering in Spring 2013.

Hope everyone is having a good summer.  

Apply Now – $5000 stipend – Study Abroad in Mexico or Canada !!
Final Semester open for this program:  Spring 2013

Who can apply?  All graduate and undergraduate students from any degree program at Michigan Tech
$5000?  Each accepted student will receive $5000 for travel and living expenses – $2500 will be paid up front, and $2500 will be paid upon the student’s return.
Tuition?  Students will pay their tuition at Michigan Tech, and current financial aid will work in the same way as if they were here.

Name of Program? SustR study abroad program (Sustainable Development for Rural Communities: Social, Health, Economic, and Environmental Advances)
Sponsor?  U.S. Department of Education’s Fund for the Improvement of Post Secondary Education (FIPSE), North American Mobility in Higher Education Program
Deadline to apply?   Contact Alex Mayer ( or Carol Asiala ( ASAP to get on the SustR Study Abroad priority list.
Application package must be completed by: October 15, 2012 through the Michigan Tech International Programs and Services
How do I apply?
1.    Meet with Alex Mayer ( / 487-3372 / Office: Dow 809)
2.    Submit a 1-page Statement of Purpose for participation in the SustR program (guidelines at: to Alex Mayer (
3.    Complete the Study Abroad application packet found on the International Programs and Services website:
4.    Once approved through IPS, a separate application provided by the study abroad university must also be filled out.
Participating Universities?
Universidad de Sonora
(northwest Mexico, city of Hermosillo, 170 miles south of Arizona border)

Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes
(central Mexico, city of Aguascalientes, 330 miles northwest of Puerto Vallarta)

Lakehead University
(Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, directly across Lake Superior from Michigan Tech)
Michigan Tech faculty involved in the project:
Alex Mayer (CEE)
Carol MacLennan (SS)
Blair Orr (SFRES)
For more information:
Contact Alex Mayer (  or Carol Asiala (
Project website:
Review the attached list of Frequently Asked Questions about the SustR program.

Carol J. Asiala, Assistant Research Scientist/Engineer
Dept. of Geological & Mining Engineering & Science, 601 Dow
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton, MI  49931
906/487-2033 (direct line), 906/487-2531 (main office), 906/487-3371 (fax)

2 attachments — Download all attachments  
SustR FAQs – Study Abroad to Mexico and Canada.pdf
128K   View   Download  
SustR Invitation Study Abroad to Mexico-Canada.pdf
165K   View   Download

Student Organization Information

 Student Organization Presidents and Advisors,

(Organizations in the midst of their officer transitions – please forward this email to your new officers)

Please see the attached memos regarding the 2012/2013 GPA requirements for officers, and student organization transition information that was distributed to all organization mailboxes earlier this week.  Questions about these memos can be directed to, or 906-487-2402.

Secondly, here is a heads-up for two major student organization recruitment events that happen each Fall – K-Day and F’All Nighter – and a new community-wide event sponsored by the Memorial Union Board.

F’all Nighter is an orientation week event sponsored by Alpha Phi Omega, a service organization at Michigan Tech, and is designed to introduce first-year students to organizations on campus.  F’All Nighter will be held on Saturday, September 1, 2012 (time TBD) at the SDC and again, organizations set up engaging activities to showcase their organization.  The contact for F’All Nighter is Lydia Brame at

Keweenaw Day, or K-Day, a longstanding tradition at Michigan Tech sponsored by the InterFraternity Council, will be held on Friday, September 7, 2012 from noon to 4:00 pm at McLain State Park.  Organizations can set up booths to showcase their organization.  Every year at K-Day, there is food, music, and other fun activities.  2012 plans include live band karaoke, water slides and a climbing wall.  Questions about K-Day can be directed to Student Activities at, or call 906-487-1963.

Registration is currently open for both events:
For F’All Nighter, go to
For K-Day, go to

New for 2012, the Memorial Union Board is hosting a community-wide event on Saturday, September 8, 2012 (the day after K-Day) and is asking you to “save the date.”  They are inviting student organizations to set up their booths from 3:00 – 8:00 pm at the Chutes and Ladders Park in Houghton.  Bring yard games, activities, and more to engage community members and showcase what the University has to offer.  Since this event is community-wide, the MUB Board is expecting upwards of 8,000 people to attend!  Information about this event can be directed to David Shull at

If you have any questions, or need any assistance regarding your organization transitioning into the new academic year, feel free to contact Mary Wilcox at 906-487-2402 or
Maryann Wilcox
Coordinator of Student Activities for
Registered Student Organizations
Memorial Union Building 106